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The Blonde Speaks


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Who is she talking about? I don't know anyone like the supposed "ingrates" she is talking about. Who is her speech targeted to? I'm so confused...

All I really heard was "our group our group our group our group our group"...

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I couldn't really listen to more than a minute because she really is a Dumb Blonde. She never states who she is, I am presuming she thinks she is the majority. She has no real points beyond referring to the ingrates with profanity which only shows her intellect is so low, she can't really formulate coherent statements. :rolleyes:
The majority of people I know are able to discuss people they disagree with without denigrating them with foul language. There are so many more fun ways to do denigrate someone, if one so chooses, like using words they don't know. :dunce:

Interesting site though. :getaclue: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :crazy: I do think that her I.Q probably equals... :plankton:

The above sentence illustrates a fun way to denigrate someone.

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[quote name='notardillacid' post='1468676' date='Feb 25 2008, 03:07 PM']Plankton is a mad genius. Don't knock him.[/quote]

My bad. I am sorry plankton, I meant to say, dung beetle.

Edited by Deb
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After watching several of her videos, I have come to some conclusions.

She is smart, even if she goes about making her points in a totally rude and uncharitable way, she still has some good ones.

She is no where NEAR as hateful or offensive as Ann Coulter, and makes far more sense.

I truly think if she presented her ideas in a more approachable manner... most people would agree with them. However, she'd have to lose the name-calling and the obvious bias before that is ever gonna happen.

Truthfully? I like her. I think if you peeled away all the "i'm so tough" hooplah, she'd be cool to hang out with.

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