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Abortion In Third Trimester


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i have been debating online some prochoice groups and people.
i have been arguing against most third trimest abortions. i stated that doe v bolton made so far open what constititutes health that discomfort from the mother would likely allow a third trimester abortion. i didn't realize at the time because of my anger, but i didn't have much fact to back that up. they've been giving me lots of interesting stats etc. that 3rd trimester abortions really are rare and for mother's health.

does anyone know of any contra fact andor arguments?

i'd always clung to third trimester for political purposes to given prochoice candidates a lot of credit. now, i don't think it oculd give them as much credit. sure, 80% of the populace is gainst late term, but they make exceptions for the health of the mother and fetal abnormalities. so, third trimester restirctuion support isn't there. half hte population is for early abortion, so effectively no support is there either.

i'm finding less reason to think i have ot vote prolife. even as catholics, it's the number one issue, but it's not the only issue.... so it seems if nothing will change for hte most part, voting for but despite a prochoice person wouldn't be so bad.


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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1467283' date='Feb 22 2008, 02:29 PM']i have been debating online some prochoice groups and people.
i have been arguing against most third trimest abortions. i stated that doe v bolton made so far open what constititutes health that discomfort from the mother would likely allow a third trimester abortion. i didn't realize at the time because of my anger, but i didn't have much fact to back that up. they've been giving me lots of interesting stats etc. that 3rd trimester abortions really are rare and for mother's health.

does anyone know of any contra fact andor arguments?

i'd always clung to third trimester for political purposes to given prochoice candidates a lot of credit. now, i don't think it oculd give them as much credit. sure, 80% of the populace is gainst late term, but they make exceptions for the health of the mother and fetal abnormalities. so, third trimester restirctuion support isn't there. half hte population is for early abortion, so effectively no support is there either.

i'm finding less reason to think i have ot vote prolife. even as catholics, it's the number one issue, but it's not the only issue.... so it seems if nothing will change for hte most part, voting for but despite a prochoice person wouldn't be so bad.

Babies born in the third trimester can survive outside the womb unless their mums choose to murder them.
So you think because your single vote doesn't change the whole system its ok to vote for slice and dice prodeath candidates?
For shame. The most dangerous place in America ia a mother's womb.

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do you have any links for that? i think intuitiively i suppose you'd seem right, cause it seems the health of hte mother wouldn't be at risk by having the baby or caesarian. but those links say that the mother's health is at risk... are those doctors in that link wrong or misleading people or?

i wouldn't vote for slice and dice candidates if my vote was going to be ineffective. that's leading the nation astray for pointless ideology... making a statement isn't worth that. it'd be far better to organize a militia and fight against this, it'dbe more likely to have good effects, a civil war if you will. (no one's given any compelling reasons why we don't have miliita's on this)
but, if you can show compellining links etc what i asked in my first paragraph, i would happily change back to my default position of being angry and giving much creit to prolife candidates because of third trimetser abortios.

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Archaeology cat

According to babycentre.co.uk, starting at 23 weeks the baby is potentially viable if born at that point (it says 16% chance of survival at that point). At 24 weeks there's a 44% chance, and it only goes up from there. The 3rd trimester starts at 28 weeks. So maybe that gives you an idea. :)

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I am that mom whose life is at risk carrying to term. I have had several miscarriages, and with the last one, I went off the meds that keep me alive trying to give the baby every chance to make it to 23+ weeks. I almost died, and the baby did. If the mother's life is in danger, and you're in the 3rd trimester, an abortion is just as dangerous as a caesarian. They are justifying killing a child that is unwanted, probably because it has some kind of defect.

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I don't understand why people think 3rd term abortions are worse than 2nd term abortions. What's the difference between a 3rd term baby and a baby one day younger than a 3rd term baby? What changes? I don't get it.

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[quote name='dUSt' post='1469045' date='Feb 25 2008, 11:37 PM']I don't understand why people think 3rd term abortions are worse than 2nd term abortions. What's the difference between a 3rd term baby and a baby one day younger than a 3rd term baby? What changes? I don't get it.[/quote]

There isn't a difference, except for a day. It's just an arbitrary line to draw.

I have a friend who was born at 3 and a half months premature. He's awesome.

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The justification for abortion in America, is much like the justification of slavery was in America. Both justify the means by taking the personhood of persons. Abortion is always murder, to allow babies in the Third Trimester to live but not the ones before that, would be much like allowing light skinned blacks to go free but not darker skinned ones.

Fetus is even often used much like the "N" word, in that its use is to completely disregard the humanity of the child.

Ah, we can not forget as well the founder of Planned Parenthood hated blacks and wanted be rid of them. While I can not recall the math more babies from minorities die from abortion than do whites on average.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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