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Poor Clare Colettines, Cleveland, Oh

Laudem Gloriae

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Laudem Gloriae

I have visited the Poor Clare Colettines in Cleveland, OH, twice and have been writing them for the past 4 yrs or so and still am is most beloved order to me where I am discerning between this and another. Their yr old or so website is [url="http://www.poorclarecolettines-cleveland.org/"]http://www.poorclarecolettines-cleveland.org/[/url] .

At this link, [url="http://cmykstudios.com/poorclares/index.htm"]http://cmykstudios.com/poorclares/index.htm[/url] , are 40 or so pictures of these Cleveland PCCs that were taken years ago by a professional photographer for a website back then - but wasn't done.

This is the first monastery of PCCs in the US and they are very traditional and follow strictly the rule written by St. Clare and reformed by St. Colette of Corbie. They go barefoot (except in the garden/outside), have perpetual fast and abstinence, get up at midnight for the Office of Readings and have perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament day and night and exposed in their public chapel after the morning mass til 6-7 pm in the evening.

They are the most joyful, holy, peaceful, warm and loving group of sisters. Their website has more info on them. One of their sisters, who was Abbess once, Sr. Mary St. Paul, PCC wrote a wonderful, beautiful book on St. Clare called "Clothed with Gladness" - which I have and out of all the books I have on St. Clare, this is very special and well written. It is available at Amazon at this link: [url="http://www.amazon.com/Clothed-Gladness-Story-St-Clare/dp/0879732857/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1203582300&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.com/Clothed-Gladness-Sto...2300&sr=1-1[/url]

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  • 3 months later...

Praised be Jesus Christ! Just bumping an old thread ^_^ These Poor Clares are so beautiful!

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I remember these pictures; they aRE beautiful. They are how I first got interested in these Poor Clares! I love the one (No. 8) taken from above of a sister praying the Divine Office, possibly, or another prayer book. SUCh a pretty shot! And the pictures are all reflective of their silence and contemplation, and then there's the few at the end of a couple nuns laughing/smiling. Love that.

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I love these pictures...when I yearn to be with the Poor Clares, I look at these pictures and they give me comfort.

I have not discerned with the Cleveland Poor Clares, but with the Rockford Poor Clares and I can say that they are truly joyful sisters. I look forward to the day that I will enter.

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Laudem Gloriae

Yes, they are the extern sisters. When I visited them twice, they were so sweet and kind! On my first visit, I stayed in a hotel that was 4 miles from them. Mother Abbess, the Novice Mistress and I talked so long one evening I missed the little shuttle bus to my hotel so one of the externs drove me home. As she learned that my hotel only served Brunch, she stopped at a Wendy's drive-thru and bought me a Mandarin Orange salad! She said she didn't want me to be hungry all night til the next morning - it was about 6:15 pm and the externs had given me lunch back at 12:30 pm!

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The Poor Clares are beautiful. Their life is so much inspiring and even the photos are inspiring. Just hearing and seeing how they live their life, you feel that you want to serve the Lord like them.

God bless!

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Laudem Gloriae

While looking at the "Extern" thread posts, I found this link that Margaret Clare posted in 2007 - [url="http://www.cardinalseansblog.org/?m=200706"]http://www.cardinalseansblog.org/?m=200706[/url] on the PCCs of Cleveland and their externs. I had a flood of wonderful memories come to mind when I saw that first picture of the PCC nuns all siting at the parlor grate! I too sat on the visitor side and talked to Mother Abbess, the Novice Mistress and the Council for hours a day for the 2 visits a week each that I made!

And the 3rd picture down is of 2 of their externs, Sr. Therese (they pronounce her name "Ta-reece") on the right who bought me that salad and Sr. St. John on the left who would let me walk thru the private extern quarters (no public allowed) to get to their chapel because of the extreme cold weather - the last time I visited, it was November - which is a real cold month for Cleveland!

Thank you Margaret Clare for posting this link! I hadn't seen it before.

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