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Vagina Monologues. Warning-adult Discussion


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What are your thoughts?


I would really like to know what other people know of it.

I saw them yesterday and I will post my opinion of them after a bit.

Edited by rachael
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I read it. Saying words for shock value does not impress me. My body is a wonderous creation of God, and I didn't feminists to point that out.
They do point out a horrendous truth: 3 women a day in this country die due to violence.

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I'm told that there is a lot more to the show than its controversial points.

I'll take their word for it. However, the morally reprehensible points of the show overshadow the whole thing, and rightfully so.

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When I was in journalism school I did a story on a campus production, which of course required me to attend.

If screaming the c word at the top of your lungs does make you feel all warm and snugly and empowered, it is not your cup of tea.

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[quote name='Maggie' post='1464008' date='Feb 16 2008, 03:35 PM']When I was in journalism school I did a story on a campus production, which of course required me to attend.

If screaming the c word at the top of your lungs does make you feel all warm and snugly and empowered, it is not your cup of tea.[/quote]
Yeah, I only got halfway through the script before I finally accepted that these people had nothing to say, except that they were obsessed with their vaginas.

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1464088' date='Feb 16 2008, 06:45 AM']The politically correct term is now "Vah-jay-jay"[/quote]
Catholics are not politically correct.
I remember when one of my sons was little and learned the proper names to body parts. One day in the checkout line at Giant Eagle he asked the lady [ who had short hair] if she had a penis or a vagina. She replied she had a vagina and she was a girl. As I picked myself off the floor she told me not to be upset she had kids.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1464176' date='Feb 16 2008, 11:09 AM']Catholics are not politically correct.[/quote] ah. touche.

[quote]I remember when one of my sons was little and learned the proper names to body parts. One day in the checkout line at Giant Eagle he asked the lady [ who had short hair] if she had a penis or a vagina. She replied she had a vagina and she was a girl. As I picked myself off the floor she told me not to be upset she had kids.[/quote] :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll:


So's anyways. On the subject. I've never seen this and I don't intend to. When it was new, I saw clips of it on tv news stations. It screamed "femi-nazi" even then.

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[quote]Isn't it interesting how people get all upset about violence against women and rape but they advocate abortion? Abortion is one of the worst violations against a woman next to rape. The c word shows complete disrespect to a woman's dignity and her body and subliminally encourages society to abuse and objectify women. More often than not, showing so much attention to that part of a woman makes her believe that that's all that she is, a 'vagina'. Hello! A woman with feelings, dignity and a conscience comes with it! People are so obsessed with that part of a woman because it means sex and everyone loves sex right? No one is interested in the pro creative abilities in a person, that is why there is contraception. How about focusing on the womb instead? What a beautiful part of a woman's body! Completely hidden and precious and the first tabernacle!

I dunno, I guess I feel pretty passionate about these things but I think everyone, men included, should take a stand for women and their dignity.[/quote]
I concur with L_D wholeheartedly.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='1464074' date='Feb 16 2008, 04:29 AM']lesbian recruitment propaganda[/quote]

Edited by rachael
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[quote name='rachael' post='1464760' date='Feb 17 2008, 04:27 PM']:rolleyes:
Oh? I watched [i]The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could[/i] on youtube for research purposes. Apparently the word "coochie" means vagina and "snorcher" refers to lesbian oral sex. The original skit involved the lesbian molestation of a 13 year old girl by an adult woman and the skit presents this event as something positive and even "healing."
Then there is the monologue called [i]The Woman Who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy[/i] about a lesbian dominatrix who loves "giving women pleasure" which culminates in the "triple orgasm" performance.

I'm not the only one who thinks so either. The view of such feminists as Betty Dodson and Wendy McElroy is that the monologues represent "a blast of hatred at men and heterosexuality." (See salon.com interview; zetetics.com interview and ifeminists.net)

Want to know what is ridiculous? - the "V" monologues. I hope this show isn't your idea of appropriate entertainment.

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1. I can't justify subjecting myself to such trashy "entertainment."
2. I've seen enough to know that it is twisted and I'm certainly not going to subject myself to more tacky filth just to earn the right to discuss it with you.
3. It is boring anyway.
4. I don't need to see the whole thing to speak about it. There are plenty of things that I have not seen at all but I know they are messed up. I've never seen Brokeback Mountain but I still feel justified in saying that it is dumb. I can safely say that Cold Mountain is a messed up movie because of the graphic sex scenes. It might be an otherwise good movie that was ruined by smut but it is still not something I could not subject myself to without sinning. In fact I regret watching any of the 'V' monologues because it was totally unnecessary; I could have merely read about it and realized that it is filth that should not be pushed on young people in schools around the country. Now why exactly are you defending this show?

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