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They Sent Me Back


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Hello pham. I've been sick with ulcerative colitis, so the Sisters dropped me off at my parents house last Thursday. Please pray for me, because I'm really scared. I've never suffered so much. physically or emotionally before. Last Wednesday I was a novice, wearing a full habit, fully expecting to live the rest of my life in the convent. I had Sisters and a confessor and a spiritual director, etc. And now I'm just so alone. I'm trying to keep it together and be a grown up about this, but I don't know what I'm gonna do. Pray for me. I don't think its prudent to sob on any of y'alls shoulders in public, but if someone willing to listen wanted to mail me that might really help.

Love and Prayers.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' post='1459137' date='Feb 11 2008, 10:54 AM']Hello pham. I've been sick with ulcerative colitis, so the Sisters dropped me off at my parents house last Thursday. Please pray for me, because I'm really scared. I've never suffered so much. physically or emotionally before. Last Wednesday I was a novice, wearing a full habit, fully expecting to live the rest of my life in the convent. I had Sisters and a confessor and a spiritual director, etc. And now I'm just so alone. I'm trying to keep it together and be a grown up about this, but I don't know what I'm gonna do. Pray for me. I don't think its prudent to sob on any of y'alls shoulders in public, but if someone willing to listen wanted to mail me that might really help.

Love and Prayers.[/quote]

Oh...my poor but empathy prayers for you!

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Of course I will mail you! E-mail or snail mail or messages through Phatmass...

Just say the word and you can cry on my shoulder anytime!!

I can't imagine how you must feel.... prayers for you, and let me know if you want to take me up on that pen-pal thing.


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Birgitta Noel

Oh dear, hang in there. Being sick is no fun at all. I spent two days in the hospital and determined that I am not a "good" patient. Then again, not many people are.

One day at a time.


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By His Grace Alone

I am so sorry this has happened to you! That said, frankly I am at a loss to understand why they sent you home! I am also horrified by what, on the surface at least, appears to be their lack of compassion and callousness. Whatever happened to seeing Our Lord Jesus Christ in those around us who suffer? I am certain that I will catch a lot of flack for what I am going to say next, but I must say it.....their actions and how they treated you are deplorable and un-Christian. Ulcerative colitis can be helped by multiple therapies, sometimes helped enormously by a change in diet. I am sure that God will take care of you. Trust in that.

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[quote name='By His Grace Alone' post='1459892' date='Feb 12 2008, 01:56 PM']I am so sorry this has happened to you! That said, frankly I am at a loss to understand why they sent you home! I am also horrified by what, on the surface at least, appears to be their lack of compassion and callousness. Whatever happened to seeing Our Lord Jesus Christ in those around us who suffer? I am certain that I will catch a lot of flack for what I am going to say next, but I must say it.....their actions and how they treated you are deplorable and un-Christian. Ulcerative colitis can be helped by multiple therapies, sometimes helped enormously by a change in diet. I am sure that God will take care of you. Trust in that.[/quote]

Oh! You musn't think that the Sisters have done anything wrong to me. I would never want anyone to think that. They looked after me so well. I have been sick for so long, since November 2006. The doctor has tried so many things, and it hasn't gotten better ... so they thought maybe I could get better if I wasn't in the convent.

Good health is a sign of a vocation, and I haven't got it right now. Jesus is asking me to suffer this. The Sisters, in asking me to leave, have shown me that this is what He wants for me at this time.

I could not bear for anyone to think badly of the Sisters. I love them.

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By His Grace Alone

[quote name='Lilllabettt' post='1459910' date='Feb 12 2008, 02:07 PM']Oh! You musn't think that the Sisters have done anything wrong to me. I would never want anyone to think that. They looked after me so well. I have been sick for so long, since November 2006. The doctor has tried so many things, and it hasn't gotten better ... so they thought maybe I could get better if I wasn't in the convent.

Good health is a sign of a vocation, and I haven't got it right now. Jesus is asking me to suffer this. The Sisters, in asking me to leave, have shown me that this is what He wants for me at this time.

I could not bear for anyone to think badly of the Sisters. I love them.[/quote]

Then I stand corrected. Perception is everything, and the impression I got was different, apparently, from what you meant. It is not that I think badly of the Sisters, but I do take exception to their order and every other US order who promote the idea that unless you are under 35 and in perfect health, you do not have a religious vocation. It is a rediculous and self-serving position, and very American. A lack of good health is not a sign of a lack of a vocation unless the physical illness is caused by a psychological difficulty. That is a much more complex discussion which I will not approach here. We are human. We get sick, some of us more than others. We serve within our own capabilities. It is absolutely absurd to promote the notion that illness and physical handicaps are a sign that a person does not have a vocation to religious life. God gives us all the Graces we need to persevere. As ulcerative colitis is not a psychologically induced illness, you are no better off at home. If your being home from you Sisters in the convent leads to depression as a result, then you will, in fact, be much worse off.

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"By His Grace," yes bad health is a sign of the absence of a vocation. Please understand that the Sisters (as in any community) did what they thought was best. The superior/chapter's decision is always to be received as the will of God.

Don't think "what if" or place blame where it doesn't need to be.

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By His Grace Alone

[quote name='brendan1104' post='1460052' date='Feb 12 2008, 04:19 PM']"By His Grace," yes bad health is a sign of the absence of a vocation. Please understand that the Sisters (as in any community) did what they thought was best. The superior/chapter's decision is always to be received as the will of God.

Don't think "what if" or place blame where it doesn't need to be.[/quote]

Baloney. I stand by what I said. The notion that any man or woman does not have a religious vocation just because they got sick or have a physical handicap is absoultely absurd. It is more expeditious for a Community to send them home, but it is not the will of God. What a cop-out! Consider this...........Imagine what would have happened had St. Teresa de los Andes Superiors told her to leave and go home when she got sick with Typhus. Do you think she didn't have a religious vocation because she got sick?

Edited by By His Grace Alone
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[quote name='By His Grace Alone' post='1460066' date='Feb 12 2008, 04:32 PM']Baloney. I stand by what I said. The notion that any man or woman does not have a religious vocation just because they got sick or have a physical handicap is absoultely absurd. It is more expeditious for a Community to send them home, but it is not the will of God. What a cop-out! Consider this...........Imagine what would have happened had St. Teresa de los Andes Superiors told her to leave and go home when she got sick with Typhus. Do you think she didn't have a religious vocation because she got sick?[/quote]

I think the sisters told her she could return should the ulcerative colitis got healed somehow.

I have to agree with their decision to send her home. Having to deal with UC is enough, but to try to discern yourself spiritually when you've got that cross to bear is just too much. Our nerves show up through the gut.

The saint in question getting typhus is different--that was pestilence.

I still think Lillabettt has a vocation, but right now, she is being asked to share the cross with Jesus during Lent. I would recommend she join her ejection from the convent to Jesus being deserted by His followers after Judas' betrayal.

As St. Paul of the Cross says, "See everything as coming from the hand of God, and you'll be able to handle it."


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