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Which Is The Bigger Threat


Which is the bigger threat to the institution of marriage?  

65 members have voted

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  PatrickRitaMichael said:
I think both demonstrate that society doesn't hold marriage in very high regard anymore.

sad but true.. :weep:

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I think both are a danger. However, divorce I belive will be worse. It "cheapens" the marrige and has a lasting impact on the kids that it happens to. Wedlock becomes something arbitatry and something that is not important and can be disregarded.

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Aloysius Posted on Feb 18 2004, 07:07 PM

  same sex marriage will add to the divorce rate. more ppl married, a lot of gay couples tend to be unstable ( i say alot, not all).. do the math. same sex marriage is a bigger threat, not only does it mess with the sanctity of marriage, if we count those as marriages we havta count those separations as divorces and that's gonna skyrocket the divorce rate too. it will completely demolish the country's view of marriage and begin to rip the fabric of society at the seems

It's a tough question but for the sake of the poll I would say that same sex marriage would be a bigger threat. I feel that same sex marriage would be just as susceptible to divorce as a marriage between a man and woman. Therefore I would agree with you Aloysius, it would contribute to the divorse rate.

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Ash Wednesday

This is a good question and I had a hard time picking one over the other.

What Alyosius said is very very true and a good point regarding how gay marriage would affect a secular divorce rate. In a way, divorce led to the notion of quickie marriages, Vegas marriages, which led to people saying "what makes marriage so holy that gays can't partake in it"....

Can I also add that the contraceptive mentality of the times also is damage to marriage, and contributes to the acceptance of gay marriage? By seperating procreation and children from marriage and the marriage act, more and more people say, "hey we don't need to have any kids" and that opened the door to making gay marriages acceptable.

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Same-sex marriage attempts to re-define marriage itself. THis is different than divorce which can be seen as a failure of an individual marriage. Failure of marriages are nothing new, redefining it is.

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  cmotherofpirl said:
Same-sex marriage attempts to re-define marriage itself. THis is different than divorce which can be seen as a failure of an individual marriage. Failure of marriages are nothing new, redefining it is.

thank you cmom! That's what I was trying to say earlier, but you said it more clearly. :)

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  • 1 month later...

[quote name='PatrickRitaMichael' date='Feb 18 2004, 08:49 PM'] I think both demonstrate that society doesn't hold marriage in very high regard anymore. [/quote]
that i must say is a very good point..

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They are both wrong. You really cant say one affects worse than the other. Divorce destroys the One Flesh Union installed at the Sacrament of Marriage, and same sex marriages degrades the holiness of the true meaning of Marriage as a Sacrament between God and the couple.

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both horrible enemies!
ONe is a beast that takes less, but bigger bites at the core of the sacrament, and the other is a school of piranas taking little bites every day from every side...but the outcome is the same!

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the church has always seperated her marriages from civil marriages anyway, but the increasing ease of divorce has much more potential to damage Holy Matrimony (the sacrament, not the paperwork)

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='cathgirl' date='Feb 17 2004, 09:22 PM'] One thing...."It was Adam and [b]Eve[/b] , not Adam and [b]Steve[/b] ...i'm done.

(I wanted to add that to my sig but it won't let me!!! :angry: ) [/quote]
I have a friend who says that all the time. I think it's a good thing to hear; preferable to, "Gay people shouldn't get married because it's yucky." <_<

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i think it is the divorce rate because it takes something that was admittedly of God (the sacrament of Marriage) and takes the God out of it....its breaking from what was of God to something not of God.....

same sex marriage on the other hand, while sinful and i am totally against them, for the most part, the two parties maybe are not solidly rooted in faith as others, who traditionally marry, when they marry......ie its something that was originally not as "of God" as the traditional marriage and thus has no break from Him......

if this is confusing pm me or catch me on aim and ill be happy to clear it up

peace pham


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