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On John Mccain And 2008

Lil Red

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[url="http://article.nationalreview.com/print/?q=YmI2YjE1Y2QxODI1ZGI1ZGNhNmQwOThlNWVlMmlMTc="]Bill Bennett[/url]

[quote]Let’s go to their records, to the very time-period opponents of Senator McCain cite in their indictment of him.

McCain voted to defund Planned Parenthood last year, Clinton didn’t and would likely expand Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding.

McCain voted to ban partial-birth abortion, Clinton didn’t and would likely reverse the partial-birth abortion ban.

McCain voted for Roberts and Alito and made the case for them in the media, Clinton didn’t.

McCain has never voted for a tax increase, Clinton will increase taxes.

McCain will continue the Bush tax cuts, Clinton will end them.

McCain will end pork-barrel spending, Clinton supports the endowment of projects like the Woodstock Museum with taxpayer funding.

McCain will not cut and run in Iraq, Clinton will work with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid to do just that.

McCain sponsored legislation to keep the Fairness Doctrine from rearing its head again, Clinton has not and has signaled moves to revive it.

McCain supports school choice, Clinton does not.

Clinton will mandate health insurance, McCain will not.

McCain voted to convict Bill Clinton on impeachment, Clinton was a witting accomplice in President Bill Clinton’s scandals.

McCain has an ACU (American Conservative Union) rating of 82.3; Clinton has a rating of 9.

McCain has 0-percent rating from NARAL; Clinton has 100 percent.[/quote]

[quote]As for those who have taken to labeling Senator McCain a liberal, we reject that.

Senator McCain may have some liberal positions, but he is not a liberal. He is a conservative with some liberal positions. But on life, taxes, and national defense, his record is, in fact, very strong.[/quote]

read the whole thing :)

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I'm mostly tired of people acting as if immigration and conservative fiscal policy are non-negotiables.

I think voting for McCain in the primary is a mistake. Voting for Hilary or Obama in the general would be a far bigger mistake.

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• McCain’s lifetime rating from the ACU is high, because McCain towed the conservative party line as long as Reagan’s leadership kept it popular. His rating from the ACU in the past decade or so has been very very poor.
• McCain supports embryonic stem-cell research.
• McCain voices support for Roe v Wade as long as he is not a candidate for president.
• McCain sought to be (pro-choice Catholic) John Kerry’s running mate in 2004.
• The most liberal legislation to go through congress bear McCain’s name, and he will appoint justices to the bench that agree with McCain on the legislation that he sponsored—including legislation banning pro-life organizations from actively supporting pro-life candidates. As the Republicans for Life pointed out in their endorsement of McCain, pro-life issues are not high on McCain’s agenda.
• McCain is strong on national defense by defending every part of the world except our own national borders, much like President Bush.

Bennett will support McCain because McCain is the last Republican standing. It’s down to simple “our candidate must stop their candidate” for party unity. Many many conservatives simply cannot go along with that anymore while the Republican Party repeatedly shifts to the left and the Democrat Party shifts further to the left. They are dragging the U.S. down the road of socialism.

No way.

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then what the heck do you suggest??? huh?? if it comes down to Clinton vs. McCain or Obama vs. McCain, i'm not voting for either of those baby-killers. and i'm not NOT voting.

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1457204' date='Feb 7 2008, 07:39 PM']then what the heck do you suggest??? huh?? if it comes down to Clinton vs. McCain or Obama vs. McCain, i'm not voting for either of those baby-killers. and i'm not NOT voting.[/quote]

I, too, will not be voting for either of them.

What is happening is wrong. I also saw that [url="http://www.politico.com/blogs/anneschroeder/0208/CPAC_to_all_CPACers_Dont_boo_McCain.html"]the NCU was specifically directed not to "boo"[/url] when McCain addressed them. Sad.

I will be voting 3rd party. I am sure that a lot of voters will be following Dr. Dobson's lead and voting for no presidential candidate.

Edited by Lounge Daddy
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You may need a pair of these this come November, Red. :)


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I don't know. Unless a pro-life third party candidate has a legitimate chance of winning, my conscience would only let me vote McCain. There's so much at stake with the possibility of the next president to appoint several supreme court judges. Too many baby's lives at stake to be making a statement.

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I dont know what I'm going to do.... [b]I'm having a crisis[/b], I dont trust Mccain and I can not honestly say he would be different in the end than Hilary, she would be open and honest, but he'd say one thing and do another. I believe the chance is very high based on his record if the Democratically controlled Congress wanted to push threw a pro-abort law(s), Mccain would preach "Let's make a deal" and give'em what they want.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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I'll admit that it would be a tough call between McCain and third party. But I think McCain's alleged liberalism is being blown slightly out of proportion. I'm sure the liberalism is there, but I think there is reason to hope that 4-8 years under McCain would be not so bad.

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Imagine if you were courting with your fiancée, and she wishes to be chaste with you until marriage.

One of your close friends one day pull you aside and show you something. The girl who has your heart has been cheating on you. Not only that, but she is an internet porn actress; really gross, disturbing stuff too.

The church, banquet hall, dresses, tux rentals, etc. have all been arranged. Family and in-laws have been notified, and plane tickets have been purchased. The wedding is in nine months. How do you react? What does she do to regain your trust? Can you trust her ever, ever again?

This is the feelings of many conservatives toward the GOP right now. Please understand...

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