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I have just recently taken the psycological exam in Alma Michigan, and I have to say that it wasn't as dreadful as some told me it was going to be. I had to take about five written test, and three computer test, and it was all day. The written test were the same questions over and over, but asked differently. There were: fill in the blanks such as," I think religious life is_________," or "Clowns make me ________." Questions that tend to make you think. They also made me draw houses, trees, a picture of myself, and someone of the opposite sex. There were questions about your family, health, friends,yes and no, multipule choice, and etc. [/size]

The thing that I was most worried about was the interview I had with the doctor after the results were done, but she was very kind. It was the easiest for me I would have to say. Afterwards she told me that she would give her blessing for my entrance, and that I wasn't crazy :)) !!

I do encourage that someone does go with you so you can sleep on the way home. Its very tiring afterwards, but its well worth it.

Your in my prayers,


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[quote name='Necole' post='1461033' date='Feb 13 2008, 11:33 AM'][size=2]Hello!!

I have just recently taken the psycological exam in Alma Michigan, and I have to say that it wasn't as dreadful as some told me it was going to be. I had to take about five written test, and three computer test, and it was all day. The written test were the same questions over and over, but asked differently. There were: fill in the blanks such as," I think religious life is_________," or "Clowns make me ________." Questions that tend to make you think. They also made me draw houses, trees, a picture of myself, and someone of the opposite sex. There were questions about your family, health, friends,yes and no, multipule choice, and etc. [/size][/quote]

sounds fun! do they give you crayons?

I think religious life is_________beautiful.
Clowns make me ________nervous.

i'd draw a farm house, an oak tree in the middle like the tree of knowledge, a stick figure of myself, and a girl in church attire with a veil!

i'm glad because Fr. Groeschel is a psychologist and is actually the main guy to administer and evaluate the tests for his order, along with the panel of founders of the CFR's. it's cool knowing that i can always ask him at any time later for advice. i think spirituality from the modern psychology perspective is great. what better way to discern and get to know yourself in this day and age..

"show me a sane man and i will cure him." -Carl Jung, founder of modern psychiatry.

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Saint Therese

It could be a lot worse. Someone told me prospective female candidates were, at one time, examined to make sure they were really virgins.

Edited by Saint Therese
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[quote name='Saint Therese' post='1461118' date='Feb 13 2008, 01:07 PM']It could be a lot worse. Someone told me prospective female candidates were, at one time, examined to make sure they were really virgins.[/quote]

now they just take your word for it? :topsy:

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fides quarens intellectum

i found that the tests were not as scary as we all thought they would be. draw a picture, describe a scene, tell me what these blots look like. nothing to worry about - just be yourself.

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[quote name='johnnydigit' post='1461309' date='Feb 13 2008, 07:51 PM']now they just take your word for it? :topsy:[/quote]

It is a vow of chastity. We vow to live a chaste life. Part of the psychological testing is you're ability to live this in a mature healthy way. Your past relationships will of course be a part of your ability to do this. So yes, I guess they 'just take your word' as to whether you're a virgin or not. That yes or no is far less meaningful then the yes or no future ability to live a happy healthy chaste life.

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I'm sorry to tell you that I don't think you get crayons, or at least I didn't get any which would have made the experience more fun!! I do remember that they asked if I've ever been sexual involved, but it didn't go any futher than that. I think they really just take your word on the questins they ask you in hopes that your being honest.


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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='Saint Therese' post='1461118' date='Feb 13 2008, 04:07 PM']It could be a lot worse. Someone told me prospective female candidates were, at one time, examined to make sure they were really virgins.[/quote]

Never heard that in my life!!! One doesn't have to be a physical virgin to enter religious life but one has to have been living chastely for some time.

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I just went for my psych test today and I don't get the feedback for about a month, but I didn't think it was bad at all. It was actually kind of interesting. Prayers!

God Bless, Tracey

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