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National Taxpayers' Union: Ron Paul


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[quote]National Taxpayers Union: Only Ron Paul Would Cut Spending

NTU Report: Other Republicans would increase spending by billions

According to a report released Tuesday by the National Taxpayers Union, Texas Congressman Ron Paul is the only remaining presidential candidate who proposes net spending cuts.

According to the report, Congressman Paul’s proposals would cut government spending by over $150 billion, a conservative estimate of the spending reductions Dr. Paul has proposed. The report concludes that the other remaining Republican candidates, Mitt Romney, John McCain and Mike Huckabee, have proposed spending increases of $19.5 billion, $6.9 billion and $54 billion respectively.

“It should come as no surprise that when you crunch the numbers Ron Paul is the only Republican who would actually shrink the size and cost of the federal government,” said Ron Paul campaign economic advisor Don Luskin. “Romney, McCain and Huckabee don’t hold a candle to Ron Paul – the only true fiscal conservative running for President.”

In ten terms in Congress, Ron Paul has never voted for a tax increase or for an unbalanced budget.

For more information, visit our Daily Dose Campaign HQ Blog[/quote]

Now, I suggest that even if you believe America would be less safe if our military were pulled out of Iraq and other places throughout the world, you must understand that America would be EVEN LESS safe if our economy collapsed, right? We can't afford any president other than Ron Paul.

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I agree with pretty much everything Paul would do as far as I can tell. I still plan on voting for him in our primary on Feb. 5, but I just don't get the feeling he has a chance. If all the people who said they agree with him either in whole or in part would vote for him then he would have a definitely good shot, but all his "supporters" seem to have come to this collective agreement that he has no shot because each individual believes no one else would vote for him.

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does anyone really think that the United States can afford a 6.9 billion dollar increase of federal government spending (John McCain)? Let alone a 19.5 billion dollar one (Mitt Romney) or a 54 billion dollar one (Mike Huckabee).

Obviously we can't afford Hillary or Obama either, but it doesn't matter if it's one of those two or one of the three republicans I just mentioned: it's setting us up for a HUGE collapse either way. And if our economy collapses, we can forget about the homeland being secure.

Why not go out on a limb and take a stand for Paul? Better to save our strong economy so that we can afford good defensive measures than continue bankrupting the country with this "always stay on offense" concept of defending ourselves and have it all collapse in on us to the point where we won't even be able to sustain our defenses economically let alone our ofence.
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I think he has a pretty good shot. I think only about half of the delagates are going to be won on Super Tuesday. Huckster is taking votes from Romney and might drop out if Romney says he'll pick Tax Hike Mike as the VP. Then it would come down to beating McCain who won't have enough money or Romney who flip flops more than a fish out of water.
Ron could do a good job of blowing McCain out of the water. He already got a good hit in during the last Fox debate and his question out the "plunge protection team." He could also bring up the Keating Five and the 100 years i Iraq statement. There's no way McCain could win moderates after that.
Romney is also easy. Flip flopping between free market capitalism and economic fascism is the most recent one. The Democrats could easilly pick him apart since Clinton/Obama flip flopped less.
The key to victory would be to bring up all their faults, then build himself up as the only one who can take anti-war Democrats and every Republican but the pro-war ones.
Ron really is the only one that can do anything about the economy. Hillary and Obama talk about cutting spending yet have all these ideas that would requite money. I'm prety sure universal healthcare would cost far more than the Iraq War. McCain/Romney talk about cutting taxes but continuing the empire. Where are they getting the money?! Huckabee wants to abolish the IRS and replace it with a fair tax. I'm pretty sure that would need some sort of IRS organization.
What it comes down to most voters is personality. I love Dr. Paul, but he's got the charisma of a potato. McCain is some sort of "war hero" so he's got people who would vote for veterans no matter what their position (but they ignore the fact Ron was in the military). Romney looks very presidential and does make people feel good; he makes them feel safe. Unfortunately, people would rather [i]feel[/i] safe than [i]be[/i] safe.
Aggressive wars and intervention will just make moderate Muslims become radicalized. There will always be radicals, but a president should make sure there's no recruitment pool. The reason the radicals hate us is because we're in Saudi Arabia and treat Israel like a 51st state. Ron Paul wants to bring all of our troops home. From Germany to the Saudi Peninsula to the Korean Peninsula and everywhere else. He wants to cut funding to all countries, including Israel. This would make more of the moderates like the US again.
Ron Paul the only one that can save the party and country. Too many people write him off since he's against aggressive wars. Too bad they can't look past that and see that he's VERY pro-life (and would give more power to [i]us[/i]), a great fighter for limited government, and fiscally conservative.
Romney would guarantee a loss for the next 8+ years and McCain is splitting the party apart. Don't look at personality. Don't hate him because he's against aggressive wars. There's more than just wars. Don't elevate it to the level of abortion---a non-negotiable issue.
Proudly voting for Ron Paul on Tuesday :D

[b]EDIT[/b] [url="http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/spendingntu.html"]Here ya go[/url]

Edited by frenchroyalist3
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I'm going to a meeting on Tuesday here in our dinky town of no population to vote for Paul supporting delegates and maybe be elected a delegate myself. Not going to make much difference being where we are, but whatever I can do. :smokey:

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