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[quote name='Stacey' post='1453932' date='Feb 1 2008, 09:25 AM']Thanks all of you, i think i will keep Stacey Brendan - though i liked the suggestion and thought about it - because it is my middle name and she is mentioned in the Mass - Anastacia. It's strange my family are not religious but i ended up with Adele -24th Dec and Stacey ( Anastacia) 25th Dec, so with my new name and St Paul I feel well provided for with close saints.
Puella, i hope the community pic brought back good memories and that if you are ever around you pop in to say hi - no expectations etc, i saw your post about vocation, told the sisters and we are praying for you to find your religious 'home' too.
We are trying to get pics on our blog - im told they've extended the space limit now, and other ways. I am getting used to my habit now and not tripping so much, also quicker at getting dressed. It is still very special to me and i hope that never wears off. Pax Sr Marie-Therese.[/quote]

Hi Sr. Marie-Therese,

it did bring back so many fun (and less fun ;)) memories of last August. Just after Christmas I plucked up the courage to write to Mother&Mother again, so I haven't completely dropped off the radar. It is just so very cool to see all of you (and in habits too!)...I really [i]really[/i] hope that Colwich blooms with vocations. You're a special bunch of ladies and richly deserve every blessing the Lord passes your way.

If I'm in the area (completely not right now - try SE Asia!) I'll drop in for Midday or the like. I might even sing along too ;)


Edited by puellapaschalis
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Hi everyone, i have no managed to join a photo album so you can see more pictures of us at [url="http://colwichnov.myphotoalbum.com"]http://colwichnov.myphotoalbum.com[/url] -i will be adding more general ones too.
I'm getting used to my habit now - no more tripping anyhow, though it still takes a while to get the veils on.
Have a wonderful, prayerful Lent too - here is a mnemonic i found years ago by
Joyce Huggett - i think it helps, Lay aside the non-essential; Enter in the fundamental;
Nurture through the sacramental; Things of worth, the transcendental,
Pax Sr Marie-Threrese.

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