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Clothing At Colwich,


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Hi everyone, this is the second time trying to put this on so here goes -
I was Clothed as a novice at Colwich Abbey, uk last Friday (25th Jan) and received my new name
of Marie-Therese. The ceremony was simple and beautiful ( details on our blog - [url="http://colwichnov.wordpress.com)"]http://colwichnov.wordpress.com)[/url] and i became so emotional that i barely got the words out - Mother Abbess
told me later that she almost joined me with the tears of joy. During the ceremony i was presented with the Rule
and a candle to symbolise Christ lighting my path and my age in religion which begins with Clothing, so in a
sense i am new born - and of course i recieved our traditional Benedictine habit with black tunic and scapular,
and white cap, fillet, wimple, under and over veils.

It is truly awesome to be wearing this habit and i feel immensely priviledged and blessed by God to be called
to and gifted with this life. It is quite weird catching sight of myself in a dark window or a mirror and i do keep
tripping over the long skirts when genuflecting and the scapular when going upstairs. We have very long, wide
sleeves ( we roll them up to eat and work) which seem to attract food - as does the scapular - and throw things like lids and cutlery around so i am having to learn new ways of doing ordinary things like eating and walking. For the first few mornings i had help putting the head wear together but now i am flying free and taking 40 minutes to get dressed! It is all very comfy though and worth waiting for !!!
There will be pictures on our blog as soon as i can work out how again when i come back down to earth.
Thanks for all your support and prayers, Sr Marie-Therese xxx

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Oh, I am so happy for you! Thank you for your card to me for my clothing day. Your description of the habit made me laugh because it is just the same for me - nearly 40 minutes to get dressed, and still learning how to cope with all the yards and yards of material!!! But oh how blessed to be in it at last! Praise God.

All the sisters here are praying for your perseverence and happiness. After all, we are neighbors!

You are in my prayers always.
Sr Teresa of Jesus
Wolverhampton Carmel

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[quote name='Stacey' post='1452786' date='Jan 30 2008, 08:34 AM']Hi Mari-Therese, of course it's a wonderful name, its inspired, Pax Sr Marie-Therese, ha ha ha[/quote]

:lol_roll: lol

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Here are some links to pictures of my dear friend Sr Marie-Therese and her community at Colwich.

[url="http://joanmarie.myphotoalbum.com/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album01&id=STA40602"]marie therese[/url]

[url="http://joanmarie.myphotoalbum.com/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album01&id=STA40613"]Marie Therese 2[/url]

[url="http://joanmarie.myphotoalbum.com/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album01&id=STA40608"]Marie Therese 3[/url]

Enjoy :)

Edited by God's love
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[quote name='God's love' post='1453454' date='Jan 31 2008, 06:28 PM']Here are some links to pictures of my dear friend Sr Marie-Therese and her community at Colwich.

[url="http://joanmarie.myphotoalbum.com/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album01&id=STA40602"]marie therese[/url]

[url="http://joanmarie.myphotoalbum.com/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album01&id=STA40613"]Marie Therese 2[/url]

[url="http://joanmarie.myphotoalbum.com/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album01&id=STA40608"]Marie Therese 3[/url]

Enjoy :)[/quote]

:) :) Thank you so much for sharing these lovely pictures of Sr Marie -Therese and her Community at Colwich. Sister looked radiant in her new habit.

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Thanks all of you, i think i will keep Stacey Brendan - though i liked the suggestion and thought about it - because it is my middle name and she is mentioned in the Mass - Anastacia. It's strange my family are not religious but i ended up with Adele -24th Dec and Stacey ( Anastacia) 25th Dec, so with my new name and St Paul I feel well provided for with close saints.
Puella, i hope the community pic brought back good memories and that if you are ever around you pop in to say hi - no expectations etc, i saw your post about vocation, told the sisters and we are praying for you to find your religious 'home' too.
We are trying to get pics on our blog - im told they've extended the space limit now, and other ways. I am getting used to my habit now and not tripping so much, also quicker at getting dressed. It is still very special to me and i hope that never wears off. Pax Sr Marie-Therese.

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

Lovely, photos! Brings back memories of my Benedictine upbringing!
May the Lord grant you perseverance!

Sr. Mary Catharine

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