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Jesus Camp

"Kyrie eleison"

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I saw it about a year ago...gave me the creeps. It left me with strong feelings against such harsh indoctrination against children.

"I was saved at 5." Heh, I was lucky to count to 20 at five years old.

The emotional appeal may work for a while, but not forever. While I wish I had youth experiences growing up to nurture my faith, it all seems like a caught in the moment thing. Like lust, it fades over time. It's just feelings...nothing real.

Of course, some of them are probably truly devoted. Good for them, I guess. Definitely not my style. I'll stick to Mass, thanks.

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the kid speaks well, but he just says generic things... like ive heard so many times in my walks with the protestants...

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so, beginning and end, it was an attack on conservatives and the republican party. It took well meaning, though misled and possibly insane, people who are somewhat fringe (pentacostals arent THAT huge), made it to represent a huge portion of the christian and amerian population, insinuated that they are all like this, then used this flawed and malicious line of reason to attack a political idea. Every single person on that video has just been used by the very things they wish to combat.

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I've seen it...a number of times. Reminds me some of what I grew up with, and had me in the shakes at points the first time I saw it. I literally had nightmares.

Just some observations:
1) The prayer over the cutout of Bush for him to elect "Righteous Judges" made me flashback to a Youth Retreat the year [u]Passion of the Christ[/u] came out on DVD. We watched PotC and Christ of course recieved a round of applause for rising from the dead. George W. Bush got a larger applause when he was in a slide show later.

2) "I got saved at 5". I was made to feel an outsider at my church for not having done this. I went forward for Baptism at 16, and yeah...everyone I had grown up with there went forward before 10. (Although most later admitted they hadn't realized what they were doing in the emotion of it all.)

3) The flopping about in tongues type thing is something I've only experienced once, not personally flopping about, and it was in the evangelical fringe in a Pentecostal church.
a) Tongues...okay, I'm not saying they're faking, but notice how different everyone's is? It fits with the whole speaking in a multitude scripture, but, just no. Notice how Becky's at least seems to have a similar syntax structure at least, the kids seem to be spewing gibberish. Basically what Mateo said...it's not really tongues, but I didn't want to just say that.
b) "Slain in the spirit", does not equal flopping around like you're having a seizure. That sort of thing is what I'd expect from the "Toronto Blessing".

4) The Chick Tract, I'm still trying to figure out which one it is. But I definitely laughed the first time, because both Missy and I and another friend we were watching with all basically exclaimed in unison "IS THAT A CHICK TRACT?"

Five Asides:
1) The weird music during the tongues scene wasn't the people who directed [u]Jesus Camp[/u]. That was the people in the room making the weird moaning music, they show the woman moaning into the microphone at one point and it completely gave me the shivers that that could come from a human mouth.

2) Emotional appeals are at the center of a lot of conversion attempts. The documentary [u]Hell House[/u] is a great example of this. I'd love a sequel of this film, just to see if the children still have their faith as teens.

3) Pastor Becky endorsed this film as a wonderful evangelism tool. The only person involved who denounced it was Ted Haggard...pre-scandal. They even remark on that with the Director commentary.

4) The Camp at Devil's Lake (what a name for a Christian camp) has since been closed due to vandalism and fear for the children's safety.

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[quote name='blovedwolfofgod' post='1453000' date='Jan 30 2008, 06:48 PM']thats terrible, i wonder if the movie had anything to do with the vandalism.[/quote]

I'd hope not, but wouldn't be surprised if someone saw the film, reacted badly, and thought to do so...

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='1453104' date='Jan 30 2008, 10:04 PM']What vandalism? I don't think I heard about that.[/quote]

I only heard about it thanks to some Pagans I know. So dug up the old link they sent me from Christianity Today:


[quote name=''the article'']The camp takes place at a rented facility in Devil's Lake, N.D., but Fischer said the owners of the campground asked her not to return after vandals caused $1,500 in damage in October.[/quote]

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[quote name='"Kyrie eleison' post='1452360' date='Jan 29 2008, 02:38 AM']Have you seen the movie? Comments? to see [url="http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-5745767401002835964"]click here[/url][/quote]
Haven't seen it yet but I have visited many forums that were discussing it. I am glad the topic is making an appearance on Phatmass, I would be very interested to hear what members thought of it.

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[quote name='carrdero' post='1453415' date='Jan 31 2008, 12:48 PM']Haven't seen it yet but I have visited many forums that were discussing it. I am glad the topic is making an appearance on Phatmass, I would be very interested to hear what members thought of it.[/quote]
I've pretty much said my thing but to sum it up I would just post the puke smiley (which I don't know how to do but I would if I knew the code to type). hehe

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote]Haven't seen it yet but I have visited many forums that were discussing it. I am glad the topic is making an appearance on Phatmass, I would be very interested to hear what members thought of it.[/quote]

I feel really sad for these kids that are being indoctrinated with the emotionalism of this movement. I really fear for them as teens and adults and do anticipate mental and or emotional breakdown in these young children who are so intensely centered on the messages that these types of preachers are ingraining in them. I wonder what the percentage of kids are being raised in this manner, especially in the bible belt.

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When I read the Bible scripture, I understood it as, that GOD gave them "Disciples" the gift of tongues, to go and spread the Gospel to the whole World and thats what they did.
Now if these "Modern cases of speaking in Tongues" is only for few minutes, and then its all gone, and they gotta get all worked up about it, to get it again, Then I think theres something wrong with what they're encountering. If thats the case they're imitating.

... imo. :)

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I've never thought to pray over chairs prior to a speaking engagement. It never occurred to me.

I enjoyed the "sin is like a fuzzy kitty that grows into a bigger fuzzy kitty" metaphor.

It stunk as a metaphor but I enjoyed it.

overall the movie scared the carp out of me

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I don't get the fuzzy kitty thing. :mellow:

Yeah, the bits I've seen are scary. Maybe I'll watch it all with some Catholic friends if we're up for a horror flick

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