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"Kyrie eleison"

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"Kyrie eleison"

Have you seen the movie? Comments? to see [url="http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-5745767401002835964"]click here[/url]

Edited by "Kyrie eleison"
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I've seen the movie but I don't have many comments. Not exactly my idea of reasonable or healthy religion but I think the video partly exists to spread stereotypes and negative vibes about religion and Christianity in particular. Kind of a trashy video in this regard. I hope that what the video presents does not actually reflect mainstream evangelical Christianity.

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"Kyrie eleison"

It was very disturbing to me and the intensity of emotions coming from these kids. The speaking in tongues, instantaneously on demand...and the being slain in the spirit as they are on the floor flaying, IMO is freaky!

Edited by "Kyrie eleison"
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"Kyrie eleison"

In watching this movie and seeing the kids speaking in tongues, has anyone ever heard a Catholic speak in tongues in the charismatic movement? I have been to my aunts' pentecostal service and have witnessed this and many falling to the ground and flaying uncontrollably, but [b]never[/b] like some of these children on Jesus camp. What are your opinions on this?

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[quote name='"Kyrie eleison' post='1452487' date='Jan 29 2008, 02:01 PM']has anyone ever heard a Catholic speak in tongues in the charismatic movement?[/quote]
Absolutely! While it would not be fair to say that this film portrays what I experienced in the Catholic charismatic movement I did have my share of flashbacks whilst watching it.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='1452362' date='Jan 29 2008, 03:04 AM']I hope that what the video presents does not actually reflect mainstream evangelical Christianity.[/quote]

As a former evangelical Christian of 20 years, I can tell you that it does not. We were members of mega evangelical churches in New Jersey, Kentucky, and Georgia. The type of "worship" displayed in Jesus Camp is definately out there, but it isn't mainstream.

Here are some good examples of mainstream evangelical churches:

The biggest, perhaps most influential in the evangelical movement - [url="http://www.willowcreek.org/"]http://www.willowcreek.org/[/url]
Purpose Driven Rick Warren's - www.saddleback.com
Growing like crazy and planting churches everywhere in Georgia - www.northpoint.org

Edited by Gal. 5:22,23
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[quote name='Gal. 5:22,23' post='1452511' date='Jan 29 2008, 02:22 PM']As a former evangelical Christian of 20 years, I can tell you that it does not. We were members of mega evangelical churches in New Jersey, Kentucky, and Georgia. The type of "worship" displayed in Jesus Camp is definately out there, but it isn't mainstream.

Here are some good examples of mainstream evangelical churches:

The biggest, perhaps most influential in the evangelical movement - [url="http://www.willowcreek.org/"]http://www.willowcreek.org/[/url]
Purpose Driven Rick Warren's - [url="http://www.willowcreek.org/"]http://www.willowcreek.org/[/url]
Growing like crazy and planting churches everywhere in Georgia - www.northpoint.org[/quote]
Thank you! I think this is an important point because I suspect part of the intent behind this movie is to discredit Christians and "evil conservatives" in general. I know the makers of the film say they aren't doing this but at the very least I'm sure other people are leveraging the movie in this way. Organized religion is evil brainwashing and fundamentalist fanaticism!

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='1452510' date='Jan 29 2008, 02:21 PM']Absolutely! While it would not be fair to say that this film portrays what I experienced in the Catholic charismatic movement I did have my share of flashbacks whilst watching it.[/quote]


So, in your opinion do you believe that these children were really filled with the SPIRIT? IMO, they are indoctrinated early on and these happenings of speaking in tongues could be a forced emotion.

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[quote name='"Kyrie eleison' post='1452521' date='Jan 29 2008, 02:31 PM']Laudate_Dominum,

So, in your opinion do you believe that these children were really filled with the SPIRIT? IMO, they are indoctrinated early on and these happenings of speaking in tongues could be a forced emotion.[/quote]
Based on what the video presents it all seems like classic brain washing and emotionalism. I find the contents of the movie to be creepy but all I was trying to say above is that this disturbing characteristics were not present (at least not in abundance) within the sphere of charismatic Catholicism that I experienced in the past. I'm not charismatic and I'm actually very skeptical and critical of the movement but this particular film is not really applicable to the Catholic movement as I experienced it, except perhaps in a most superficial and external way.
Are the children really filled with the Spirit? I don't know. I don't think that this sect is a good example of authentic Christianity and overall it is disturbing, but I don't want to assume that everything that those children are experiencing is simply the result of an overbearing and manipulative sect. One of the reasons why I find it to be so disturbing is that it involves the Christian faith. If this were a video about a radical Islamic sect it would be upsetting but probably wouldn't make me ill in the same way.

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote]Based on what the video presents it all seems like classic brain washing and emotionalism. I find the contents of the movie to be creepy but all I was trying to say above is that this disturbing characteristic were not present (at least not in abundance) within the sphere of charismatic Catholicism that I experienced in the past. I'm not charismatic and I'm actually very skeptical and critical of the movement but this particular film is not really applicable to the Catholic movement as I experienced it, except perhaps in a most superficial and external way.[/quote]

I have never experienced a Catholic speaking in tongues and was just curious. I have seen many creepy things in the evangelical movement concerning tongues so it really has freaked me out and I too am skeptical of the movement and find it may even be the work of evil.

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I've just watched bits here and there... I didn't catch any of the speaking in tongues, but it was quite disturbing just the same because all of these tiny children were being force fed emotions and so forth to call them to repent from their sins. The water bottle thing was sort of corny and cheap. Maybe I'm too used to nice vessels (and actual blessed water) from being Catholic :rolleyes:

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1452538' date='Jan 29 2008, 02:55 PM']I've just watched bits here and there... I didn't catch any of the speaking in tongues, but it was quite disturbing just the same because all of these tiny children were being force fed emotions and so forth to call them to repent from their sins. The water bottle thing was sort of corny and cheap. Maybe I'm too used to nice vessels (and actual blessed water) from being Catholic :rolleyes:[/quote]

Yeah, I noticed how young these children were and the intensity in their eyes. It is the bible belt and they are indoctrinated at a very young age and this is very normal to them as they live in this manner 24/7. I believe that many of these children will have a mental or emotional breakdown with these emotions running so intense.

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Eh I had just written a fair-sized comment, and went to post it, and my internet died! Bleh! <_<
Anyway, yeah, I could only stomach about 15 minutes of that movie. Did you watch it all Kyrie? It was disturbing. I think it was anti-evangelical though, what with the creepy music they played while they showed the kids speaking in tounges and all. Also, the lady sounded like she wanted to give Christian kids the type of training that terrorist's kids get. All brain-washed type stuff. And they made homeschoolers look bad...having the woman hammer into her son's head that evolutionists are stupid and only creationism is possible, without any reasoning, and saying 75% of homeschoolers are evangelical (meaning the kind they showed on the video, I'm sure not all evangelicals are like that!). That's the kind of stuff that makes other people leery of homeschoolers.

I've never seen someone speak in tounges before, but my aunt's best friend has had the gift of healing, and aunt said that when her friend prayed over her, she murmered in tounges, and it sounded like a real, different language, and actually helped aunt to concentrate on praying with her friend. Her friend wasn't concious of it either. I've also seen many people "slain in the spirit", my mom and sister included, and the people who are always look very peaceful and happy, not jerking around weird. They told me it was like being inveloped in love, like being held by a loving precense. So part of me wonders whether those kids are really moved with the spirit when they do stuff like that, though of course, I really wouldn't know. Still does seem weird.

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Just saw it...a few random comments:

1) I believe that the little girl in the bowling alley was handing out Chick Tracts. LOL
2) The movie's attempt to connect Sam Alito to the Evangelical movement was pretty lame.
3) The Jesus Camp's use of emotionally breaking kids down smacks of indoctrination.
4) I think it's a bit hypocritical that the movie producers would chastize the "Jesus Camp" for manipulating kids, when the movie's own background music has the potential to manipulate and exagerate the emotional reaction of viewers.
5) Modern "speaking in tongues" is pretty lame, and it has nothing to do with what St. Paul was writing about.
6) The radio announcer featured throughout had a severe lack of noodle power. By his reasoning, he believes that democracy only works when Christians and their views are excluded from the process. It just makes my head spin to follow such logic.

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