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Why Mahmoud Abbas Is The Beast Of Revelation 13.


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[b]Why Mahmoud Abbas is the Beast of Revelation 13.[/b]

The most important issue that must be resolved in discovering the meaning of
Revelation 13 is [color="red"]which people are being discussed.[/color] If the wrong people are
associated with the prophecies of Revelation 13 its answer can never be found.
The people being referred to in Revelation 13 are the Palestinians. Once this is
decided three questions have to be answered; why, how and who.

[i]Why do the Palestinian people lack the ability to buy and sell? [/i]
Due to the Hamas takeover of the Palestinian Government, Western Aid was

[i]How will the Palestinian people receive funds in order to buy and sell?[/i]
Through a program called the Temporary International Mechanism that bypasses
the Hamas controlled Palestinian Authority. This program was established on
Friday June 16, 2006.[b] This date [color="Red"]6/16/06 [/color]represents the day that one man was
allowed to administer a program that paid the salaries of his people. [/b]This is an
amazing coincidence. There are only three days in ten years that end with three
sixes; June 6, June 16, and June 26.

[i]Who will provide these salaries to the Palestinians?[/i]
Western Aid was resumed through the office of Mahmoud Abbas due to the
Temporary International Mechanism.

[i]Also, what group will be prevented from getting money because they did not
receive the mark? [/i][b][color="Red"]Hamas[/color][/b].

The mark of Mahmoud Abbas was issued in the Palestinian Presidential Election
of January 2005. To prevent double voting an indelible ink mark was applied to the
right hand of all voters. Since Hamas boycotted these elections their members
never received the mark. Revelation 13:16 states that he caused all, small and
great, rich and poor, and free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in
their foreheads. Simply by being a candidate, Mahmoud Abbas caused his
people to receive the mark. Anyone who voted, either for him, or against him, were
there because of him.

Hamas will not honor the image of Mahmoud Abbas, therefore all salaries are
being given to Fatah, the party of Mahmoud Abbas. The image is what the
Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas represents.
This image of Abbas is required by the international community to continue peace
talks with Israel. This image is three items. These are the renunciation of terror,
the honoring of all prior Palestinian agreements, and the recognition of Israel,
which can also be expressed as the acceptance of the two-state solution based
on the 1967 borders. If these ideas are not followed, honored or worshipped;
those individuals will be killed. This is happening to Hamas daily.

[i]I added the word worshipped here because that is the word used by the King James
Bible translators.It also means to honor.[/i]

So here is the sum of the matter. Mahmoud Abbas, in his name, was allowed to
pay his people through a program created on a date that ended in three sixes.
He was elected to his people by popular vote and caused his people to take a
mark. This mark was given to everyone, even those in Israeli jails, who voted.
Christians were always taught these basic principles except, I have linked the
number 666 with his name, while prior teaching had the mark as 666 engraved.

[i]Lastly, why is it important that these facts be stated? [/i]
The reason is fulfilled prophecy written centuries ago can only mean one thing. [b]
[color="Red"][i]The author of that prophecy has to be God[/i][/color].[/b] Also, it distinguishes
between a true and a false religion. These are the two most important issues in
this writing. May your faith be stronger. The blessings of God to all who
understand. WOE

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you mean


[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=62047&hl="]here[/url] and

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=51868&hl="]here in 06[/url]?

Then yes

Glen is a bit of a one trick pony.

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I have absolutely incontrovertable PROOF that Danny DeVito is, not the beast, but the Mark of the Beast.

What's my proof? When he bends over ever so slightly, [b]IT IS UNMISTAKABLE THAT HE LOOKS LIKE THE NUMBER 6[/b]. You want more? Well here is an image of him bending over which has been edited only very slightly to emphasize the CLEARLY VISIBLE "sixish"ness that he has about him:


Ready for more mind-numbing logic? Obviously the Mark of the Beast is 666. Danny Devito IS "6". So with three Danny Devitos together we will KNOW that we have found the Beast.


Repent now! Hollywood technology has made it possible to have THE SAME PERSON APPEAR MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE SAME FRAME. This is the Devil's work. All that is left is for Hollywood to do this sorcery with Danny Devito in a movie and the world will come to an end.

I swear I didn't make this up. My dad's pastor discovered this 2 weeks ago and we have been LIVING UNDERGROUND SINCE THEN TO AVOID THE APOCALYPSE.

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No, Abbas is not the beast. He will be dead soon.

No, Devito is not the beast. (He can assume too many numbers, especially the evil 0.)

The real beast is the one who has been innocently infiltrating our lives since 1952. He is already loved in many many homes and once he starts talking, many will bow to him. (Not me cuz I know better)


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[quote name='Lord Philip' post='1450815' date='Jan 25 2008, 07:30 PM']Wrong!

I have absolutely incontrovertable PROOF that Danny DeVito is, not the beast, but the Mark of the Beast.

What's my proof? When he bends over ever so slightly, [b]IT IS UNMISTAKABLE THAT HE LOOKS LIKE THE NUMBER 6[/b]. You want more? Well here is an image of him bending over which has been edited only very slightly to emphasize the CLEARLY VISIBLE "sixish"ness that he has about him:


Ready for more mind-numbing logic? Obviously the Mark of the Beast is 666. Danny Devito IS "6". So with three Danny Devitos together we will KNOW that we have found the Beast.


Repent now! Hollywood technology has made it possible to have THE SAME PERSON APPEAR MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE SAME FRAME. This is the Devil's work. All that is left is for Hollywood to do this sorcery with Danny Devito in a movie and the world will come to an end.

I swear I didn't make this up. My dad's pastor discovered this 2 weeks ago and we have been LIVING UNDERGROUND SINCE THEN TO AVOID THE APOCALYPSE.[/quote]


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So wrong because, in reality, the number is not 666, it is 616. Which proves everyone who ever used 666 as their number to foretell the future a fraud.
Now, Mr. Potato Head's nickname was always Mr. 616 because...................I will be back after this commercial message to bring you the answer.

[font="Arial"] [size=3][color="#0000ff"]Do you suffer from painful, irritating Hemorrhoids?... You are not alone. 80% of Americans suffer from Hemorrhoids. Now you can join the thousands of hemorrhoid sufferers who found immediate relief with a painless, non surgical treatment that doesn't put you out of commission, requires no anesthesia and produces immediate relief from the bleeding, itching and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids.
The Hemorrhoid Relief Center's doctors utilize new state of the art technology that will get you back to work the same day! This simple in-office procedure can start changing your life today. Don't suffer any longer...Call and schedule an appointment today![/color][/size]

I really have to get back to work so will be returning soon with the remainder of this post.


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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote name='hot stuff' post='1450770' date='Jan 25 2008, 06:59 PM']Glen is a bit of a one trick pony.[/quote]

My pony only knows one trick?

That's because there is only one correct answer.
If a general interpretation is correct the answers will present themselves.
If an interpretation is wrong there is no amount of explanation that can make
it fit. That is why there has been very little revision in all the years of my writing.
In other words, I've been searching in the right area for answers, while most of the
others have been chasing fantasies. WOE

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  • 3 months later...

In order to arrive at the conclusion in my starter post certain parables had to be
solved. Here is one of them, the beasts fatal head wound...

The fatal head wound has nothing to do with a person's head. This is a parable.
It relates back to what a head is. Revelation 17:9 defines head as a mountain.
These heads are first mentioned in Revelation 13:1. Most people stop right there
and identify Rome as a city on seven mountains, but this translation is lacking
one step to finish its meaning. Many times in the Bible the word mountain has
an alternative meaning. It can mean both a mountain range or a nation. There
are examples of this throughout the Bible. They are easy to find with a

So the key to answering the fatal head wound is knowing what head means.
Seven heads are seven mountains and the seven mountains are seven nations.
[u][b]Therefore, this beasts head is also his nation[/b].[/u] Now that I have laid the foundation
for my answer here is the answer.
In 1967, Israel fought the six day war. When it was over they had aquired
Gaza, Jerusalem and the West Bank. This land is the beasts nation or head.
It was completely occupied by Israel, therefore the beast had a fatal head
(nation) wound. During the Oslo Accords the beasts head wound was healed.
In other words, as land was being returned to the Palestinian Authority the
beasts head (nation) was being healed. michael777

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I think glenn should capitalize on his discovery and write a book before the world economy collapses as the end ensues. He better start selling that FAST if he's gonna make a buck. It's about the only way I can forsee raising the capital needed to escape the terrors of the end.

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[quote name='Veridicus' post='1555968' date='Jun 3 2008, 12:03 PM']I think glenn should capitalize on his discovery and write a book before the world economy collapses as the end ensues. He better start selling that FAST if he's gonna make a buck. It's about the only way I can forsee raising the capital needed to escape the terrors of the end.[/quote]


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