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Sister Adorers Of Royal Heart Of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest


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Dear Veritas,
My children and I just took some time to look at this gorgeous website and the photos! We stumbled through some of the French together!!!
Thank you so much for posting this! I am thrilled that you have given us all the opportunity to see such beauty in the midst of our day! I was so impressed by the way the families were included, and the after celebration looked so wonderful. What a novel way of encouraging vocations! By being gracious, warm and offering beauty! I am so glad the girls were able to have a special day "just for them" and had the opportunity to have their families present. I was especially touched by the picture of the young girls praying, while looking at the Nuns! You know Vocations were stirring in their hearts! The luncheon (as well, of course! THE CEREMONY) looked so elegant and lovely.
Does anybody know more about this community? Are they in the United States at all? Did I read correctly they are re-doing an old Dominican Monastery in Florence? What is their ministry? Spirituality? I would love to see more about this wonderful Order.
Thank you again, Veritas. Your thoughtfulness in providing the link was much appreciated by this family!

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I forgot the "Praised be Jesus Christ!" and I also forgot...."May God reward you!" I am trying, in honor of our own new little Carmelite, to keep these phrases ever present. In my excitement, I forgot. (I think the Carmelites will forgive me! As will HE!)

We have a new little one in our house, born on the Feast of the Epiphany!!! Therese Marie. (Not hard to figure out our family's spirituality, is it?!)

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Guest Perpetualove

Wow, Veritas. What a find. I hate to ask, but is this Order in full Communion with Rome?! I am hoping the answer is yes...I would LOVE to see more orders like this one! Thanks!

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[quote name='Perpetualove' post='1445724' date='Jan 14 2008, 04:17 PM']Wow, Veritas. What a find. I hate to ask, but is this Order in full Communion with Rome?! I am hoping the answer is yes...I would LOVE to see more orders like this one! Thanks![/quote]
YES, they are very much in Communion with the Apostolic See of Peter, and are affiliated with the 'Institute of Christ the King'(in the USA)..
here is the English website

Vocation Inquiries in the USA - info@institute-christ-king.org
[b]Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ
Sovereign Priest
[u]Sisters' Letter [/u](Translation)
Original in French with Images

Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ, Sovereign Priest, we are children of St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of Love. It is in his school that we desire to learn, by practice of the hidden virtues, to love and adore God in spirit and in truth, in response to the infinite and merciful Love that pours forth from the Pierced Heart of the Sovereign Priest. It is to this Heart that we are consecrated -- as our motto “In Corde Regis” (in the Heart of the King) indicates -- so that we may render glory to God and intercede most particularly for the priests of the Institute and the souls entrusted to them.

Our spirituality is at the same time Salesian and Benedictine, according to the spirit of the Institute of Christ the King, the core of which is the cult rendered to God, the summit of Adoration. The love of the Liturgy taught by St. Benedict our holy patron, which is the life of the Church and of the Institute, brings us to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, “open window to the Divinity” (St. Francis de Sales) and establishes the rhythm of our days as primary source of our spirituality.

In these beginnings we lead, in essence, a non-cloistered contemplative life. We live in a house dedicated to Our Lady of Good Deliverance, in the heights of Gricigliano, commanding a magnificent view of the entire valley of the Sieci region. A priest from the seminary comes up to our little chapel for Holy Mass every morning, and for daily Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the afternoons. Throughout the course of the day, prayer and the recitation of the Divine Office keep us likewise before God, in adoration.

Building on the foundations established by the teachings of our third patron, St. Thomas Aquinas, we also profit from time dedicated to study and formation. Through this life of adoration lived at the heart of the Church -- life of prayer, study, and manual labor -- we are ready to take on an apostolic way of life alongside the Priests of the Institute, the nature of which Providence will reveal in due course.

As with the entire Institute, the Holy Virgin Our Mother, under the title of the Immaculate Conception, is our principal patroness. Her Heart takes us along the luminous road that leads to the Royal Heart of her Divine Son to Which we desire to conform ourselves.

The Sisters

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[quote name='TradMom' post='1445700' date='Jan 14 2008, 03:30 PM']Dear Veritas,
My children and I just took some time to look at this gorgeous website and the photos! We stumbled through some of the French together!!!
Thank you so much for posting this! I am thrilled that you have given us all the opportunity to see such beauty in the midst of our day! I was so impressed by the way the families were included, and the after celebration looked so wonderful. What a novel way of encouraging vocations! By being gracious, warm and offering beauty! I am so glad the girls were able to have a special day "just for them" and had the opportunity to have their families present. I was especially touched by the picture of the young girls praying, while looking at the Nuns! You know Vocations were stirring in their hearts! The luncheon (as well, of course! THE CEREMONY) looked so elegant and lovely.
Does anybody know more about this community? Are they in the United States at all? Did I read correctly they are re-doing an old Dominican Monastery in Florence? What is their ministry? Spirituality? I would love to see more about this wonderful Order.
Thank you again, Veritas. Your thoughtfulness in providing the link was much appreciated by this family!
[b]As the community expands, it is foreseen that foundations will be made alongside the apostolates of the Institute of Christ the King, where the Sisters will support the apostolic work of our priests. Counting already with three American sisters, it is foreseeable that the Sisters will eventually make a foundation in the United States.[/b]

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[quote name='Perpetualove' post='1445724' date='Jan 14 2008, 06:17 PM']Wow, Veritas. What a find. I hate to ask, but is this Order in full Communion with Rome?! I am hoping the answer is yes...I would LOVE to see more orders like this one! Thanks![/quote]

Yep! They are in FULL communion! :)

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Guest Perpetualove

[quote name='Veritas' post='1445744' date='Jan 14 2008, 08:02 PM']Yep! They are in FULL communion! :)[/quote]

Whew! Thanks to everybody for all of the research. Not to be silly and vain and superficial, and all of that stuff we all try NOT to be...BUT...how gorgeous are those habits?!!!

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[quote name='Perpetualove' post='1445815' date='Jan 14 2008, 09:20 PM']Whew! Thanks to everybody for all of the research. Not to be silly and vain and superficial, and all of that stuff we all try NOT to be...BUT...how gorgeous are those habits?!!![/quote]


Hey, we're Catholic! (not puritans). It's okay to appreciate the Beautiful! lol. I'm with you, they are lovely -especially the tealish/blue capes.

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[quote name='TradMom' post='1445700' date='Jan 14 2008, 05:30 PM']Dear Veritas,
My children and I just took some time to look at this gorgeous website and the photos! We stumbled through some of the French together!!!
Thank you so much for posting this! I am thrilled that you have given us all the opportunity to see such beauty in the midst of our day! I was so impressed by the way the families were included, and the after celebration looked so wonderful. What a novel way of encouraging vocations! By being gracious, warm and offering beauty! I am so glad the girls were able to have a special day "just for them" and had the opportunity to have their families present. I was especially touched by the picture of the young girls praying, while looking at the Nuns! You know Vocations were stirring in their hearts! The luncheon (as well, of course! THE CEREMONY) looked so elegant and lovely.
Does anybody know more about this community? Are they in the United States at all? Did I read correctly they are re-doing an old Dominican Monastery in Florence? What is their ministry? Spirituality? I would love to see more about this wonderful Order.
Thank you again, Veritas. Your thoughtfulness in providing the link was much appreciated by this family!


Wow. Thanks :D

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