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tomarrow is day 23...

praise God. Laoch, Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here. ever this night, be at my side, to light and rule, to guard and guide. amen.

decade 2

6. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. 

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Today being Friday, is day 3. A time for rebrith, a time for lent.

If I continue to go without it, I can finally say, After I went to confession on Wednesday, that I finally can receive communion without any doubt.

Praise God, could someone help me in naming my guardian angel.

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duuuudee!! yesterday was the first confession i didn't have to confess it in like... well:since i started goin back to confession. !! :D :cool: I love God

Fr. Newell thinks i get too tense in the confessional, but i'm just so overwhelmed at the sacrament though! and of course my own sinfullness makes me ashamed.

but anyway, praise God Almighty! GLORIA in EXCELSIS DEO!!!!!

Decade 2

7. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and onthe whole world. 

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  Aloysius said:

...but i'm just so overwhelmed at the sacrament though! and of course my own sinfullness makes me ashamed.

I'm the exact same way!! I always get tears in my eyes before and after

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I tend to cry during the abuslotion and my penence. I just tink about all that Christ gave up for me and got for us in His death on the cross.

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I don't think I could ever go to a different denomination that didn't have Confession. I just feel so clean and loved afterwards. It's such a beautiful sacrament!!!!

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Rebirth flame

Confession is definitely a nice way to remove all the nasty caked up garbage on your soul. i agree w/ u cathgirl, when u said u feel so clean and loved afterwards.

it's wonderful to feel that sence of refreshment!!!! :D

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I had horrible tempations last night. I ended up sleeping on my side next to my dog to combat it physical and spritual I PRAYED a lot. LOL. I was victoius though so I am so happy. It is now like day 14!!!

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