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This thread is so amesome...thats all i can say

what better time for La Resistencia ( :P spanish :P ) than now with Lent beginning!

I'm off to a huge start after seeing the Passion yesterday....

Edited by Aloysius
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  the_rev said:
YES! How long was the passion?

Anyways, I hope i shall overcome!

i do not doubt that you shall overcome, God is on your side. pray hope and don't worry. :) :cool:

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Congrats Al! 21 days!

I see the Passion tonite!! I hope it engerize me, I think it will. I can't wait! I hope we can all be reborn into sin"less" lives. Reduce our amount of sin and increase our love for Him!

Surrexi Christi!

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:) i like that sin "less" lives hehe.. at first i thought you were saying sinless and i was like.. uh... only creature to ever persevere in sinlessness was Mary... ;) :cool:

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Today is day 1 (ACTUALLY DAY 2! But I'm gonna go through lent and beyond without it!)

I experienced the grace of confession tonight, for some reason the priest, that I usally go to confession with, who wasn't suppose to be there tonight, was there! He is an older priest, and I like him, so I like going to confession with him!!!!!!!

Anyways Praise God, Day 1 of Lent, of my new Journey with Chrsit

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i just saw The Passion...

i recomend all resistance fighters see this movie. pray.


i was shaking and now have a fever after seeing it, i can't even cry

i can hardly even breath and my mind refuses to think any bad thoughts.

Laoch truley saw that movie with me, i think he loved it just as much as me and brought me God's graces of strength through the movie.

praise God almighty, it is the end of day 21, tomarrow day 22, i shall not drop from my post, i shall keep watch for that treacherous demon and make sure he doesn't come close to me, God bless you all on your fight, stay strong and resiliant and refuse to serve satan, for as for me and my Creepy Aliens Resistance Household, we will serve the Lord.

decade 2

4. For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. 

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I fell apart at the Piller sence. I nearly had to leave. It was relly intense. I can't imange going through that. He REALLY loved us all. Simon also struck me. The way he tried to avoid helping to carry the cross reminded me of myself when I have tried to avoid doing God's will becasue the other way is easier.

Al, I would never say I was sinless. I orginal had it without the quotes but the same meaning but upon thought I relized that had a message I didn't want, being free from sin for all time. I want to be like stainless steel, I still can stain but I stain less than the orignal.

God bless all of you.

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