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New Novices!

Sr Mary Catharine OP

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Guest trfr415

[quote name='salterrae' post='1442784' date='Jan 6 2008, 08:29 PM']Congratulations!

But one question: isn't the feast of St. Joseph on March 19???[/quote]

Yes, it is, but since the 19th is the Wednesday of Holy Week this year the Church has transferred it to the 15th which is the Saturday of Palm Sunday weekend.

Hope that helps.

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[quote name='trfr415' post='1442792' date='Jan 6 2008, 08:44 PM']Yes, it is, but since the 19th is the Wednesday of Holy Week this year the Church has transferred it to the 15th which is the Saturday of Palm Sunday weekend.

Hope that helps.[/quote]
Oh thanks. I should've figured that out since I already knew that St. Patrick's feast day was moved, too. At least for those in Ireland, so I hear.

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1442790' date='Jan 6 2008, 08:41 PM']An odd question, but do you have any tentative hopes to found a monastery in England? We don't have cloistered Dominican nuns here any more. The nearest monastery is in Ireland.

I don't ask for myself (I hope to enter Carmel) but it would be wonderful if the contemplative Dominican presence could be resuscitated in this country.[/quote]

Yes, the friars would love us to return! And the Australian friars are praying for the presence of the nuns, too!

God willing, in time, if He continues to build up our monastery we would certainly think of it but that is a long way off!

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Nine months seems like a good length of time for postulancy...after all...a good "gestation" period, so to speak! :-)

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[quote name='DameAgnes' post='1442936' date='Jan 7 2008, 07:31 AM']Nine months seems like a good length of time for postulancy...after all...a good "gestation" period, so to speak! :-)[/quote]

The way our proposed charisms' formation program will work, the Novas will have 3 months to get adjusted, and the official postulancy lasts 9 months. "Gestation" was exactly the inspiration I had received. (And being a mom, I can relate)!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you taking name suggestions? If so, I resubmit Sr. Julian of Divine Love. Someone really has to take that name!

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[quote name='she_who_is_not' post='1448448' date='Jan 20 2008, 03:28 PM']Sister,
Are you taking name suggestions? If so, I resubmit Sr. Julian of Divine Love. Someone really has to take that name![/quote]

I'm sure the postulants are busily praying over their names, but I've always been partial to the moment when Jesus is brought to temple and Simeon and Anna meet him.

Anna-Simone of the Incarnation?

Marianna -Simone of the Presentation?

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='DameAgnes' post='1448580' date='Jan 20 2008, 08:03 PM']I'm sure the postulants are busily praying over their names, but I've always been partial to the moment when Jesus is brought to temple and Simeon and Anna meet him.

Anna-Simone of the Incarnation?

Marianna -Simone of the Presentation?[/quote]

OK. Maybe we'd better have a name suggestion thread?

THEY DO HAVE THEIR names picked out, though and don't remember that we have to our Lady's name in there somewhere....

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Guest 4Godalone

[font="Arial Black"]+JMJ

This is such a trememdous blessing to have found this 'phorum"!! Quite a number of years ago (2001) I decided to actively seek to discern a religious vocation. One of two religious orders visited was the Dominican Sisters in Summit NJ. I love the Dominicans and am very happy to learn that they are being blessed with vocations! Thanks be to God, Blessed Mother Mary and St. Dominic!!

Now, here it is 2008. And, even though I am now 51 y/o it would seem that God is still 'chasing' me trying to claim me for Himself in religious life. So, I say, "Lord, I surrender!" But you must lead me. Just the other day while participating in Holy Mass at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception before going off to participate in the March for Life, I met the Franciscan Sisters Minor. My interior being leapt for joy and I was drawn to them like iron to a magnet. The good news is that they are open to really late vocations.

I've lived in the world quite a while and am very actively involved with serving God in His vineyard through my active involvement in the Legion of Mary and other faith-related apostolates. Don't know how to proceed; however, once I return from an upcoming pilgrimage to Rome, it is my intention to pray even more devotedly to "hear" God speak.

I pray daily for all who are discerning a religious vocation. Your prayers for me would be GREATLY appreciated!

Entrusting all to Jesus through Mary and Joseph![font="Arial Black"][/font][size="3"][/size]

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That is very good to hear, 4Godalone. late vocations are dificult. It s a difficult adjustment process. I will be entering a contemplative Benedictine monastery in two months and i am in my mid 40's. You can read all about it in the Vocation Station thread called "I'm Free".

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1442790' date='Jan 6 2008, 08:41 PM']An odd question, but do you have any tentative hopes to found a monastery in England? We don't have cloistered Dominican nuns here any more. The nearest monastery is in Ireland.

I don't ask for myself (I hope to enter Carmel) but it would be wonderful if the contemplative Dominican presence could be resuscitated in this country.[/quote]

Which Carmel are you looking at? I visited St. Helen's Carmel and found them to be a wonderful group with a great prioress in Mother Teresa. Give them a chance for discernment. I don't think you will be disappointed!


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Guest 4Godalone

<<It s a difficult adjustment process.>>

Dear Staretz,
Thanks so much for your response! Could you explain what you mean by "difficult adjustment process?" Is it relocating to another city/state? Detaching from an accumulation of housing furnishings? pets? I would greatly appreciate your expanding a bit about your own experiences. Entrusting all to Jesus through Mary and Joseph, Miss Ronnie (former Texan living in VA) :))

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