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Pray For Nursing Vocations


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I've noticed that the cloisters and the teaching orders are getting the lion's share of the vocations. In light of the U.S. health care system's problems, we need to be praying for the nursing orders and their vocations.

Are there any nursing orders left?

Cloister Outreach is doing our part to try to alleviate the problem: [url="http://cloisters.tripod.com/charity/"]http://cloisters.tripod.com/charity/[/url]


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Thanks, Gemma for helping us focus our prayers.

Here are a couple communities off the top of my head with specific healthcare apostolates for us to mention by name in our prayers:
[url="http://www.hawthorne-dominicans.org/s000.htm"]Hawthorne Dominicans[/url][/b]

[b][url="http://www.carmelitesisters.com/"]Carmelites for the Aged and Infirm[/url][/b]

[b][url="http://www.rsmofalma.org/"]RSMs of Alma[/url][/b]

There's another community in Kansas (I believe) whose name escapes me at this time.

[b]Our Lady of Health, pray for us.[/b]

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[quote name='shortnun' post='1441987' date='Jan 4 2008, 12:54 PM']Thanks, Gemma for helping us focus our prayers.

There's another community in Kansas (I believe) whose name escapes me at this time.

[b]Our Lady of Health, pray for us.[/b][/quote]

**smacks forehead** I can't believe I forgot the KS community. I attended a diocesan vocations meeting with their vocation directess! Sisters of Mary, I believe is their name. Lovely habit.

Mary, Health of the Sick, pray for us.


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The Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis have a nursing apostolate. So do the Carmelite sisters in Los Angeles. There are also the Good Shepherd Sisters, the Medical Missionaries of Mary, the Sisters of Bon Secours, the Augustinian Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus, the Sisters/Brothers Hospitaller of the Sacred Heart - and, of course, Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity.

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='Gemma' post='1441986' date='Jan 4 2008, 12:48 PM']I've noticed that the cloisters and the teaching orders are getting the lion's share of the vocations. In light of the U.S. health care system's problems, we need to be praying for the nursing orders and their vocations.

Are there any nursing orders left?

Cloister Outreach is doing our part to try to alleviate the problem: [url="http://cloisters.tripod.com/charity/"]http://cloisters.tripod.com/charity/[/url]



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Sister Rose Therese

Yes, our community, The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, is basically a nursing order. We are rather reluctant to call it that because then people assume you have to be a nurse. What it really means is that our main apostolate (almost exclusively) is healthcare. But even in the early days, the Sisters ran the whole hospital, not just nursing. So many of our older Sisters are Lab techs, pharmacists, X-ray techs, administrators...
There are actually a fair number of nursing orders, many of them are more the liberal. But there are a fair number that have healthcare as part of their apostolate.
Here are some more for your list
Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration
Carmelite Sisters for the Aged & Infirm
Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus
Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi
Felician Sisters
Franciscan Sisters of John the Baptist
Sisters of Christian Charity, Daughters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception
Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick
Little Sisters of the Poor

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Sister Rose Therese

[quote name='phivan' post='1442035' date='Jan 4 2008, 02:20 PM']YES! They need our prayers--[/quote]

I second that!
We would greatly appreciate your prayers!!

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Wow, this is very timely--
my sister is entering college next year to be a nurse, but she also feels called to religious life. I will be sure to point her in these directions!

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The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus are both teachers and nurses (and they give retreats, too) -


Last year they showed one of the nursing sister's graduation ceremony's - they where all white habits while they're "on duty".

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Sister Rose Therese

[quote name='elizabeth_jane' post='1442089' date='Jan 4 2008, 04:43 PM']Wow, this is very timely--
my sister is entering college next year to be a nurse, but she also feels called to religious life. I will be sure to point her in these directions![/quote]
If she hasn't chosen a college yet, we have two colleges of Nursing.
[url="http://www.sfmccon.edu/"]St. Francis Medical Center College of Nursing in Peoria, IL
[/url][url="http://sacn.edu/"]St. Anthony College of Nursing in Rockford, IL

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[quote name='Sister Rose Therese' post='1442173' date='Jan 4 2008, 10:01 PM']If she hasn't chosen a college yet, we have two colleges of Nursing.
[url="http://www.sfmccon.edu/"]St. Francis Medical Center College of Nursing in Peoria, IL
[/url][url="http://sacn.edu/"]St. Anthony College of Nursing in Rockford, IL
She is going to my alma mater, Capital U. in Columbus, OH, which has a fantastic nursing program (and I love it...ha ha). It is Lutheran in name only, but there are a lot of Catholics on campus (including a lot of the nursing faculty). :lol:

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Sister Rose Therese

Oh well. i had to put the little plug in.

Regardless though, we are always looking for Sisters and nurses, Sister Nurse even better.


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[quote name='Sister Rose Therese' post='1442192' date='Jan 4 2008, 10:26 PM']Oh well. i had to put the little plug in.

Regardless though, we are always looking for Sisters and nurses, Sister Nurse even better.


Hey I like plugs. :)
I will send her your way...especially once she's got 'RN' after her name. I'm sure this will thrill her (and our parents, who want her to be able to use her nursing degree if she joins an order!)

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