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Religious Vocation


Religious Vocation Relief  

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[quote name='missionarybelle' post='1451365' date='Jan 26 2008, 10:10 PM']i've prayed about a call to the religious life for the past years and tried to be as open to it as possible but i've always felt called to the married life. i'm not against it and have many dear friends in seminary or discerning religious life, i just feel that God's calling me in a different direction.

but to be honest, i'v been scared of becoming a sister or nun. i shouldn't be, be deep down, i've have times where i've been scared to lose myself and abandon myself to God in that way. i've been scared to give up the life i've always desired ever since i can remember.

but i'm also scared to get married. i can see my own sinfulness and I know i can't get married and stay married my entire life without God's grace. i'm scared of abandoning myself every day to His will and sacrificing a million times each day for my future children if God blesses me with them.

i think sometimes, the more i learn about the awesomeness and beauty of each vocation, the more scared out of my pants i become and overcome by the thought of them. granted, i know God will be there beside me every step f the way and i'll be truly happy deep down if i'm in His will, but there are days when i am absolutely terrified.[/quote]

you didn't mention a spiritual director or even a vocation director? if not for your vocation, get a spiritual director ASAP just for your personal spiritual growth. what we think or feel as absolutely certain may actually be completely wrong in God's eyes, until light is shed on it from a reliable outside perspective..

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It is not just the vocation that is awesome and beautiful. You are, too. It is important to remember how God sees us when we answer His call. If the Twelve had sat down to think carefully about their imperfections when Jesus came walking past and said, "Follow me," there would have been a delay of about six months before they moved from the spot.

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[quote name='fides quarens intellectum' post='1450755' date='Jan 25 2008, 04:14 PM'][quote](tgoldson @ Jan 3 2008, 09:55 PM) *
I think I'll end up married; but I know several nuns and sisters who thought the same thing. I also know several married ladies who thought they would become nuns or sisters. So basically I'm not sure where I will end up, but I'm not worried about it either.[/quote]
watch it, now, with the "end up" - i know you know marriage is not a default vocation.
Please forgive my loose use of the term "end up." I meant to convey the [i]duration[/i] of the vow, be it marriage &/or religious life, as [i]life-long[/i]. There is no default vocation. I use "&/or" because married or single men can be [url="http://www.usccb.org/deacon/faqs.shtml"]deacons[/url]; and married or single individuals can join lay (third order) communities. All vocations require serious discernment.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know what my vocation in life is, yet. Right now I'm leaning towards marriage. No matter which vocation I choose, I will do my best to advance Christ and His Church.

However, both vocations scare me.

Edited by Paladin D
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  • 3 months later...

I don't know my vocation and I'm scared to death.

I'm scared of being called to the religious life, because I want to get married and have kids. Because I'm scared of dealing with my family (all of whom are non-Catholic). But I love the idea of giving my entire self to God, of working for His Kingdom.

I'm scared of being called to the married life, because I'm so insecure of myself that I'll never date and never find the person God would want me to marry. I'm terrified that nobody would ever want me. But I want to have kids and raise them in the faith and love and serve the Church.

I'm scared of being called to the single life (consecrated virgin), because I don't understand that vocation and it doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.

And over-all, I'm scared because I don't know what my future holds and I feel like I have to make so many decisions right now that all depend on what I want to do with my life... but since I don't know that, it's hard to make these decisions.

So, I'm basically a very insecure person in all of this. yay.

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[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' post='1615624' date='Aug 2 2008, 01:38 AM']I don't know my vocation and I'm scared to death.

I'm scared of being called to the religious life, because I want to get married and have kids. Because I'm scared of dealing with my family (all of whom are non-Catholic). But I love the idea of giving my entire self to God, of working for His Kingdom.

I'm scared of being called to the married life, because I'm so insecure of myself that I'll never date and never find the person God would want me to marry. I'm terrified that nobody would ever want me. But I want to have kids and raise them in the faith and love and serve the Church.

I'm scared of being called to the single life (consecrated virgin), because I don't understand that vocation and it doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.

And over-all, I'm scared because I don't know what my future holds and I feel like I have to make so many decisions right now that all depend on what I want to do with my life... but since I don't know that, it's hard to make these decisions.

So, I'm basically a very insecure person in all of this. yay.[/quote]

TB, I can totally relate to your above post. Thank you for being so honest. You helped me out a great deal.

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1446382' date='Jan 16 2008, 03:04 AM']Why do you say that? (I know what epilepsy is, btw)[/quote]


I just noticed your question today. :) :lol:

I thought that an older Code of Canon Law forbade epileptics from the priesthood and nothing in the new changed that. Something or other. If I'm wrong, I would like to know.

An epileptic could seize during Mass (or Confession, etc.), and maybe that is the reason. :think:

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I'm not sure if you would be banned from the priesthood because you are epileptic...

...isn't there better drug-therapy for epilepsy these dayz to prevent seizures from occurring without warning?

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I was just reading that the great talk about discerning one's call to be religious is only something that has been around since the 20th century. That in the early days, everyone was called to be religious. Poverty, chastity and obedience are not goals but they are the way one lives to reach the goal of being united with Christ. All are called to live that life, not just those who formally take the vows.
Some of the Saints said you should only discuss your desire to become a priest or religious with those who will encourage you. That if have any feeling at all, you go for it and God will give you the grace to fulfill it. All are called to give their lives to God.
I have written the Franciscan Sisters of Mary to inquire about becoming a member of their order. Part of me thinks I am insane at my age to think I could do this and the other part of me thinks that whatever time left I have on earth I want to give completely to the Lord. I am just a little freaked. :lol:

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[quote name='dominicansoul' post='1615922' date='Aug 2 2008, 04:54 PM']I'm not sure if you would be banned from the priesthood because you are epileptic...
...isn't there better drug-therapy for epilepsy these dayz to prevent seizures from occurring without warning?[/quote]

Hopefully somebody can post definitively, but I became aware of that through an old discussion here.

Drug-therapy is very effective for me, but not so effective for some other people. Surgery is an option that I will be looking into as well. In the little that I have heard of that, I have never heard it called less than perfect or that it would work on all epileptics.

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the lords sheep

Good for you! I know how scary it can be taking the first step of writing an order (gosh, let me rephrase that: I know how scary every aspect of discerning the religious life can be). God bless you!

Anyway, I must have voted a long time ago, I don't know what I voted, although I can guess that I voted "I think I do (or I am already in) religious life but I was scared at first." Honestly, I'm still scared somedays. I am relatively certain I have a vocation to the religious life, but it's not the religious life "perse" that scares me any more. I used to be really scared of just being a Sister, of not having kids, of not having freedom, but these things don't bother me as much anymore.

I've found that most of the time, when I'm afraid, it's not so much that the thing is scary, but I am afraid that it is going to be difficult. Of course it's going to be difficult! But sometimes my weak will still cowers at the thought of these difficulties, even the ones that aren't any where near coming to fruition- and may never come to fruition).

I've found the best remedy for my fears is to be very honest with my spiritual director or someone I trust. I express my fears, and then we decide how legitimate they are, and often, upon examination, I realize that most of them are irrational. The trick is to just keep praying!

In Jesus and Mary,

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Este Corazon

Yeah this whole discernment process is crazy in itself....

I am 21, a recent graduate from THE Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. I was actually a Theology/Religious Studies major and NEVER EVER did I think or want to become a sister. Until last year I went to Peru with the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara... and when I got back I actually was a little open to the idea, but still thought it just wasn't me.

Well I went back to Peru for Christmas, and the friend I went with both times, just entered the order in May. I also have a good friend that is a nun that is in that order.... and I am starting to realize that hey maybe this is what God wants. It is for sure scary and just out of the norm. my mom is freaking out about it, but in order for me to make a concrete decision, I need and want to become stronger and solid in my faith...one day at a time.

But it is crazy because when you start thinking about this, just the thought of it, the devil knows...already trying to get a spiritual director is become a struggle. It is tough stuff, but I want to stay strong. I just did the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius loyola and was mega scared because it was a weekend in silence, but it was one the best things i have ever done and i strongly encouarge you to look into it or just do it, discerning religious life or not.

well thats my story. so prayers of course, but i will praying for you all and maybe there are some future Servidoras here too!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm... how does this thread get bumped when the most recent post is from 10 days ago?

But I have another thought on this question. If you aren't called to religious life, you probably will feel a sense of relief in learning that it isn't your vocation. It would depend on how seriously you pursued religious life, and perhaps just how uncompatible it might be for you, but I can imagine someone who has been silencing a strong desire for marriage and family, perhaps mistaking it as a temptation to draw them away from religious life, could definitely feel much more peace when they finally let go of that mess and allow God to lead them.

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saved by grace

[quote name='Deb' post='1443653' date='Jan 9 2008, 09:35 AM']You come into this world with nothing and you will leave with nothing. In between, it is what you do for God that will determine where you will be for eternity.[/quote]

No that is not true, what you do for God will not determine where you will be for eternity. You are SAVED by faith, anyone who confesses that Jesus Christ is lord and believes in their heart he was raised from the dead will be saved. I dont see what is so complicated about that. If you believe you will have to suffer in purgatory fine but that still doesnt change Gods promice of salvation. No good work is going to get you in to heaven, it is only by FAITH.

Sure you can say that works without faith is dead and I agree. But if one truelly believes in Christ and believes he is the lord and was raised from the dead, they will have works to go along with their faith. But it still doesnt change the fact that noone is good but God alone and no amount of good works is going to get you into heaven. Again it is by a sincere faith and repenting of sins and God knows if you have this faith. And if you do He will keep his promice to you of eternal salvation. He loves us.

Edited by saved by grace
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