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What exactly do Baptists believe in? Why do they not like Catholics??

I went on baptistboard.com after I read a thread about it and am puzzled as to why we are hated. hmmm

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I don't mean it to be demeaning, but I am very curious as to what they believe in.

I think there are different types of Baptists, but do they believe in different things? Do they believe in the Seven Sacraments?

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Coming from a Baptist, I avoid those boards like the plague. They, Rapture Ready, and a few others.

What we believe is...complicated. We tend to split when we disagree, resulting in more Baptist churches that don't hold the same views as other Baptist churches, etc. The two largest groups in the USA are the Southern Baptist Convention, and the American Baptist Churches USA (for the moment at least...there's been some heated debate over homosexuality and such. I doubt it'll survive in its current form another hundred years).

So having given that overview...what do we believe? Not speaking as an authority on all things Baptist here, but a few main points at least:
1) Jesus Christ came to human form and was sacrificed on the Cross to grant eternal life to those whom believe in Him.
2) A person must be "born again" by accepting Christ as his or her Lord and Savior.
3) Sola Scriptura.
4) Sola Fide.
5) The Great Commission says to spread the Gospel to all people in all nations.
6) Communion is a symbol.

Most churches in the USA have their own Church Constitutions which set out minutae, and therefore a lot of beliefs on smaller issues can vary from church to church. The methods of worship often differ church to church. Communion for example; I never know when going to a different church than normal if the bread and juice is to be received at the front, or passed amongst the pews.

Anyhow, brain fuzzing out, more tomorrow quite possibly. However, let me just say, that I was never really taught "this is why we believe what we do".

[quote name='Farsight one' post='1440309' date='Dec 31 2007, 12:47 AM']ugh....
that is all.[/quote]

I love you too. ;)

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By being 'born again' how old do you have to be to choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior and to stand up for you faith.

Is it similar to how we view Confirmation. (Choosing to follow the Catholic Church and becoming a soldier of Christ?)

When can you be 'saved'? Do you do it during church??

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[quote name='vbbabespx' post='1440315' date='Dec 31 2007, 12:55 AM']I don't mean it to be demeaning, but I am very curious as to what they believe in.

I think there are different types of Baptists, but do they believe in different things? Do they believe in the Seven Sacraments?[/quote]

Baptism: Yes. Infant Baptism no...usually, sometimes varies by church.

Eucharist: Symbol only, no transubstantiation.

Reconciliation: Not in the same method. Confessing one's sins to God is enough. Again can vary by the church.

Confirmation: Nope/sorta. Being "Born Again" can be likened to it, in that you're consciously choosing to follow Christ.

Marriage: Sure. However, re-marriage is acceptable, as is divorce, usually. Again, might vary by the church/denomination of Baptist.

Anointing of Sick: Different...and different amongst churches/denominations.

Holy Orders: There are ministers yes, male and female, but otherwise little to be found in common except serving God.

[quote]By being 'born again' how old do you have to be to choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior and to stand up for you faith.[/quote]

Age again varies by the church/denomination of Baptist in question. Some use a fuzzy concept called the "Age of Accountability" which defines no real age. I've known people be "born again" in their 80s, but most of my peers did so before age ten.

[quote]When can you be 'saved'? Do you do it during church??[/quote]

You can be "saved" whenever you ask God into your heart. You can do it in church, in the woods, anywhere really. Although I find the idea of Chick Tracts in the bathroom really...disturbing, from the point of view that it makes my mind equate God with waste on a subconscious level.

Edited by BG45
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[quote]Easy now, they're not all bad...[/quote]
Sorry. When someone says "baptists", I instinctively think of these guys:


[quote]I love you too.[/quote]

Sowwy. :(

Edited by Farsight one
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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1440326' date='Dec 31 2007, 01:09 AM']Sorry. When someone says "baptists", I instinctively think of these guys:


*twitches* I see why you said initially what you did...

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What do they believe that is Heretic about the Catholic Church? Or is it like you said only a few Baptists believe that we are heretic???

I took a World Religions Class this last quarter, but unfortunately, we did not learn about Baptists. Many other religions though.

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For that board, dunno why they believe the Catholic Church to be heretics.

Not all Baptist churches/denominations even use the term "heretic". I know some Baptists who just think of Catholicism as another denomination, others who would vehemently condemn it as a pawn of Satan. Mostly I think it's a mixture of ignorance, misinformation, and such about the Roman Catholic Church. (Case in Point: Every Chick Tract on Catholicism. Especially "The Death Cookie".)

*tries to think what one person once said who had converted from Catholicism* This is just a paraphrase, it's been a few years, and I'm a bit sleepy, but, 'When I was Catholic, I never heard about Jesus.'

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From the website link that was posted:
[quote]WARNING: If you are UnSaved, the full-force of God's Love may be too much for your delicate sensibilities. If so, LEAVE NOW!!![/quote]
And they accuse [i]us[/i] of being exclusivists!?

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[quote name='vbbabespx' post='1440340' date='Dec 31 2007, 01:30 AM']interesting.

When did the Baptists (the first 'thread' or denomination of Baptists) start? Who did they split from????[/quote]

Depends again on who you ask. ;) I'm not trying to be a smart aleck about it either, it just does...there's the one argument that the name comes from the Anabaptists of the 16th century in Europe. However, there's also the school of thought that the denominations that now call themselves Baptist have roots in the 17th century England.

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