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"jehovah's" Witnesses Stopped By The Other Day...


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A couple of days ago the Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by my house again right after I got home...

One claimed to be a life long Catholic and couldn't find how the "Witnesses" were wrong... I still have holes in my tongue from biting it. I let them know in a very diplomatic way let them know that I've read the "Watch"tower in the past and they have many misunderstandings about the Catholic Faith. She said she is a school teacher... as if that was some kind of qualification to her being a good researcher and critical thinker... I explained a couple points and said about three times that if she really wanted to know what the Catholic Church teaches and why to check out the Catholic.com library. Hopefully she will.... but.... I didn't have time to devout the time I wanted to dialoging with them, so their visit prompted a new website that I'm going to do... and post a sign in my yard to it once it's ready


In thinking about the ways I can go with this site, originially it was going to show how the JW lie about the Catholic Church... but then I thought, why stop there... call out each group... of course as time permits.

God Bless, Merry Christ Mass & Happy New Year!

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Haven't had much of a run in with them. Some JWs came to my door once and we were on the way out, and we just said we were Catholic. They sorta backed down and turned from fight to flight... or they were being courteous... only comment I heard was "oh... ... It's good to know there are some other bible believers around here" and I thought the woman (and her husband) said that we didnt... i was about to get up in arms till my mom whispered to me to back off, and she told me what they said...

The time before that, I stood at the door to listen to a JW go at me about Christmas. She asked me "so what do you think Jesus thinks about the season?" So I told her the truth. He doesn't like the commercialism, I can tell you that. My mistake was turning down the pariphanalia... cause after I figured out who they were, I wanted to go at it w/ them. Lawl.

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The father of a Muslim friend of mine loves it when Jehovah's Witnesses come a-knocking -- he's always prepared and enthusiastic. He invites them in, sits them down, serves tea and cake, really makes a time of it. Then he breaks out the Koran, the Bible, theological and philosophical books, assorted JW literature that he's collected over the years, and proceeds to mercilessly destroy them in debate. According to my friend -- who basically thinks his father is nuts to invite them in in the first place -- the JW's usually end up getting increasingly visibly uncomfortable and ultimately make up excuses to get the heck out of there.

I always get a humorous kick out of the stories, but there is something definitely admirable about this man. I often wish I had the same confidence and fearlessness in tackling these people head-on. When a JW tag-team comes to my door I'll tell them that I'm Catholic and not interested and all that, and sometimes even get into it with them on some point or another if I'm feeling peppy, but I don't see myself actually inviting them inside my house! In the back of my mind, I guess I am afraid that I will be bested in the debate, which might then lead to anxiety, doubts, etc. (It is obvious to me that the truth is on my side, and truth is always infinitely stronger than falsehood... but am [i]I[/i] strong enough?)

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I know you have more experience with JW's than I do, but I'm wondering how effective a website with that name will be if your audience is specifically for Jehovah Witnesses. There are anti-Catholics that use the same type of language to convince us that we are wrong, and the best they usually do is get a roll of the eyes and the annoyance of anyone who disagrees with them. PM worked on this former baptist because it got me to first let my guard down, and then debate. Best of luck on your new website :).

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That's what my Grandma apparently used to do. She'd have Catholic literature, the Bible, the Catechism, and some other things. She also had a video of Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

[quote name='Nathan' post='1439863' date='Dec 30 2007, 12:20 AM']The father of a Muslim friend of mine loves it when Jehovah's Witnesses come a-knocking -- he's always prepared and enthusiastic. He invites them in, sits them down, serves tea and cake, really makes a time of it. Then he breaks out the Koran, the Bible, theological and philosophical books, assorted JW literature that he's collected over the years, and proceeds to mercilessly destroy them in debate. According to my friend -- who basically thinks his father is nuts to invite them in in the first place -- the JW's usually end up getting increasingly visibly uncomfortable and ultimately make up excuses to get the heck out of there.

I always get a humorous kick out of the stories, but there is something definitely admirable about this man. I often wish I had the same confidence and fearlessness in tackling these people head-on. When a JW tag-team comes to my door I'll tell them that I'm Catholic and not interested and all that, and sometimes even get into it with them on some point or another if I'm feeling peppy, but I don't see myself actually inviting them inside my house! In the back of my mind, I guess I am afraid that I will be bested in the debate, which might then lead to anxiety, doubts, etc. (It is obvious to me that the truth is on my side, and truth is always infinitely stronger than falsehood... but am [i]I[/i] strong enough?)[/quote]

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I've been blacklisted after I proved the Greek/Aramaic does not allow room for anything less than Transubstantiation.

Or maybe it was when I caught the leader of the group of three in the trap of St. Thomas's quote "My Lord and my God".

Well, they were coming about once a month until I let loose with that. Now ... *sniff* ... they don't visit me anymore. :sadder:

P.S. I shocked them really bad when I opened up with the statement that Jesus was here on Earth in bodily form...four blocks to the southwest. After the transubstantiation debate, they ran away before I could ask them about Beth Sarim.

Edited by Dismas
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Archaeology cat

My 90-year-old grandmother always invites them in just fr the company. :) She does that with the Mormons too, actually. I've always found it humorous, because she makes it clear that she doesn't agree with their beliefs, but she likes having people come to visit.

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WE get the witnesses and the mormons....when I see people in suits walking up and down the street(after they parked their cady) I run in the house and bolt the door. You cant get through to these people at all....I gave up trying and just dont answer the door.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1439869' date='Dec 30 2007, 05:44 AM']I know you have more experience with JW's than I do, but I'm wondering how effective a website with that name will be if your audience is specifically for Jehovah Witnesses. There are anti-Catholics that use the same type of language to convince us that we are wrong, and the best they usually do is get a roll of the eyes and the annoyance of anyone who disagrees with them. PM worked on this former baptist because it got me to first let my guard down, and then debate. Best of luck on your new website :).[/quote]

I agree. It's important to remember that Jehovah's Witnesses genuinely believe that they are telling the truth about Catholicism. Your audience is a group of sincere people with false ideas about what Catholicism stands for, not people who are deliberately inventing and propagating lies. Let your writing reflect that. People will be more likely to read what you have to say then.

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Once, when I turned to the subject of the Trinity and Jesus' divinity, they left...

But as an FYI, it seems that they come in twos, one of them being the "experienced master" who will seem to have all the "answers".

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Whenever Mormons come by and give me a book of Mormon, I give them a copy of the CCC.

Jehovah's are hard because of 2 reasons:

1. Their Bible is edited and changed to match up with their beliefs, so be careful when you talk to them about biblical stuff. Their version is the New World Translation. Look it up for flaws.

2. They are very well trained in specifically apologetics and even more against Catholics. Be careful with your conversations because they can seem to have the advantage when in fact they are spewing out falsehoods that distract from the real thing. Have on hand resources if you can.

Have fun!

My hubby invites these people over all the time :rolleyes: I hate it.

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[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1439936' date='Dec 30 2007, 06:59 AM']My 90-year-old grandmother always invites them in just fr the company. :) She does that with the Mormons too, actually. I've always found it humorous, because she makes it clear that she doesn't agree with their beliefs, but she likes having people come to visit.[/quote]

My 82 year old Atheist Grandmother does the exact same thing! I wonder how many homemade cookies these guys get. Maybe that's why they walk or bike instead of drive?

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[quote name='CoffeeCatholic' post='1439984' date='Dec 30 2007, 08:32 PM']I wonder how many homemade cookies these guys get. Maybe that's why they walk or bike instead of drive?[/quote]

I want to be a door-to-door missionary.

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