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Demolition Of Public Housing In New Orleans

Lil Red

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[url="http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-na-neworleans21dec21,1,7386395.story?coll=la-news-a_section"]Linky here[/url]

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Groo the Wanderer


I think New Orleans should be demolished. If any rebuilding is to take place, it should be further inland where it won't be wiped out again in 10 years by the next big hurricane.


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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1437076' date='Dec 21 2007, 12:31 PM'][url="http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-na-neworleans21dec21,1,7386395.story?coll=la-news-a_section"]Linky here[/url][/quote]

While I feel that housing for the poor and less fortunate is necessary, I feel that public housing projects are not the right way to provide it. Public Housing Projects do nothing but seclude the poor from society and create areas in which desperation, crime, and murder run rampant. The public housing in New Orleans is no exception. I've heard stories that even police and ambulance refused to enter the projects at times. Whether or not this is true, the projects are not an effective solution to the problem.

The housing projects have remained uninhabited since Hurricane Katrina. The costs to the state to repair them would have been exorbitant and may have never been recouped. Despite the fact that they are beautiful red brick buildings to be admired by any historical preservationists, their design renders them faulty for housing projects or regular apartments.

What will be built in their place is a mixed-income development funded (partly or wholly) with HOPE VI grants from HUD. I believe that this is the best thing that can be done by the city right now.

I also believe , concerning the occupants of such housing projects, that this is the most moral thing that can be done. The impoverished should not be roped off and far removed from the city in a crime infested area that cannot be adequately patrolled. They should be dispersed, allowed to go to decent schools, and be close to social services and public transportation. Let's hope that it is replaced by housing that includes people from different ethnic and socio-economic background.

Vous-autres a bon Noël!

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The people of New Orleans aren't interested in rebuilding, they're interested in keeping their "chocolate city". That would be why they reelected a Mayor whose immediate family has resided in Texas since Katrina, and whose only plan to rebuild the city they rejected(to give them some credit it was building casinos which I wouldn't want either but its not like they've forced him to come up with anything else).

This is what happens when you depend on the government like they do in N.O. They fail you, and you have nothing to go back on. What seems to be a uniquely New Orleans phenomenon though is demanding that the government take care of them while reelecting people who obviously don't. Nagin can leave rows of buses in school parking lots instead of using them to evacuate the remaining inhabitants, but we're going to reelect him anyway! Now your city wants to tear down your public houses and you throw a tirade thinking you'll have some affect? You were dumb enough to vote Nagin despite his apathy towards you what makes him think you wouldn't vote for him again? Honestly, this line of thinking is what happens when your city is built by the French.

Edited by Justin86
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[quote name='LouisianaCatholic' post='1437164' date='Dec 22 2007, 05:33 AM']What will be built in their place is a mixed-income development funded (partly or wholly) with HOPE VI grants from HUD. I believe that this is the best thing that can be done by the city right now.[/quote]
We have two wars going on right now and a trillion dollar deficit and I'm supposed to want to build a chocolate city? How about New Orleans gets a plan to attract business to their city instead of making taxpayers foot the bill.

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i agree it's practially a waste of time given it'll happen again.
people should discuss that, but they don't, because it's not PC.
i think people mean well, but are not wise fixing things the way they are. if they're not aware of the arguments against them, they'll never know. i guess they mean well and it's still good for them in that sense but....

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As someone who lived in NO I agree that the best thing that can happen is for those projects to be torn down. It is true that police and fire would not enter the projects. It is also true that there was not hope in those places.

At the same time they need to clean up the corruption in the government and the political machine. It has long been a joke but that joke is doing serious damage and is a threat to its very survival.

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I'm paying FEMA flood insurance for a house that probably will not flood. I'm paying this because someone thought it was a good idea to live below sea level within spitting distance of the ocean. What's more, many of the people didn't have proper insurance. No one who does not pay their own way should be allowed to live in NO, period, unless they are willing to not have the working class bail them out with ridiculously redrawn floodplains in other parts of the country.

I would also support legislation that would require anyone blaming FEMA or Bush for the mistakes of the idiot NO mayor Nagan(sp? It doesn't matter if I spell his name right. He's a moron. He should have been charged with criminal negligence, found guilty, and sentenced to clean up New Orleans by himself with a scoop and kitchen size trash can) and the idiot LA governor (whose name escapes me. She should have to personally apologzie to every American citizen, and not be allowed food or sleep until her task is accomplished.) to suffer ten strikes of the lash in the public square. This would include Kanye "Blood diamond made me a multi-millionaire, ain't I the activis?" West. It would involve searching to the beginning of the event, tracking people down and possibly years of administering the lashes. But it would be well worth it.

Further, I would make it a rule that no one from Louisiana could hold a political office for Louisiana. Even Georgians have more sense. In fact, divvying up the state might be a good idea. It would boost the flag making economy as car lots scrambled to update the flags they disgrace by leaving out in the rain.

Lastly, everyone who fled NO and now is surviving off the government should be shipped back to NO and put on work crews to clean up everything Nagan missed with his scoop trashcan. If they refuse, they should be summarily stripped of citizenship and deported to Siberia. Suffering a tragedy does not mean that you should get money from the government and not have to work for it. There are plenty of jobs out there that need doing and no able bodied person should be able to get paid to do nothing. Except me.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1438355' date='Dec 25 2007, 12:18 PM']I'm paying FEMA flood insurance for a house that probably will not flood.[/quote]
FEMA flood insurance? A mandatory insurance policy, and the insurance agency is a government agency?

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1438393' date='Dec 25 2007, 04:25 PM']FEMA flood insurance? A mandatory insurance policy, and the insurance agency is a government agency?[/quote]
Yes. And you have to pay someone to get an elevation certificate (300 dollars) even though you've been evaluated as living in a floodplain. Wouldn't you think that would mean someone already knows the elevation? I would, but apparently the homeowner lobby is not as strong as the surveyor lobby. After this comes in, you have to pay for your insurance as one lump sum, instead of having the expense spread out over the year!

Thanks, Government!

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1437527' date='Dec 22 2007, 02:47 PM']The people of New Orleans aren't interested in rebuilding, they're interested in keeping their "chocolate city". That would be why they reelected a Mayor whose immediate family has resided in Texas since Katrina, and whose only plan to rebuild the city they rejected(to give them some credit it was building casinos which I wouldn't want either but its not like they've forced him to come up with anything else).[/quote]


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