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One World Government


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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1437019' date='Dec 21 2007, 08:58 AM']The Devil will reign over all of the world at the end of time, he will be absolute dictator of a one world government.

If you dont believe that you dont believe Christ, or His Church.[/quote]
All Catholics ought to be republicans, democrats are baby killing monsters.

If you dont believe that you dont believe Christ, or His Church.

(blanket statements are idiotic)

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The Introduction of THE APOCALYPSE OF ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE - which has been Catholic Teaching for 2,000 years.


The Apocalypse is a revelation of things that were, are and will be. We are actually witnessing some of the events foretold in this book, but many still lie in the future. It is Christ who commands John to write to the seven churches, opens the seven seals, reveals the sufferings of the saints, opens the little book, overcomes the beast, reigns during the period of the first resurrection, judges the dead, both great and small, according to their works at His Second Coming, rules over all 'things from the beginning, presides over all the changing scenes of earth's history, and is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

The book presents Christ as the Coming One; it reveals the dealings of Him who came, and who is to come. It opens with the solemn hope that the Coming One will come soon, and closes with the impressive prediction that the Coming One wi1l come quickly.
The book is one of hope, but also one of warning; its aim is to assure the Church of the advent of her Lord in victory. The precise time of this victory lies hidden with God, but it is certain, although the crown will not be won without a struggle. Heaven will be stormed and carried away through suffering and conflict. And a1l who keep the words of this book will take part in the conflict and share in the victory.

The conflict is presented under the form of symbols. It is not easy to give a full interpretation of all the types, but the general symbols are not difficult to understand. Jerusalem stands as the type of the good cause, and this is the Church of Christ. Babylon appears as the type of the evil cause, and this is the world power. The heavenly Jerusalem has the assistance of divine power. The earthly Babylon has the help of evil powers, the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The scenes in the great conflict arrange themselves around these types of good and of evil. The numbers, the seals, the trumpets and the bowls are phases in the development and consummation of the conflict.

John has arranged the scenes in a sevenfold structure; even in the subordinate visions he keeps to this arrangement. Commentators, however, are not agreed in marking off the limits of each structure.
The book was written in Greek by St. John the Evangelist, on the island of Patmos, about the year. 96 A.D.

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The teachings of Cardinal Newman.

[url="http://www.conventhill.com/endtimes/newman1.htm"]Times of the Antichrist. 2 Thess. 2:3[/url]

[url="http://www.conventhill.com/endtimes/newman2.htm"]I John 4:3[/url]

[url="http://www.conventhill.com/endtimes/newman3.htm"]The Religion of the Antichrist[/url]

[url="http://www.conventhill.com/endtimes/newman4.htm"]The Persecution of Antichrist[/url]

Edited by KnightofChrist
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