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One World Government


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I remember awhile back there was a thread on this and I popped in and mentioned that I was against and how I believed it was against Catholic thinking. I, for one reason or another, was not able to follow up on that thread (a lot of carp going on here the last few months). I don't know that there is a lot to back up my thoughts on this, but I do have this from Pope Benedict XV:

"The advent of a Universal Republic, which is longed for by all the worst elements of disorder, and confidently expected by them, is an idea which is now ripe for execution. From this republic, based on the principles of absolute equality of men and community of possessions, would be banished all national distinctions, nor in it would the authority of the father over his children, or of the public power over the citizens, or of God over human society, be any longer acknowledged. If these ideas are put into practice, there will inevitably follow a reign of unheard-of terror." Bonum Sane 1909.

Not to bring up old threads, but I just wanted to follow up on something I said and not leave my comments completely unsubstantiated. peace

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There is never going to be one. You've seen how well people have done at stopping the Middle East conflict, just to name one. There hasn't been true cooperation and peace in that place for how many thousands of years? And that's just one spot, so I seriously doubt they'll ever get the rest of the countries to cooperate on this. As for the U.N., please, their troops aren't even allowed to fire until fired upon. Name one country the U.N. has invaded. ...I thought so. The idea that anybody wants or has tried to really build a unified world government is just a paranoid fantasy. How they're supposed to put this together has never really been explained. Some people just love conspiracy theories too much.

Edited by st-annes
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[quote name='st-annes' post='1435400' date='Dec 17 2007, 07:37 PM']There is never going to be one. You've seen how well people have done at stopping the Middle East conflict, just to name one. There hasn't been true cooperation and peace in that place for how many thousands of years? And that's just one spot, so I seriously doubt they'll ever get the rest of the countries to cooperate on this. As for the U.N., please, their troops aren't even allowed to fire until fired upon. Name one country the U.N. has invaded. ...I thought so. The idea that anybody wants or has tried to really build a unified world government is just a paranoid fantasy. How they're supposed to put this together has never really been explained. Some people just love conspiracy theories too much.[/quote]

I agree. Its clear after studying the current state of the world, that not one unified group has control over everything nor are we even headed in that direction. Conspiracy theories that claim the Jews, or Freemasons, or whomever secrectly make major worldscale decisions is indeed fantasy. Their might be some truth to those conspiracy periodicals, but my experience after having read many of them and lived with people who are paranoid and have a poor understanding of things is that these conpiracy theories are blown out of proportion.

I will say this though, it is clear in Sacred Scripture that during the the reign of Antichrist he will become ruler over most the world. But his reign will never be at peace, and other kings will begrudgingly be ruled by him, but will have no choice.

Edited by kafka
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[quote name='goldenchild17' post='1435393' date='Dec 17 2007, 08:14 PM']I remember awhile back there was a thread on this and I popped in and mentioned that I was against and how I believed it was against Catholic thinking. I, for one reason or another, was not able to follow up on that thread (a lot of carp going on here the last few months). I don't know that there is a lot to back up my thoughts on this, but I do have this from Pope Benedict XV:
"The advent of a Universal Republic, which is longed for by all the worst elements of disorder, and confidently expected by them, is an idea which is now ripe for execution. From this republic, based on the principles of absolute equality of men and community of possessions, would be banished all national distinctions, nor in it would the authority of the father over his children, or of the public power over the citizens, or of God over human society, be any longer acknowledged. If these ideas are put into practice, there will inevitably follow a reign of unheard-of terror." Bonum Sane 1909.
Not to bring up old threads, but I just wanted to follow up on something I said and not leave my comments completely unsubstantiated. peace[/quote]
Well, that should at least dispell that nonsense (promoted by anti-Catholics such as Budge) that the Pope is all about creating some evil One-World Government.

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The idea is not as far fetched as you may think. The Bilderburg group meets in every year in utter secrecy and has done so in Canada many times. They have been caught red handed in Ottawa last year when news papers blew their cover on the front page, with very high level members (you can dig deeper to find names, it will shock you.) that have been photographed going to and a from the venue meeting in secrecy with so called enemies of the the West together with large corporate CEOs, for treasonous acts. It has been said that this group is the driving force for the new world order and WILL implement their mandate, if left unchecked.

Think about it, where is this culture of death coming from? Why is America front and center? They have already established a European Union, next step will be an American Union where Canada the USA and Mexico will merge into one governing body. They are already preparing this making new super highways that stretch from Mexico City thru to Russia, Non stop.

I would encourage all of you to look deeper into this. It is NOT anti-Catholic. Almost everything I have researched on this matter has been totally inline with was John Paul II and all the Popes have ever spoken out about in fascism and a new world order.

President George H.W. Bush even used the exact words during his office, talking about establishing a "new world order".

Think about it, don't rationalize, let the facts speak for them selfs. We see this stuff around us every day and don't even think anything about it.

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Advocatus Diaboli


Pope urges unity against terrorism

Pope Benedict, in his first Christmas address, on Sunday urged humanity to unite against terrorism, poverty and environmental blight and called for a "[b]new world order[/b]" to correct economic imbalances.

The Pope made his comments to tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered under umbrellas in a rainy St Peter square for his "Urbi et Orbi" (to the city and the world) message and blessing.

In his address, telecast live from the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica to tens of millions of people in nearly 40 countries, he also urged his listeners not to let technological achievements blind them to true human values.

He said humanity should look to the Christ child for encouragement in times of difficulty and fear.

"A united humanity will be able to confront the many troubling problems of the present time: from the menace of terrorism to the humiliating poverty in which millions of human beings live, from the proliferation of weapons to the pandemics and the environmental destruction which threatens the future of our planet," he said.

"Do not fear; put your trust in him! The life-giving power of his light is an incentive for building a [b]new world order [/b]based on just ethical and economic relationships," he said, speaking in Italian.

The address by the leader of the world's some 1.1 billion Roman Catholics was different in style than those of his predecessor John Paul, who died last April.

John Paul wrote his Christmas addresses in free-style verse and resembled poetry, whereas Benedict's was in prose like a normal homily or speech.

Since his election, the Pope has repeatedly reminded Catholics not to give in to an "ethical relativism" where circumstances can be used to justify actions that should be considered wrong in all cases.

The Pope, wearing a gold cape and with a gold mitre, continued in that line on Sunday by beaming in on the dangers of technology and progress, implying that it should not be allowed to become tantamount to a God in its own right.

"Today we can dispose of vast material resources. But the men and women in our technological age risk becoming victims of their own intellectual and technical achievements, ending up in spiritual barrenness and emptiness of heart," he said.

"That is why it is so important for us to open our minds and hearts to the birth of Christ, this event of salvation which can give new hope to the life of each human being," he said.

In other parts of the address he appealed for respect for the rights of people suffering a humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan.

He made another appeal for peace in the Holy Land and called for "actions inspired by fairness and wisdom" in Iraq and Lebanon.

The Pope asked God to favour dialogue on the Korean peninsula so that "dangerous disputes" there and elsewhere in Asia can be solved peacefully.

The Urbi et Orbi followed a solemn Christmas eve midnight mass attended by a congregation that packed St Peter's Basilica.

In his homily at that mass he urged the world's Catholics to be beacons of peace in a troubled world and offered a special prayer for an end to strife in the Holy Land.

The next major event on the Pope's Christmas season calendar is a mass on the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6. Two days later he will baptise children.

In early January, the Pope is due to publish his first encyclical, a major writing addressed to all Church members.

The encyclical, believed to be called "God is Love", deals with the individual's personal relationship with God.[/quote]

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[quote name='st-annes' post='1435400' date='Dec 17 2007, 06:37 PM']There is never going to be one. You've seen how well people have done at stopping the Middle East conflict, just to name one. There hasn't been true cooperation and peace in that place for how many thousands of years? And that's just one spot, so I seriously doubt they'll ever get the rest of the countries to cooperate on this. As for the U.N., please, their troops aren't even allowed to fire until fired upon. Name one country the U.N. has invaded. ...I thought so. The idea that anybody wants or has tried to really build a unified world government is just a paranoid fantasy. How they're supposed to put this together has never really been explained. Some people just love conspiracy theories too much.[/quote]

okay. I don't recall saying that there was one, or that there would be one. All my post was about was to reinforce something I said a long while back regarding pre-Vatican II popes' stance against a one-world government, regardless of whether or not one exists. But I think its quite silly to say that nobody wants a one-world government. Are you saying that Pope Benedict XV is wrong? He makes it quite clear that the intent is there. Whether such a thing has been fulfilled is debateable, the fact that many people want it to happen and have attempted to create is not. I don't know too many people that like conspiracy theories. No doubt there are more than a few nuts out there that thrive on it, but there is nothing abnormal about recognizing things that are going on under the table, so to speak, do you really think the government thinks so much of the average citizen that they are going to inform you about everything they do? That's a lot of faith you have in such a system. I personally have no doubt that the efforts are there. First with the U.N, though of course that can't be the end game, because now there are the efforts for a similar North American Union. Who's to say that these two coalitions won't join together? The US already has a tight bond with the UN so a simple merger would be an easy transition once we get that far.

Regardless, I was simply posting what I believe to be the pre-Vatican II popes' position on the matter. Not whether or not such a thing exists or not.

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1435450' date='Dec 17 2007, 08:44 PM']Well, that should at least dispell that nonsense (promoted by anti-Catholics such as Budge) that the Pope is all about creating some evil One-World Government.[/quote]

maybe... :)

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[quote name='Church Punk' post='1435475' date='Dec 18 2007, 01:34 PM']The idea is not as far fetched as you may think. The Bilderburg group meets in every year in utter secrecy and has done so in Canada many times. They have been caught red handed in Ottawa last year when news papers blew their cover on the front page, with very high level members (you can dig deeper to find names, it will shock you.) that have been photographed going to and a from the venue meeting in secrecy with so called enemies of the the West together with large corporate CEOs, for treasonous acts.[/quote]
These Bildergroup meetings are so top secret we know who attended, where they met, and what was discussed! Conspiracy theory comes complete with pictures of attendees walking in and out of buildings! Believe today!

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Advocatus Diaboli

But is His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI truly calling for a one world government by using the words "new world order"? Is he being quoted correctly? Is what he said being translated correctly?

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[quote name='Advocatus Diaboli' post='1436940' date='Dec 21 2007, 01:41 AM']But is His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI truly calling for a one world government by using the words "new world order"? Is he being quoted correctly? Is what he said being translated correctly?[/quote]
I just looked into it for you and that article is speaking of Pope Benedict's December 2005 [i]Ubi Et Orbi[/i] address which was given in Italian. The exact Italian phrase he used was "[i]un nuovo ordine mondiale[/i]" which literally means "a new world order" or "a new world-wide order" (this address is available on the Vatican website).
Incidentally this is the exact phrase that an Italian-speaking conspiracy theorist would use to refer to Skull and Bones or Illuminati type one world government conspiracy theories.
The problem with this interpretation is that it involves reading a great deal into the Popes words since the context and sense of this phrase in the actual address has nothing to do with usurping nation states and erecting a powerful centralized world government; much less does the speech imply anything about secret societies and the like.
I think what you may be forgetting is that this phrase has classically been used to describe simply a change in the sociopolitical landscape and/or ideals, perhaps marking a transition into a new historical era. The more general meaning of that phrase fits the context of the Pope's address much better than that of the esoteric conspiracy theorist jargon.
I think that the Pope's meaning was pretty perspicuous - the world needs an infusion of Christian morality and charity so that the economic and political structures of the world will come to express greater solidarity between nations and a vision of the common good that extends beyond the borders of particular nations. It is a variation on speeches about rich countries helping out needy countries as a basic human responsibility and related themes.

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[quote name='Advocatus Diaboli' post='1436940' date='Dec 20 2007, 11:41 PM']But is His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI truly calling for a one world government by using the words "new world order"? Is he being quoted correctly? Is what he said being translated correctly?[/quote]

All very good questions that should be considered. L D gave a reasonable answer I think, though other quotes (possibly can be explained in similar fashion) and the history since Paul VI in regards to the relationship with the EU is disturbing to me at least.

All things considered, I really didn't start this thread to raise concern regarding recent policy towards such establishments, only to give reference for a statement I made quite awhile back.

Edited by goldenchild17
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[quote name='st-annes' post='1435400' date='Dec 17 2007, 08:37 PM']The idea that anybody wants or has tried to really build a unified world government is just a paranoid fantasy. How they're supposed to put this together has never really been explained.[/quote]

What do you think the United Nations is all about? I call it Stage I. People say the UN has little real power, and this may be so when push comes to shove on certain controversial issues with powerhouses like the United States and China, but its influence on the world stage cannot be denied. Look at the New Environmentalism. Look at the European Union, and plans for African, South American, and North American Unions. Look at abortion, euthanasia, and other "human rights" indexed and promoted the world over by the UN.

It's people like you who make it easy for the "Illuminati" (or whatever you want to call those who are behind this machine) to achieve these things. You deny that they're even doing it. I recall something that George Orwell once said in the 1940s: When the New World Order happens, there will be no struggle against it -- the people will simply allow it to happen, right under their noses.

Edited by Nathan
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The Devil will reign over all of the world at the end of time, he will be absolute dictator of a one world government.

If you dont believe that you dont believe Christ, or His Church.

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