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Continued Discernment

Guest Sister Jacqulyn

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Guest Sister Jacqulyn

Dear Pham,
As most of you know, I am a Junior Sister for the IHM sisters in Immaculata, PA. This is my second year in temporary vow (but my 5th year in formation!) I have always felt God calling me to live my vowed consecration to Him deeply and in a radical way. This call has grown during my time with the sisters and, after much discernment and direction, I feel that He is calling me to move on from the IHMs and search for a more contemplative congregation. It is a difficult move, but I am confident that this is what God is asking of me.
I am overjoyed with Our Lord's strong pull to a more intense relationship with Him, but it is hard to seperate from my congregation. Mother Teresa wrote that when she left her first congregation, it was even more painful then when she left her family to join the convent. I can feel that! One of the hardest crosses He is asking me to bear right now is that I have to step away from the religious life for a year, maybe two, in order discern with other congregations (because I am a sister in temporary vows, transfering is not a possibility for me). But God has been merciful and Our Lady is very much with me right now.
Please remember me in your prayers during this time of adjustment...because it will be an adjustment to "come out into the world" again. The next time I post, I will be at home. This pham (whether you knew it or not) has helpped me hear this "call within a call". God bless you! Peace!

In Mary's Immaculate Heart,
(S.) Jacqulyn ----> call me "Jackie"

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Sr. Jackie:

I will keep you in my prayers ... I know of a sister who applied with a community, was not accepted (because they maxed out # of candidates), then went as far as junior profession in a 2nd community only to hear that the 1st community was accepting candidates again. She discerned, and decided to leave the 2nd to enter the 1st -- she is now a jr. professed at the 1st and quite happy there.

God has a plan and a reason for what He is asking you for. Just trust, and pray -- and have others pray for perseverence while you discern where you need to be next.

-- Carmen

Edited by cmariadiaz
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You are in my prayers, Jackie.

I will lift you up during my time at adoration. May God bless you.

You have great courage, God will not fail you!
P4C (nancy)

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

Dear Sister,
You are in my prayers. I sure know how you feel as leaving my congregation was probably the hardest thing I ever had to do! But if I hadn't left I wouldn't have found the joy I've found here!

Usually, when God is calling someone to contemplative life there is that odd sensation that the life you are living, even in active life is not "enough" for you.

Entrust yourself and your vocation to our Lady's maternal and loving heart and she will surely lead you to that niche that the Lord has in mind for you.

Don't look at your time with the IHM's as a mistake but as a preparation for your true vocation!

I sort of envy that you have support through a forum such as this! I didn't have anyone!

God bless you!

Sr. Mary Catharine

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I will definitely be praying for you. I am sure God will direct you where He wants you to be. I am also sure that He will give you the strength and courage to do what He asks. I hope everything works out and that you find where you are meant to be.

God Bless Jackie!

Love and prayers,

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[quote name='Sister Jacqulyn' post='1433426' date='Dec 12 2007, 03:30 PM']Dear Pham,

Please remember me in your prayers during this time of adjustment...because it will be an adjustment to "come out into the world" again. The next time I post, I will be at home. This pham (whether you knew it or not) has helpped me hear this "call within a call". God bless you! Peace!

In Mary's Immaculate Heart,
(S.) Jacqulyn ----> call me "Jackie"[/quote]
i know what you are going through from experience,
may God give you HIS peace and strength..
:sign: :sign:

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[quote name='Sister Jacqulyn' post='1433426' date='Dec 12 2007, 06:30 PM']Dear Pham,
As most of you know, I am a Junior Sister for the IHM sisters in Immaculata, PA. This is my second year in temporary vow (but my 5th year in formation!) I have always felt God calling me to live my vowed consecration to Him deeply and in a radical way. This call has grown during my time with the sisters and, after much discernment and direction, I feel that He is calling me to move on from the IHMs and search for a more contemplative congregation. It is a difficult move, but I am confident that this is what God is asking of me.
I am overjoyed with Our Lord's strong pull to a more intense relationship with Him, but it is hard to seperate from my congregation. Mother Teresa wrote that when she left her first congregation, it was even more painful then when she left her family to join the convent. I can feel that! One of the hardest crosses He is asking me to bear right now is that I have to step away from the religious life for a year, maybe two, in order discern with other congregations (because I am a sister in temporary vows, transfering is not a possibility for me). But God has been merciful and Our Lady is very much with me right now.
Please remember me in your prayers during this time of adjustment...because it will be an adjustment to "come out into the world" again. The next time I post, I will be at home. This pham (whether you knew it or not) has helpped me hear this "call within a call". God bless you! Peace!

In Mary's Immaculate Heart,
(S.) Jacqulyn ----> call me "Jackie"[/quote]

Blessings on this feast of St. Lucy! May her prayers assist you with learning the Divine Will in your regard!

Here is my website: [url="http://cloisters.tripod.com/"]http://cloisters.tripod.com/[/url]

Cloister Outreach stands ready to assist you in your discernment.

Cloister Outreach

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My brother (who is a religious) is currently in the process of moving to a more contemplative religious congregation too...prayers for you! it would be very difficult! but you must "follow the Lamb wherever He goes" :)

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[quote name='Sister Jacqulyn' post='1433426' date='Dec 12 2007, 05:30 PM']Dear Pham,
As most of you know, I am a Junior Sister for the IHM sisters in Immaculata, PA. This is my second year in temporary vow (but my 5th year in formation!) I have always felt God calling me to live my vowed consecration to Him deeply and in a radical way. This call has grown during my time with the sisters and, after much discernment and direction, I feel that He is calling me to move on from the IHMs and search for a more contemplative congregation. It is a difficult move, but I am confident that this is what God is asking of me.
I am overjoyed with Our Lord's strong pull to a more intense relationship with Him, but it is hard to seperate from my congregation. Mother Teresa wrote that when she left her first congregation, it was even more painful then when she left her family to join the convent. I can feel that! One of the hardest crosses He is asking me to bear right now is that I have to step away from the religious life for a year, maybe two, in order discern with other congregations (because I am a sister in temporary vows, transfering is not a possibility for me). But God has been merciful and Our Lady is very much with me right now.
Please remember me in your prayers during this time of adjustment...because it will be an adjustment to "come out into the world" again. The next time I post, I will be at home. This pham (whether you knew it or not) has helpped me hear this "call within a call". God bless you! Peace!

In Mary's Immaculate Heart,
(S.) Jacqulyn ----> call me "Jackie"[/quote]


*Group cuddle*

I am and we are here for you my sister, and so is God.

:bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap: :bigclap:
:blowkiss: :kiss: :lust: :grouphug: :sign:

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Oh, Jackie

Be assured lots of prayers from Phatmass Family/vocation with you...

I'm here if you need/want anything during time of transition or to get you back to the real world. I was in kind of similar shoe not to long ago...PAIN??? I'm certain that my heart still bleeds...Please don't hesitate to email me for your need/want. I mean it!

"Jesus entered into brokenness in order to struggle with it and conquer it by His Spirit of LOVE." I don't know where I got this quote from or who's the author. However, it has internally keeping me alive in GOD ever since the day I was told to leave my congregation. I hope you'll find it useful to you these days.

Join me [url="http://www.lovetobecatholic.com/video_321_The_Angelus.html"]http://www.lovetobecatholic.com/video_321_The_Angelus.html[/url]

I entrust you to our Blessed Mother.

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[quote name='williamb' post='1434695' date='Dec 15 2007, 07:18 PM']It's kind of too bad the IHMs don't have a contemplative branch or contemplative houses.[/quote]

Martha needs Mary. This could be a "call within a call."


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