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" I Think I'm Fat."


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With zero being S.O.S. (Surprisingly Stupid), and ten being sheer genius.

(said for the umteenth time) "I'm really fat."

Response one: "Well, eat less chocolate and go to the gym more."
Response two: "You can't keep comparing yourself to supermodels!"

R1 and R2 were both uttered by guys. The "I'm fat" comment came from a female who, IMO, is at a rather healthy weight. And I'm completely aware of the fact that there's not really a right way to deal something like this, but I wanted to get other people's opinions about this (especially the ladies).

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[quote name='XIX' post='1433172' date='Dec 12 2007, 01:47 AM']With zero being S.O.S. (Surprisingly Stupid), and ten being sheer genius.

(said for the umteenth time) "I'm really fat."

Response one: "Well, eat less chocolate and go to the gym more."
Response two: "You can't keep comparing yourself to supermodels!"

R1 and R2 were both uttered by guys. The "I'm fat" comment came from a female who, IMO, is at a rather healthy weight. And I'm completely aware of the fact that there's not really a right way to deal something like this, but I wanted to get other people's opinions about this (especially the ladies).[/quote]
Is the first respondant still with us today?

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Um..... 0 and 6 respectively. Because no matter how true response #2 is, I really don't think any girl wants to be told that. :shutup:

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Sometimes its better to keep silent and have people think you are an idiot rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt

-Attributed to Randolph Churchill

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I think the guy who said you can't keep comparing yourself to supermodels hit it dead on. I mean people get dyslexia over this idea that they're fat when they're a size six. It boggles my mind.

Edited by Justin86
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My response: "In the Middle Ages, fat was a sign of wealth and longevity of life; when the next great famine comes, you will outlive us!"

lol... yeah, I'm "single"... what's that got to do with anything? :unsure:

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1433190' date='Dec 12 2007, 04:25 AM']I think the guy who said you can't keep comparing yourself to supermodels hit it dead on. I mean people get dyslexia over this idea that they're fat when they're a size six. It boggles my mind.[/quote]
Reading disorders correlate to size six people?

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see... one time they tried on a dress that they thought was size 6, so when they go on to try on a dress again, it doesn't fit. turns out that they were dyslexic, and the first dress was really a size 9! so they get all depressed thinking that they're supposed to be a size 6.

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1433190' date='Dec 12 2007, 05:25 AM']I think the guy who said you can't keep comparing yourself to supermodels hit it dead on. I mean people get dyslexia over this idea that they're fat when they're a size six. It boggles my mind.[/quote]

Psst.. anorexia.

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There really isn't a great response to the "I'm fat" comment. Our society is too warped now on perfection in starvation....not that it's everyone's ideal, or even realistic, but I see the effects of it everywhere. Especially on the mindset concerning food.

I have a friend that is a size zero, and she is always complaining about being fat. I think its because she likes hearing (or [i]needs [/i] to hear) "no, you're so thin!" She eats, just not a lot.

oh, and Pro-Ana groups and images of supermodels, etc, don't help the matter.

Edited by Lena
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