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An Update


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hey friends,

I jsut wanted to update you on what's been happening. WEll I graduate from college this month on the 21st which I am so happy about. Discernment continues and who knows. IT seems there are always new twists and turns, I'm getting too old for this. Anyways well one thing I have really been considering and praying about is graduate school for Theology. I've been talking with my spiritual director and he's encouraging me to apply to see what happens. There still continues to be a pull towards the Dominicans but there is also a strong pull towards graduate school and possibly Phd work. While at a an Ethics Conference at Notre Dame a week ago I had very long chat with a Dominican Priest who is currently holds the Myser Fellowship at Notre Dame, Fr.Michael Sherwin OP from the Western Provience. WE talked about grad school programs and the topic of vocation came up as well. He said that how the women's Dominican's orders are structured there is not really room for Phd work like there is with the friars. He said he is running into more and more women in my situation. We are going to keep in touch.
He is also going to put me in touch with some women who are in the same situation. He had been working at a Catholic University in Switerland so many of these women speak french so it will give me an opportunity to brush up on my french./ So ultimately I have no idea what the Lord is doing. I am jsut taking each day at a time. Who knows maybe I'll jsut end up being single for the Lord. Please keep me in your prayers espeically as I apply to graduate school and continue to discern.


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congrats on graduating! Where do you want to study?

I graduate in May, and have applied to grad school, but so often I feel like I should take a different turn in my life.

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Congratulations on your graduation. :graduate:

I'm praying for you. In turn, pray for me - I'm busy applying for postgraduate study now, and I need the guidance. I'm also scheduled to meet a Carmelite prioress on Tuesday. :whistle:

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1432177' date='Dec 9 2007, 08:29 PM']Congratulations on your graduation. :graduate:

I'm praying for you. In turn, pray for me - I'm busy applying for postgraduate study now, and I need the guidance. I'm also scheduled to meet a Carmelite prioress on Tuesday. :whistle:[/quote]
thank you, you will be in my prayers as well

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the lords sheep

[quote name='veritas99' post='1432169' date='Dec 9 2007, 09:05 PM']I am applying to Notre Dame, Boston College, University of St.Thomas, and that's it for right now. Maybe CUA[/quote]

Wow! I'm graduating in may and applying for these same schools! Well, probably not St. Thomas... but Notre Dame, BC (the new STM School which is the combination of Weston Jesuit and BC's ministry school) , CUA (which is probably my top choice because I can get the ecclesial degree there and be a part of the washington consortium), and the Dominican Schools of philosophy and theology in Berkely and DC.

pm me... I'd be interested to talk about what you want to study and what you're hoping to do. Who knows, maybe God will will that we end up in the same place!

In Jesus and Mary,

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1432136' date='Dec 9 2007, 07:10 PM']While at a an Ethics Conference at Notre Dame a week ago I had very long chat with a Dominican Priest who is currently holds the Myser Fellowship at Notre Dame, Fr.Michael Sherwin OP from the Western Provience. WE talked about grad school programs and the topic of vocation came up as well. He said that how the women's Dominican's orders are structured there is not really room for Phd work like there is with the friars. He said he is running into more and more women in my situation. We are going to keep in touch. He is also going to put me in touch with some women who are in the same situation. He had been working at a Catholic University in Switerland so many of these women speak french so it will give me an opportunity to brush up on my french.[/quote]
I know (through Dominican connections myself) of Fr. Sherwin. He's right... the structuring (particularly for further education) is much different b/w Dominican men and Dominican women. I find myself in a very similar position to you. Has he been teaching in Fribourg? It would be interesting to hear the differences and similarities in European and American discernment.

[quote name='veritas99' post='1432169' date='Dec 9 2007, 08:05 PM']I am applying to Notre Dame, Boston College, University of St. Thomas, and that's it for right now. Maybe CUA[/quote]
Have you thought at all of the [b][url="http://chce.slu.edu"]Center for Health Care Ethics [/url][/b]at St. Louis University? I mention it b/c there is a sizable presence of Dominicans here in the area, including Fr. Benedict Ashley, OP who helped found the Center.

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This is very interesting, Trace. I ran into this "problem" as well when I was preparing to enter SMME. As the time was drawing nearer, I couldn't go knowing I may never go to school again for graduate/doctoral work -the grace wasn't there, the desire was to strong. It was one of the things I loved about the Angelicum. I didn't know there were so many other women in the same shoes!

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1434783' date='Dec 15 2007, 10:57 PM']+

This is very interesting, Trace. I ran into this "problem" as well when I was preparing to enter SMME. As the time was drawing nearer, I couldn't go knowing I may never go to school again for graduate/doctoral work -the grace wasn't there, the desire was to strong. It was one of the things I loved about the Angelicum. I didn't know there were so many other women in the same shoes![/quote]

You're alive!!!! yeah Father was very encouraging, he thinks that the Holy Spirit may be up to something but relly has no idea. So who knows. Yeah he said he keeps running into more and more women who are finding themselves in this situation.
Hey give me a call sometime, it would be good to catch up.

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1434783' date='Dec 15 2007, 10:57 PM']+

This is very interesting, Trace. I ran into this "problem" as well when I was preparing to enter SMME. As the time was drawing nearer, I couldn't go knowing I may never go to school again for graduate/doctoral work -the grace wasn't there, the desire was to strong. It was one of the things I loved about the Angelicum. I didn't know there were so many other women in the same shoes![/quote]

YES!!! Your alive! Both you Veritas'!!!!!!! *HUGS*

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Dominican women get their Master's, right? I know that they love study (as do I). All I really want is my Master's--a PhD might be beyond me. :)

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[quote name='elizabeth_jane' post='1434890' date='Dec 16 2007, 12:02 PM']Dominican women get their Master's, right? I know that they love study (as do I). All I really want is my Master's--a PhD might be beyond me. :)[/quote]

It's not a guarentee. Some get their Masters

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[quote name='AlterDominicus' post='1434810' date='Dec 16 2007, 12:17 AM']YES!!! Your alive! Both you Veritas'!!!!!!! *HUGS*[/quote]


You're so cute! Warm fuzzy. :)

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1434791' date='Dec 15 2007, 11:23 PM']You're alive!!!! yeah Father was very encouraging, he thinks that the Holy Spirit may be up to something but relly has no idea. So who knows. Yeah he said he keeps running into more and more women who are finding themselves in this situation.
Hey give me a call sometime, it would be good to catch up.[/quote]


Hmm... a new Dominican community of women, who study in Rome through the doctoral level -Lord have mercy! That would be TOO fun!

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