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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Peter Singer


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Whenever I run across arguments like that of Singer's, I am reminded of Sondra Diamond, who responded to some similar aguments in newsweek back in 1973 with one of the most famous letters to the editor ever published:

“I’ll wager my entire root system and as much fertilizer as it would take to fill Yale University that you have never received a letter from a vegetable before this one, but much as I resent the term, I must confess that I fit the description of a “vegetable” as defined in the article, “Shall This Child Die?”

Due to severe brain damage incurred at birth, I am unable to dress myself, toilet myself, or write; my secretary is typing this letter. Many thousands of dollars had to be spent on my rehabilitation and education in order for me to reach my present professional status as a counseling psychologist, My parents were also told, 35 years ago, that there was “little or no hope of achieving meaningful human-hood” for their daughter. Have I reached “human-hood”? Compared with Drs. Duff and Campbell I believe I have surpassed it!"

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