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This Is Very Interesting...


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3 people have b-days today....(supposedly :P ...acoording to phatmass)

Confessionator (17), cappie (50) and hyper (96).

(hey hyper, u got the big 100 coming up soon :lol: )

Quite interesting... :rolleyes:

happy birthday to all three of you... :D


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  the_rev said:
I know I saw that, I question hyper's b-day today. Hyper isn't 96, or is hyper?

no one really knows...

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


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Happy Birthday to the young, the young at heart, the over the hill, and the over-the-hill and under-the-bridge and across-the-street-just-past-the-7-eleven. :D


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  cimlog said:
If Hyper is 96, at least he has a great deal of knowledge that he can continue to share with us.

of course.

The wise hyper will share his wwords of wisdom colleced over almost a century :D

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hmm...wonder if something's happened to the glorious 96 year-old hper...

he hasn't come to this thread yet :ph34r:


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