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I Have A Calling...but...


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Are you attracted to children?? is that what draws you to the Dominicans??? Know of my prayers....but there are many orders out there...don't let your door be closed if the Dominicans close a window....it only opens another door of possibilities....once again, know of my prayers!!!

F.L.S.(future little sister)

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[quote name='DesiringMore' post='1427896' date='Dec 1 2007, 09:38 PM']Are you attracted to children?? is that what draws you to the Dominicans??? Know of my prayers....but there are many orders out there...don't let your door be closed if the Dominicans close a window....it only opens another door of possibilities....once again, know of my prayers!!!

F.L.S.(future little sister)
I love kids--I have twenty three cousins so I've grown up around them, and I was originally an education major in college. I can't have kids of my own so yes, I am really drawn to any order that works with kids, but I also considered contemplative orders like the Benedictines.

What drew me to the Dominicans was the palpable joy I saw in their work and vocation. Also it seemed better suited for my current situation in life. I am, though, open to other orders. ...

(anything with music as a major ministry is also a huge plus!)

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[quote name='elizabeth_jane' post='1425857' date='Nov 27 2007, 06:20 PM']I have felt a calling to be a sister since my senior year of college (2003). I'm 25 now (26 in April), and have fallen in love with the Nashville Dominicans. I have contacted their vocations director about attending their January vocations retreat.

Here's the "but" part. I had a lung transplant more than two years ago, and I'm fine now. I have no physical restrictions, I can do basically whatever I want (except climb Mt. Everest, but I don't want to do that anyway!). The schedule the Nashville Dominicans keep is very close to what I keep now (except I get up at 6, not 5). I have a full-time job, and am very active in my parish community. I know I would be able to be a teacher and put up with the demands of life.

The vocations direction seemed to have concerns about: 1) whether I could keep up with the life physically (Like if I was physically active, etc.) and 2) about my medical regiment. I will be on certain drugs the rest of my life. Some are probably negotiable, but some are not.

So, I [i]know/i] I have a calling. I have never felt more strongly about anything. I have spent much time in prayer and discernment. I cannot imagine not doing this. And yet I don't know if I'll be given the chance to try it.

Has anyone else had this problem? Or has advice? Or anything? I know that God's will and timing are perfect but I cannot imagine not being able to at least [i]try/i] the life...[/quote]

Elizabeth Jane--thanks for your post, your sentiments and your honesty. I admire your courage to hold on to your religious calling even though you don't know if you would be given the chance to try it.

You're probably pretty disappointed with the vocation director these days or with Jesus too...but just so you know, I'm praying for you in a special way. I still very much believe that Jesus has a plan for you... He has a way of throwing in these very unexpected twists, and He asks for some really hard things sometimes. (I spoke from my own painful experiences not too long ago.) Perhaps, Jesus has something for you that He couldn't have given you otherwise??? I don't know...

I hope this Advent Season will be a time of Christ's gentle light breaking through more of the darkness in unexpected ways.

Quiet joy!

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If you really love the Dominicans and for some reason it just wasn't meant to be...you could try checking out the Community of St. John which has both Contemplative and Active sisters. Their founder was a Dominican. In some respects, they are similar.

However, I do agree with the other posters on here. Pray, be open and honest with them and see where God takes you! He will always give you what is best for you and is leading you to Him through everything. Be patient, remember not to lose sight of belonging to Him now (not just as a future spouse in a convent). "Abide in me and I in you" He loves you dearly. He will take you exactly where He wants you!

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[quote name='elizabeth_jane' post='1427925' date='Dec 1 2007, 08:21 PM']I love kids--I have twenty three cousins so I've grown up around them, and I was originally an education major in college. I can't have kids of my own so yes, I am really drawn to any order that works with kids, but I also considered contemplative orders like the Benedictines.

What drew me to the Dominicans was the palpable joy I saw in their work and vocation. Also it seemed better suited for my current situation in life. I am, though, open to other orders. ...

(anything with music as a major ministry is also a huge plus!)

The Benedictine monasteries in the US need vocations and would definitely consider you. Benedictines traditionally have a strong orientation towards teaching and professional development. If you view the websites which profile their members, you'll notice that many of them teach at all levels.

Check out:


And there are many other Dominican orders in the US which are active and might consider you, in which the sisters pursue various apostolates, including teaching:

Check out:


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Thanks for all the prayers and suggestions everyone! I know I'm going to need them as I continue this process. I'm registered to attend the SMME retreat in Ann Arbor in February, so I hope that goes well. I hope I can make it until then--I'm so anxious to meet the sisters and see what their lives are like up there.

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I just got my retreat confirmation email for February from Sr. Annunciata. I am so excited! Thank you for all the prayers!
Now I just have to make it until February... :)

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