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[quote name='brendan1104' post='1424823' date='Nov 25 2007, 08:01 PM']I believe you said you're OCDS and wanting to be an OCD right? Well Carmelite nuns kneel on the floor, so if you want to start early...[/quote]

haha that's what I do when I pray. It seems more penitential to me. Though every once in a while I wouldn't mind having a nice Prie-Dieu to kneel on.

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Maybe those Callouses will build up on my knees! I have alot of bumps already..

Right now I am using a "Gasp!" BUDDHIST crescent shaped hull filled meditation cushion that I bought about 10 years ago to do sitting meditation on. But then, I have to prop myself up on the end of the bed. I thought a Prie dieu with a seat and a kneeler would be great. There is something so beautiful about Kneeling. I find that when I sit there's just too much distraction for me. I don't feel Obedient if that makes any sense.
I can sit and do Lectio, but to do intercession I must kneel.
Penitential is correct St. Thomas, I like that thought.

I am finding in this discernment I am going through, that the word "Obedience" keeps coming up for me in my prayers daily, at Eucharist and during Adoration. I have been such a "Liberal" Catholic, and I am surprised to find myself craving a stricter house, one with enclosure and full habit. Now, 20 years ago, I would have said those things were symbols of oppression of women etc and that they had "Nothing" to do with religious life. Now, I know better. Funny isn't it how the Lord will change your heart, when you do what he asks...

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[quote name='praying4carmel' post='1425135' date='Nov 26 2007, 08:12 PM']I am finding in this discernment I am going through, that the word "Obedience" keeps coming up for me in my prayers daily, at Eucharist and during Adoration. I have been such a "Liberal" Catholic, and I am surprised to find myself craving a stricter house, one with enclosure and full habit. Now, 20 years ago, I would have said those things were symbols of oppression of women etc and that they had "Nothing" to do with religious life. Now, I know better. Funny isn't it how the Lord will change your heart, when you do what he asks...[/quote]
That is so, so true.

Some people from my more liberal years (not too long ago, I'm only 23 now :) ) think I've been brainwashed by a bunch of invisible orthodox ninja priests or something! :ninja: (As if it's [i]easy[/i] to find orthodox priests around here, let alone get enough of their precious time to be brainwashed...) But no, what made me more observant was first and foremost prayer, and what followed from that.

I guess the Holy Spirit is orthodox, then :hehe:

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i have a taize style prayer bench/kneeler thingy without the cushion on it. i bought it at the community of st. johns gift shop in illinois. i don't remember the price...but i know it wasn't too bad. i like those and it totally keeps the legs from falling asleep! :)

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[url="http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&_trksid=m37&satitle=prie+dieu&category0="]Check ebay![/url]

[url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Religous-Childs-Prayer-Kneeler-for-Xmas_W0QQitemZ280175946640QQihZ018QQcateoryZ1447QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZVieItem"]This one is nice.[/url] It is inexpensive too compared to the rosary shop. Their kneelers are $600-$900. Compared to them, this, at around $150, is quite the buy.

If you are looking for a very beautiful one, despite price, there are some very nice ones [url="http://www.kingrichards.com/catalog/index.html?section=catalog&category_uid=10&sub_category_uid=950"]here[/url]. They do not put the price up, but judging from the pictures and the other items they sale and their usual customers I would think they are a bit more expensive. They are beautiful though.

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