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Prie Dieux


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hmmm....my mom has one, I think she got it at an antique sale or something though.


It looks a lot like this, only it's an older one and minus the padding. :)

[url="http://www.heavenlywood.com/54-prie-dieu.htm"]pic 2[/url]

I like this one.

Edited by Lena
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[quote name='Lena' post='1423090' date='Nov 20 2007, 10:07 PM']hmmm....my mom has one, I think she got it at an antique sale or something though.


It looks a lot like this, only it's an older one and minus the padding. :)

[url="http://www.heavenlywood.com/54-prie-dieu.htm"]pic 2[/url]

I like this one.[/quote]

Those are nice kneelers, but they're not exactly what the poster is looking for I don't think. A prie dieux has a seat with it. :)

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[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' post='1423124' date='Nov 20 2007, 11:16 PM']Does it?[/quote]

As far as I know. Normally a prie dieux is used for praying the Divine Office, which involves sitting down.

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Correct! Thanks Marie!

But I do Love the ones that you posted Lena, they are really nice.

I emailed the trappist Monks who make Caskets @ New Mellaray for a lead, so we'll see.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving to the both of you!


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Firstly, i dont know why i see many English sites that spell it with an 'x' on the end, since that would normally be plural as in 'gods', it should be, and is in normal parlance 'prie-Dieu' (no 'x' being God, and not gods) so a Prie-Dieu is a 'Pray (to) God', because that what you do on it! :)i also assume you wont be using to pray to The gods?? :)

there are a few Communities in France that make them, but i assume that doesnt help you... or give you one of mine..i have made a few things like this for prayer corners etc.
but it looks as though you live far away?
sometimes in older churches/cathedrals there are some gathering dust in sacristies and storage basements..snoop around?
and they exist with seats or benches sometimes attached, but it is much more common/traditional without,,,just the kneeler..
is THE most Common one you see in Europe, you sit low to the ground one way, then turn it around and kneel the other way (on the wicker). it is in MANY French Churches/chapels that don't have pews.

Edited by EJames2
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Or you could go for a small, [url="http://www.rosaryshop.com/prayerKneeler.php/request/order/model/taize/status/assembled"]taize-style kneeler.[/url] Other communities, such as the Fraternite Monastique de Jerusalem, and Chemin Neuf use them as well. You can kneel down on them, or you could kneel up for the kneeling parts and kneel down for the sitting parts. Kneeling down feels more like sitting than kneeling anyway.

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I also found [url="http://www.heavenlywood.com/m2870-priedieu-chair.htm"]this kneeler[/url], which does have a seat, but the seat is in front of the kneeler, the same way that kneelers and pews are attached in a church.

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I'm learning a lot from this thread!

The prie dieu I am used to has a kneeler and a seat, but maybe that is just because I have only seen them at monasteries :)

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[quote name='Maria' post='1423764' date='Nov 22 2007, 04:36 PM']Or you could go for a small, [url="http://www.rosaryshop.com/prayerKneeler.php/request/order/model/taize/status/assembled"]taize-style kneeler.[/url] Other communities, such as the Fraternite Monastique de Jerusalem, and Chemin Neuf use them as well. You can kneel down on them, or you could kneel up for the kneeling parts and kneel down for the sitting parts. Kneeling down feels more like sitting than kneeling anyway.[/quote]
actually thats the kind i have here, they are very easy to make, and transportable... allot of the 'new' Communities and old monastic oratories use them as you pointed out, in N.America though, because even the smallest chapels have pews, we are not used to seeing such things, or even praying in such a physical manner as some do..
is what the Brothers and Sisters of St. John have in their Churches/Chapels choir.

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Thank you so much everyone for your help! These Ideas are great!

James, the one that you sent me that is adjustable is a good idea because I am so short; I have been thinking, It may work well just to have a kneeler. I also Love the beautiful Chair. I don't know if I could do the Taize one without Padding under my Knees. But that is a beautiful one.

I have a humility problem, that is why I pray on my knees. Who was it Moishe Feldenkrais ? , who said that body posture is integrally connected with emotion and spirit? My prayer life took off when I went to my knees. Otherwise, I have a tendency to have a mind racing, and I am not listening to what our Lord or Mother Mary is sharing with me. Kneeling will silence my mind quickly.

I went to google and never got this far because I put in that darned "x". <_<
The rosary shop site is wonderful!

Thank you so much for your help friends!


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Hey P4C--

I totally know what you mean with prayerful body posture helping with prayer! I've seen those Taize- style ones around....I can't believe the price though!! Wow!

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[quote name='Maria' post='1423765' date='Nov 23 2007, 12:39 AM']I also found [url="http://www.heavenlywood.com/m2870-priedieu-chair.htm"]this kneeler[/url], which does have a seat, but the seat is in front of the kneeler, the same way that kneelers and pews are attached in a church.[/quote]

I've been looking for one of these. :) I know them as 'prayer stools'.

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I believe you said you're OCDS and wanting to be an OCD right? Well Carmelite nuns kneel on the floor, so if you want to start early...

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