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I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane :-)


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Hi Phamily:

This will probably not become a countdown ... I don't think I have the extra time for it.

I will be leaving on Jan 6 to do a 1 month live in, immediately followed by (if things go well) postulancy with the Discipulas.

(see the pinnned thread for the full name :)) alas I'm avoiding coming up on a google search!).

I arrive in Salta Argentina on Jan 7.

What I can say is that this second time around -- it was way harder than the first to get to this point. But its been worth the wait.

-- Carmen

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[quote name='Staretz' post='1422497' date='Nov 19 2007, 07:46 PM']this is good news indeed. ok; no countdown. thats fair enough. But I am very happy to hear your news :)[/quote]

I promise to post a couple of times before leaving ....

-- Carmen

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' post='1422595' date='Nov 19 2007, 09:31 PM']I promise to post a couple of times before leaving ....

-- Carmen[/quote]
good girl :D

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the lords sheep

Congratulations! I hope you find everything you're looking for as you follow Our Lord (halfway around the world!)!
Keep us posted!

In Jesus and Mary,

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  • 2 weeks later...

[b][size=5]One month, two days and counting[/size][/b] :rolleyes:

[i]update #1 ..... Staretz hopefully this will be to your liking [/i] :P

Sunday -- Mass of thanksgiving at my parish ... the parish priest (who is my spiritual director) asked the whole community to keep me in prayer as I continue to discern my vocation. It was beautiful. I had a couple of older women in their 70's come up and say that they'd pray for me for sure; I was so touched.

Sunday evening -- going away party #1. Approximately 35 people in a house. Could have invited at least a hundred more (hehehe) but was limited due to space. It was wonderful, however I am now having to appologize to a few people who didn't get invited ... but we all had a blast. Party #2 scheduled for end of december (for a 2nd group of people, that lived about 50 miles from the 1st party; that one will be small though [15-20 max]). There's at least one family that wants me to come over for dinner ... so hopefully a few other people who won't be at either party will be there.

Monday -- shopping trip #1!!!!! Accompanied by (!) 3 priests-friends (we had an awesome time together). Got a coat, sneakers, shoes for special occasions. Nice styles too -- again due to the good taste of those who were with me :lol_roll:; I sure couldn't decide and got frustrated very easily. Did I tell you all that I hate shopping?

Tuesday -- got info on how to order my high school transcript just in case I need that along with the diploma. The high school one will be unofficial; oh well if I do need an official one (or official diplomas -- my college one is framed quite nicely and permanently; and a new college one is $100 dollars!!!) then I'll deal with it then.

Also today -- picked up a new pair of glasses, that weren't quite right. Peripheral vision was completely blurred (and I don't have progressive bifocals, at least I wasn't supposed to; nor any bifocals yet!). Another trip to the optometrist next Tuesday ... hopefully they can rush the glasses so that if there's something wrong again it can be fixed in time.

Pending trip to Massachusetts to visit my God-children again ... have NO CLUE as to how I'm going to do it but I've got to. I finally saw them for the first time since Aug 2003 -- right before I entered the 1st convent. I was too embarrassed to let the family know what happened. Thank God I got bold enough to see them during Thanksgiving -- we all cried when we got together it was wonderfull, and they were so understanding. They're excited for me for my new adventure, and I've promised them that regardless of the outcome this time I will keep them informed of my whereabouts.

Car needs to get sold. Ugh. Please pray.

Finally may have my last music gig this Friday (don't know yet). If not -- I'm done with the music ministry (I've got to pack up my music and equipment and get it to my sister's for now). Another closed chapter (for now)!

Edited by cmariadiaz
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How wonderful to hear of all your preparations. God be with you as your make preparations to enter. Please do keep in touch with us. Our prayers go with you.

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' post='1429673' date='Dec 4 2007, 09:36 PM'][b][size=5]One month, two days and counting[/size][/b] :rolleyes:

[i]update #1 ..... Staretz hopefully this will be to your liking [/i] :P[/quote]

Thanks for the wonderful update. Oh and you are a brat :P

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[quote name='Staretz' post='1430093' date='Dec 5 2007, 01:52 PM']Thanks for the wonderful update. Oh and you are a brat :P[/quote]
Thanks ... I do try (hehehe; or as we say in spanish jajaja) :D

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