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Has this interfaith debate board made a difference for the Catholics?? Has it allowed you to understand your Protestant brothers and sisters, or has it caused more division? What have you learned?

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Along with learning about other beliefs, it has forced me to learn more about my own too. It has made me understand better why Protestants are Protestants, but more importantly, it has made me realize why I remain Catholic.

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  dUSt said:
Along with learning about other beliefs, it has forced me to learn more about my own too. It has made me understand better why Protestants are Protestants, but more importantly, it has made me realize why I remain Catholic.


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  dUSt said:
Along with learning about other beliefs, it has forced me to learn more about my own too. It has made me understand better why Protestants are Protestants, but more importantly, it has made me realize why I remain Catholic.

u pretty much nailed it, dude!

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interfaith diolouge means discussing each others religion. I have learned much about others religon, and so much more about mine. This website has taught me more than even my youth group does.

I just wish there were some muslums on the board. I would like to know more about their faith. I guess ill just keep on waiting. :cool:

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One thing I have learned is to not assume I know what someone from a Protestant church or another faith entirely believes, without getting the facts from the horse's mouth so to speak. I am sure there are just as many lies told out there about every Protestant denomination, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and every other faith as there are about Catholicism.

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  MJS said:
Has this interfaith debate board made a difference for the Catholics?? Has it allowed you to understand your Protestant brothers and sisters, or has it caused more division? What have you learned?

I've certainly gained a greater understanding of Protestantism through dialogue on internet message boards. However, I don't see understanding as an end; but rather as a means to conversion.


May God be kind to captive fish

Who dwell in little bowls and wish

To swim, and can’t, and have no notion

Of what has happened to the ocean.

And may He bless in aviaries

Continually caged canaries,

Who wonder, when they try to fly,

What can have happened to the sky.

- Fr. Feeney (no I'm not a Feeneyite, I just like this poem)

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  FX2 said:
interfaith diolouge means discussing each others religion. I have learned much about others religon, and so much more about mine. This website has taught me more than even my youth group does.

I just wish there were some muslums on the board. I would like to know more about their faith. I guess ill just keep on waiting. :cool:

we had a muslim vato coming around but I havent seen him in awhile.

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  dUSt said:
Along with learning about other beliefs, it has forced me to learn more about my own too. It has made me understand better why Protestants are Protestants, but more importantly, it has made me realize why I remain Catholic.

ditto, except change catholic to non-catholic.

I have learned much more about Catholicism from interacting with you guys at this site. Unfortunately this is still just one branch and I can't use you guys as the prototype for all Catholicism. I was talking to a friend out in Michigan and he was saying he was talking heavily with a local Catholic church and they actually say they worship Mary which was kindof surprising.

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  Circle_Master said:
I was talking to a friend out in Michigan and he was saying he was talking heavily with a local Catholic church and they actually say they worship Mary which was kindof surprising.

We DO worship Mary. Again, it's the Catholic/Protestant language barrier. Before you reply, read this brief article explaining what I mean:


The beauty is, you CAN use any devout Catholic as the prototype for any other Catholic. We all fall under the authority of the heirarchy of Christ's Church--it's pretty much universal. We don't believe different things.

God bless.

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  dUSt said:
We DO worship Mary.

interesting. Two months ago there was rampage here of some people shouting that they did not worship Mary. They 'venerate' her and it is different.

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