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Property Rights And Environmentalism


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here is how hard core conservatives have it messed up. they insist on libertarianism to the point of allowing development of everything, or at least most things. apparently, it's not the place of the government to give property rights to the state regarding enviro stuff.

then, out of the other side of their mouth, they say it is the place of government to give property rights to individuals, while ironically denying other individuals a basic cut.

if gov can do one, they should be able to do the other. individual rights should be more protected, but they act as if enviro rights cannot be at all.

there's an interest in the enviro for everyone though. a few people decided to squat on the nice enviro places, and do you know who those people are? it's a government. heaven forbid people own land in conert. oh wait, they can, but just not publically? should they form private corporations to own the land? would that magically make it okay since it's not a government backed by all the opposing interests?

and then they say we need to develop for jobs. there are so many ways to create jobs. in fact, the jobs argument is like drugs. i have to develop. then, the create an economy that needs to develop more. eventually, it will have to stop. then the economy will collapse on itself. (much like the cookie cutter houses being built that led up to the drop in housing prices etc)

just random thoughts. another conservative hit job.
maybe most if not all conservatives are reasonable about saving the enviro. but it only depends on the situation whether what principles prevail. that wouldn't be so unreasonable, and in fact is what i believe.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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