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The Orthodox Churches Recognize The Authority Of The Pope


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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1422447' date='Nov 19 2007, 06:59 PM']I remember a source given somewhere here on PM saying the schism wasn't really in 1054. It was more along the lines of 1500s when it finally "Happened". Meh, I'll go with 2054. But I don't its a time where we "talk" about reunification. Talk is cheap by then. It's gotta be happening now.[/quote]

There was a brief period somewhere around the 1500s, I think following the Council of Florence (going off memory here) when the Catholic and Orthodox Churches were technically united. However, it was purely a political move, probably made under duress from a Catholic monarch, so it didn't last long at all. But as for talk being cheap, while that's true when talking about politicians, celebrities, and business leaders, I'm sure those involved in Catholic-Orthodox dialogue take their responsibility seriously. Of course, on some level, we are all part of that dialogue if all we do is seek to understand the other side's point of view. But if and when reunification happens, if it's going to last, it must be preceded by a lot of talking that will cover all the theological nuances and ensure there isn't a rebellion because something was overlooked.

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1422119' date='Nov 20 2007, 03:26 AM']Not to be a pessimist, but I'm really not even sure that's possible. When in history have all Christians been united? I think Gnosticism starting to spring up before 100 AD. While unity would be awesome, at the same time, the Church is going to pass away with the rest of this world after Christ returns. I don't expect true unity to happen any sooner, but at least we can take joy in knowing God will make it happen eventually.[/quote]
Protestantism is the biggest divider of Christianity in history. More churches were formed from that schism than any other. Even if we can never achieve perfect unity we surly are capable of achieving more unity than what Protestantism is giving us.

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1422763' date='Nov 20 2007, 04:22 AM']Protestantism is the biggest divider of Christianity in history. More churches were formed from that schism than any other. Even if we can never achieve perfect unity we surly are capable of achieving more unity than what Protestantism is giving us.[/quote]

I agree... the continued existence of Catholicism and even Orthodoxy are a testament to that, but I'm not going to bash Protestantism. At least they are Christians and assisting in the work of spreading the Gospel. Not that I don't evangelize to Protestant friends, but it seems to me that a lot of Catholics only see what's wrong with them and lose sight of our common ground. Just the other day, a friend of mine asked me about the Catholic Church's position in regards to other Christians. It was a brief conversation and I kept the answer short and simple, which left him thinking that he's been too hard on Catholicism and possibly misunderstood some of our beliefs. So the next time I talk to him, we have a common base to build from to keep us from getting lost in an entangling mess of differences.

That's basically how this Catholic-Orthodox dialogue is going... start with our common belief in the Bishop of Rome as first among equals and move on from there.

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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Rosemary's Goddaughter

I don't think we're going to get anywhere as far as reunification goes until we all put away our flippin' pride. There's more to it certainly, but none among us (Catholics, Orthodox, or Protestants) has had a spotless past. Protestantism may have arisen because we made some pretty bad mistakes, but...who doesn't?

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1422796' date='Nov 21 2007, 12:18 AM']I agree... the continued existence of Catholicism and even Orthodoxy are a testament to that, but I'm not going to bash Protestantism.[/quote]
I didn't bash them either. I just pointed out a flaw of theirs.

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1423159' date='Nov 21 2007, 01:40 AM']I didn't bash them either. I just pointed out a flaw of theirs.[/quote]

I know... I just had a bad feeling the thread might start going in that direction and that would've been annoying.

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This dialogue was specifically with the Eastern Orthodox. The dialogue did not include the Oriental Orthodox who have a different theology and praxis. Also, these dialogues are unofficial, although they entail the steps to a greater unity, they are not proclamations or declarations of such, but only tools for further dialogue.

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