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Why Is Mommy A Democrat?


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[quote name='LouisianaCatholic' post='1435603' date='Dec 18 2007, 10:45 AM']That is just a little stereotypical, don't you think? Not exactly the Christian understanding us Catholic's are supposed to espouse.

I second your notion LouisianaCatholic.

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[quote name='LouisianaCatholic' post='1435603' date='Dec 18 2007, 10:45 AM']That is just a little stereotypical, don't you think? Not exactly the Christian understanding us Catholic's are supposed to espouse.
I agree. Socrates can be a bit (or a lot) rough around the edges, but IMO he's usually pretty cool.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Nov 14 2007, 09:47 PM' post='1419564']
Why is Mommy a Democrat?

Because "Mommy"'s a lazy welfare-dependent bisexual crack-addict silly sally who aborted all her other kids, and wants Uncle Sam to subsidize all her various vices?

This is more than stereotyping, it is ignorance and elitism. I would bet that most people on this post have never met someone on welfare, never met a crack addict, or been involved in an inexpected pregnancy. It is so easy to judge other people when you have no way to even relate to them.

The study cited from 1995 regarding welfare benefits leading to more welfare is seriously outdated. Almost all states have work required welfare programs. If you really think that a parent raising one child on a whopping $437 per month plus about $120 in food stamps is living it up, you are delusional. (that is Minnesota benefits, probably three times as high as the south)
Do you know what rent alone costs? Many people try to get themselves up and out of poverty but, it isn't so easy when you haven't come from a two parent household, been taught work ethics or religion, have no one to foot the bill for some or all of your college etc.
Christ told us that whatever you do for the least of them, you do unto him and whatever you fail to do........well. You know the rest.

The abortion issue is a horrible one to have to deal with and be a Democrat. George the First changed his stance on abortion only after realizing it would get him more votes. Republicans use it to reel you in and that is so obvious by how little they have actually done to change things.
If a person is more concerned with social justice, the care of the weak, the poor, the elderly and the marginalized, they cannot consciously be a part of the Republican party. That is the party of greed over need, profit over people, false piety over reality of life. Maybe not as many Republican representatives are getting divorced, they just carry on their affairs, hetero or gay in public restrooms or sleazy hotels. Sanctimonious as ever.

Now, you may have had five semesters of philosophy but, I have had 26 years of working in social services with the poor and marginalized, the mentally ill, the abused and the homeless and I can tell you that you would profit from a little less schooling and a little more interaction with humanity on the lower level of our society. I am saying that in all kindness. If Jesus was here today, I believe he would be at a soup kitchen, not in a corporate boardroom or government office trying to figure out how better to line his pockets at the expense of others.

Most all politicians care only for themselves, regardless of party but, some care for others a bit more. Too bad the only one who really lived his conscience was killed by the Republicans.

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[quote name='LouisianaCatholic' post='1435603' date='Dec 18 2007, 09:45 AM']That is just a little stereotypical, don't you think? Not exactly the Christian understanding us Catholic's are supposed to espouse.

And I'm sure St. Paul was not espousing Christian understanding when he called Cretans liars and gluttons in Titus 1.

All Socrates is doing is personifying the negative aspects of what the Democratic party has stood for since 1972.

Edited by Norseman82
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[quote name='Deb' post='1435795' date='Dec 18 2007, 03:51 PM']Too bad the only one who really lived his conscience was killed by the Republicans.[/quote]

You had some valid points regarding your "real life experience", but regarding this last sentence, what are you talking about??????

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1435814' date='Dec 18 2007, 04:36 PM']You had some valid points regarding your "real life experience", but regarding this last sentence, what are you talking about??????[/quote]

Senator Paul Wellstone.

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[quote name='Deb' post='1435896' date='Dec 18 2007, 07:38 PM']Senator Paul Wellstone.[/quote]

What are you talking about? He died in a plane crash.

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[quote name='Deb' post='1436163' date='Dec 19 2007, 01:30 PM']He was killed in a plane crash.[/quote]

Yeah, so what do the Republicans have to do with that???

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[quote name='LouisianaCatholic' post='1435603' date='Dec 18 2007, 10:45 AM']That is just a little stereotypical, don't you think? Not exactly the Christian understanding us Catholic's are supposed to espouse.
My sincere apologies for the character assasination of a cartoon squirrel!

This is basically an absurd thread regarding an absurd book - written with the despicable purpose of shoving liberal ideology down the throats of little children.

And no, I have no respect for the official Party of Abortion, Sodomy, and Socialism.

"But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea." ~ Matthew 18:6

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[quote name='Deb' post='1435795' date='Dec 18 2007, 04:51 PM']Why is Mommy a Democrat?

Because "Mommy"'s a lazy welfare-dependent bisexual crack-addict silly sally who aborted all her other kids, and wants Uncle Sam to subsidize all her various vices?
This is more than stereotyping, it is ignorance and elitism. I would bet that most people on this post have never met someone on welfare, never met a crack addict, or been involved in an inexpected pregnancy. It is so easy to judge other people when you have no way to even relate to them.

The study cited from 1995 regarding welfare benefits leading to more welfare is seriously outdated. Almost all states have work required welfare programs. If you really think that a parent raising one child on a whopping $437 per month plus about $120 in food stamps is living it up, you are delusional. (that is Minnesota benefits, probably three times as high as the south)
Do you know what rent alone costs? Many people try to get themselves up and out of poverty but, it isn't so easy when you haven't come from a two parent household, been taught work ethics or religion, have no one to foot the bill for some or all of your college etc.
Christ told us that whatever you do for the least of them, you do unto him and whatever you fail to do........well. You know the rest.

The abortion issue is a horrible one to have to deal with and be a Democrat. George the First changed his stance on abortion only after realizing it would get him more votes. Republicans use it to reel you in and that is so obvious by how little they have actually done to change things.
If a person is more concerned with social justice, the care of the weak, the poor, the elderly and the marginalized, they cannot consciously be a part of the Republican party. That is the party of greed over need, profit over people, false piety over reality of life. Maybe not as many Republican representatives are getting divorced, they just carry on their affairs, hetero or gay in public restrooms or sleazy hotels. Sanctimonious as ever.

Now, you may have had five semesters of philosophy but, I have had 26 years of working in social services with the poor and marginalized, the mentally ill, the abused and the homeless and I can tell you that you would profit from a little less schooling and a little more interaction with humanity on the lower level of our society. I am saying that in all kindness. If Jesus was here today, I believe he would be at a soup kitchen, not in a corporate boardroom or government office trying to figure out how better to line his pockets at the expense of others.

Most all politicians care only for themselves, regardless of party but, some care for others a bit more. Too bad the only one who really lived his conscience was killed by the Republicans.[/quote]
The facts are that the vast increase in welfare spending since the mid-sixties has not ended poverty, but helped create a cycle of illegitimacy, irresponsibility, and dependency which ehlps perpetuate poverty, rather than end it.
That is not truly helping the poor, but in the long run making the problem worse.
The breakdown of the family is a major outcome of the welfare state, and is at the root of many of the problems plaguing the urban poor.

And I've got nothing against people working in soup kitchens, helping the homeless, and such. In fact, I think we should all do more of it. That has nothing to do with what I've written here.
Charity and welfare-state socialism are not the same thing, and it is dishonest to conflate the two.
And I've known people who make a living helping the poor and marginalized who never vote Dem.
Also, as I've cited earlier, studies have shown that conservatives give more to the poor than liberals.

All you've given against me are some liberal platitudes, character attacks on some politicians, and a bizarre accusation concerning a dead senator.

And I thank God my Mommy was not a Democrat.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1436314' date='Dec 19 2007, 08:57 PM']Yeah, so what do the Republicans have to do with that???[/quote]

[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1436340' date='Dec 19 2007, 09:57 PM']died, killed... same deal? What's the point, Deb?[/quote]
It appears our friend Deb subscribes to some colorful conspiracy theories. Presumably Sen. Wellstone was assasinated by the same shadowy cabal of Evil Republican Space Aliens that were responsible for JFK's assasination and the 9-11 attacks.

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1436353' date='Dec 19 2007, 10:06 PM']Evil Republican Space Aliens[/quote]

Didn't they open for Elvis last year? After all..


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maybe welfare hasn't ended poverty, but it has made an impact. are we going for all or nothing?

there's always room for reform. just because there's bad aspects of whatever program doesn't mean the program is inherently bad.

there are actually people who are helped by welfare. probably who couldn't be helped by charity, i'd imagine. charity in real life doesn't do a whole lot beyond making sure ya got the bare minimums. they're not gonna watch your kids or help you pay your bills.

people who need child care to advance, that's there with welfare. it's about a smart system, not no system.
do you have relative who'd help you, for certain things? make them testify that they don't before you help them. this is complicated itself but.
are they simply being given money and stuff? make them show progress to working themselves out, andor school.

welfare shouldn't be so much handouts, as a "get out of poverty" systems, which is what it's been evolving towards.

one thing you'll never see socrates answer, is what to do with those people who truly need the assistance. or to describe the kind of people he'd help. (other than where a natural disaster occurs) he avoids issues and spouts rhetoric.
[quote]Charity and welfare-state socialism are not the same thing, and it is dishonest to conflate the two.[/quote]
it's dishonest to say any government help is socialism.
i'd recommend you read that thread on the popes and social justice.
but you'd probaby not learn anything from it. you never do, as shown by this thread. not listen to someone who has been in social services for a quarter century, but continue to be a sofa seat politician who lives in extreme absolutes.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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