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Sacrament Of Marriage


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My assistant debate coach claims that Marriage is differn't than other sacraments because it is for other people, the people attending, to show a sign of their love in God. He further says that other sacraments are egotistical (I recive communion, last rites, etc). While I might not use the term egotistical, I would agree with him on that, but I would add marriage as well. It is the two people showing their love in God. He refutes that by saying "If it is at this time that they see Gods love there is a problem." I further refute by saying, it is not their first, but at the same time they see God's love in the sacrament nontheless. Your thoughts?

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I'm not sure if I am misunderstanding you. Please forgive me if I have...

Marriage is the only sacrament that is conferred by a lay person (Baptism could be, I suppose), and specifically it is the only sacrament one necessarily must enter into with another person. In those ways, it is a communal sacrament, rather than an individual one. However, marriage is no more selfless than Holy Orders, for sure. They can both be lived in a self-centered way, but that would be a travesty of the grace and the opposite of each sacrament and vocation. Both marriage and the priesthood are sacraments which confirm one in a state of life, and all states in life in Christ are calls to sacrifice and selflessness. As a good friend of mine said, regarding discernment, "No matter which way God calls you, you've still gotta go through the fire!"

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I believe that GOD does not stand on any human ceremony but I also believe that it seems to be important to the people who are going through with the ritual.

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