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The Catholic Church Is An Exclusivist Cult

hyperdulia again

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1416789' date='Nov 9 2007, 08:06 PM']Tell the boss to stop with the "random acts of management"[/quote]

That's awesome!

But yeah some folks don't listen to reason. It's like arguing with a wall.

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[indent]Why are you asking about what to say? Why not just say whatever is in your heart? If I have a boss like that, I will not cry nor smile, I will not be happy or sad. I will not look up, down, right or left and I will not ask anybody what to say except my boss. I will ask him with all humility ‘Boss, what is my religion for you to say it is unholy?’[/indent]

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hyperdulia again

[quote name='st-annes' post='1425221' date='Nov 26 2007, 04:16 PM']My thoughts too. :unsure:[/quote]
An Episcopalian school, the man certainly has the right to express opinions, even negative ones, about the Church.

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1425204' date='Nov 26 2007, 03:00 PM'][quote]If the CC is the whore and a cult, then it doesn't have the authority to beaver dam people to Hell.[/quote]
Ignoring the insult against my Faith, could you name one person who was damned to hell by the Catholic Church?

When you discover the answer, maybe this will help you understand that the Church's true mission is to be an instrument for bringing people to an eternal life [u]with[/u] Jesus Christ, not one without Him.
[/quote]I think this was a response to the original post...
[quote]If sum1 told you that while Catholics are Christians the Church is the Whore of Babylon and condemns Protestants to Hell how would you respond? My boss told me this. I tried to explain invincible ignorance and other things, but he would not listen. What am I to say?[/quote]
[i]If[/i] "the [Catholic] Church is the Whore of Babylon" [i]then[/i] it can't "condemn Protestants to Hell."

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[quote name='tgoldson' post='1425594' date='Nov 27 2007, 08:20 AM']I think this was a response to the original post...

[i]If[/i] "the [Catholic] Church is the Whore of Babylon" [i]then[/i] it can't "condemn Protestants to Hell."[/quote]Fair enough.

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[quote name='hyperdulia again' post='1425577' date='Nov 27 2007, 03:26 AM']An Episcopalian school, the man certainly has the right to express opinions, even negative ones, about the Church.[/quote]

I've met a few Episcopalians in my time-- most of them were just normal, and didn't walk up to me and compare my church to the whore of Babylon! I didn't know they thought that was okay--I hope most of them still don't. :unsure: It's a subjective impression, but it didn't sound to me like there was a really scholarly or just horsing-around type of debate going on. It's one thing for people to 'shoot the breeze.' It's another for people to just jump into a personal issue, and in what sounded to me at least like a fairly oddball and crude way. Sure they're different churches, and it's a church school. Did the other person have to be rude and confrontational?

Creating a hostile environment at work is against the law. Discrimination is against the law. When it can be perceived that someone's job is at stake, it's not good to give people the wrong impression. I just think it's fishy ethics. It's a little more serious than "Hey, funny weather we've been having lately."

This isn't just a thing where people bump into one another at a bus stop and are never going to see each other again. It could be seen as 'casting a shadow' on someone's ability to make a living and to expect generally fair treatment from the people in management. I may be taking it to the end, but it can happen.

There's an old saying about not bringing up politics at the dinner table. Some stuff, people ought to just be cool about. Doesn't anyone else like to talk about, uh, sports scores?

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[quote name='tgoldson' post='1425594' date='Nov 27 2007, 10:20 AM']Ignoring the insult against my Faith, could you name one person who was damned to hell by the Catholic Church?

When you discover the answer, maybe this will help you understand that the Church's true mission is to be an instrument for bringing people to an eternal life [u]with[/u] Jesus Christ, not one without Him.
I think this was a response to the original post...

[i]If[/i] "the [Catholic] Church is the Whore of Babylon" [i]then[/i] it can't "condemn Protestants to Hell."[/quote]

Correct. If someone confronted me with that question, that's what I would tell them for a cult, nor a "known" "Whore of Babylon" has the authority over Christians. It's a crazy question.

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