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The Catholic Church Is An Exclusivist Cult

hyperdulia again

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hyperdulia again

If sum1 told you that while Catholics are Christians the Church is the Whore of Babylon and condemns Protestants to Hell how would you respond? My boss told me this. I tried to explain invincible ignorance and other things, but he would not listen. What am I to say?

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[quote name='hyperdulia again' post='1416710' date='Nov 9 2007, 05:23 PM']If sum1 told you that while Catholics are Christians the Church is the Whore of Babylon[/quote] First, ask him to offer some proof. Next, show him that all christians are part of the Body of christ, the church, that he died for it to make it completely holy(Eph. 5:23-27, Col. 1:18)Then, ask him to explain how the body of christ can be defiled (Or even be called a whore) He will most likely refer you to verses in revelations, but show him that they could as easily be interpreted to refer to the Anglican church,or the Lutheran church, since I've seen these verses before and that are quite vague. (Often they will make inordinate leaps of logic as in :The whore has jewels-catholics have jewels=the catholic church is the whore)Tell him that there was no protestant church in existence until the reformation, as such, the Catholic church is the oldest church in the west,and is the only one with a historical connection to Christ. That makes it this same church which Paul says is spotless and without blemish.
[quote]and condemns Protestants to Hell[/quote] Ask him first for some kind of citation, then tell him that the Catechism of the Catholic Church says that only God judges. As such, no catholic can make a definitive judgment on those who go to hell.[quote]how would you respond? My boss told me this. I tried to explain invincible ignorance and other things, but he would not listen. What am I to say?[/quote]
He seems to not care for anyone's opinions if he won't listen, but try anyway.

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[quote name='hyperdulia again' post='1416710' date='Nov 9 2007, 02:23 PM']If sum1 told you that while Catholics are Christians the Church is the Whore of Babylon and condemns Protestants to Hell how would you respond?[/quote]

Ask him/her to put the crack pipe down now.

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People like that just make my head hurt. I know I should try to educate them, but there are some people who just don't want to be confused by the truth. I used to quote out of that book about Catholic answers to fundamentalism, but I can't remember the name, and I think my ex-roommate got custody of it when I moved to Canada.

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[quote name='hyperdulia again' post='1416710' date='Nov 9 2007, 04:23 PM']If sum1 told you that while Catholics are Christians the Church is the Whore of Babylon and condemns Protestants to Hell how would you respond? My boss told me this. I tried to explain invincible ignorance and other things, but he would not listen. What am I to say?[/quote]
In my experience, people with those ideas will not accept reason. Your example (the way you live your life) is the only thing that will change his mind.

This reminds me of an experience I had in med school... it was a late night during my surgery rotation... one of my classmates decided to go off on Catholics rather loudly in earshot of our patients' rooms. He called us exclusionary and pretentious among other things. I quietly responded that he was wrong. He continued to argue. I bit my tongue (with the help of The Holy Ghost). Another classmate then changed the subject. A few minutes later he looked at my wrist band, which read "One Human Family," and asked me what charity or cause it supported. On the opposite side of the band were the letters "CRS." Catholic Relief Services. I explained to him that by "One Human Family" we really only meant exclusionary and pretentious Catholics and that CRS would only provide relief to exclusionary and pretentious Catholics. That guy was a real piece of work.

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It's the old, "I LOVE Catholics, I HATE the Catholic Church." OK, whatever...next. ;)

Sorry that your boss hasn't learned enough manners to figure out that insulting someone's religion isn't very kosher.

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[quote name='hyperdulia again' post='1416710' date='Nov 9 2007, 05:23 PM']If sum1 told you that while Catholics are Christians the Church is the Whore of Babylon and condemns Protestants to Hell how would you respond? My boss told me this. I tried to explain invincible ignorance and other things, but he would not listen. What am I to say?[/quote]

I would print these out and ask him to read them...



Catholic.com rocks. :punk:

God Bless!

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Give him the material on the Whore of Babylon that ironmonk suggested, together with a copy of [i]Lumen Gentium[/i]. That is a beautiful document that gives the Catholic perspective on Christians from other churches. Above all, pray. People who cherish theories like that are usually very unlikely to listen, as they believe that they already have it all figured out and that no one - least of all a heathen Catholic - could possibly have anything constructive to say. Don't feel discouraged if your boss dismisses your response or continues to reiterate the same old things. It's not a reflection on the quality of your apologetics, but an ingrained habit on the part of some fundamentalists.

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Just as an aside, how does a person call an organization with over one billion members exclusive?

For what it's worth, we get our fair share of complaints from fundamentalists (a la Budge) that we're not exclusive enough. Go figure...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where exactly do you work where talking offensively like this to an employee wouldn't result in a major lawsuit?

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[quote name='desertwoman' post='1425142' date='Nov 26 2007, 02:19 PM']If the CC is the whore and a cult, then it doesn't have the authority to beaver dam people to Hell.[/quote]Ignoring the insult against my Faith, could you name one person who was damned to hell by the Catholic Church?

When you discover the answer, maybe this will help you understand that the Church's true mission is to be an instrument for bringing people to an eternal life [u]with[/u] Jesus Christ, not one without Him.

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[quote name='PopeClementI(MorClemis)' post='1425054' date='Nov 26 2007, 04:44 AM']Where exactly do you work where talking offensively like this to an employee wouldn't result in a major lawsuit?[/quote]

My thoughts too. :unsure:

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