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Holy Hillary...


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Guest Obedient2one

Hey Everyone,

This has been a really long thread covering a wide range of topics. Most centering around politics. People get so excited about this topic. This topic has actually broken up my family. First off, we all have to be respectful of one another and not judge, even if views differ. Calling people names or making accusations about their beliefs is not the Christian thing to do. It undermines that persons dignity. If we love our brothers and sisters as we are called to do we will do things to build them up and not break them down.

Since I am on the topic of love. We are taught as Christians to love. Love is the greatest gift. Love produces life. Life is why Jesus died on the cross. Therefore by Jesus's example we as Christians are called to protect life! Love and life are at the core of Christianity. Is pro-choice founded out of love? Does it respect life? No and No. So pro-choice stands in direct contention to the core teachings of Jesus Christ. We are called to act on our faith and the teachings of Jesus. What makes a Christian a Christian is not just word alone, but action along with the word. The world rejects Christians because we honor him with our words, but deny him by our actions.

I love Hillary as a person and creation of God. However, that does not mean that I have to support her politically. Several of her political stances and governmental works are in direct contention with Christian beliefs. Whether she prays or not makes no difference. As a God fearing man I base my political decisions from the stance that one day I will come before the Lord. Having heard the word I am accountable to it and I will take action to align myself with it ... in EVERY aspect of my life. I pray that all Christians vote according to God's word and NOT our worldly conscience.

Abortion is a huge issue because it symbolizes and embodies the spiritual war going on in our society today. Christians are called to unity in John 17 (Jesus's last prayer). What a better way to show the world our beliefs than to stand united behind Jesus Christ and vote accordingly.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' post='1417926' date='Nov 11 2007, 08:42 PM']Where are those WMDs now?[/quote]

I know some time ago Ironmonk posted a source - I believe it was from the UN - detailing the case that Saddam had WMDs. I don't know if it detailed what happened to them.

However, a new book is coming out this week that states that Saddam admits to faking he had WMDs in order to deter Iran from attacking. The book is [u]The Terrorist Watch: Inside the Desperate Race to Stop the Next Attack [/u]by Ronald Kessler, and it was based on interviews with FBI agent George Piro, who debriefed Saddam.


Either way, the evidence shows me that the Bush administration did not deceptively manipulate the facts in order to invent a pretext for the invasion.

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