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Ave Maria Totus Tuus

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Ave Maria Totus Tuus


I found a great article recently written by a man who spent some of this summer filming the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia here in Nashville for a video they are making. He got to attend some of their summer ceremonies, including the Final Profession of Vows. Below is an excerpt from his article:

[i]Sunday was the Mass for the Rite of Perpetual Religious Profession. This was when 11 Sisters were going to take final vows – it was their wedding day! I was impressed as I panned the camera across the row of Sisters making their final vows. Some looked nervous, some looked calm, and others looked in ecstasy; eyes rolled up to the crucifix that hung above the altar of St. Henry's Church.

As a cameraman you're always looking for an interesting picture composition – be it lighting, framing, emotion, etc. I was not disappointed during the Mass! I think it was the third Sister to make her profession. I had a tight shot on her hand as she placed it on the bible and began her profession of vows.

"To the honour of Almighty God and under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of our Holy Father Saint Dominic, I make to God in your hands, Reverend Sister…"

And then I heard her voice crack.

I didn't even look up, but immediately re-framed to the Sisters face, checking to make sure it was in focus, and locking off my camera in a tight close-up.

Sister composed herself.

"…I make to God in your hands, Reverend Sister Ann Marie, Prioress General, the simple vows…."

She was struggling to continue.

"… of poverty, chastity, and obedience for all my life…"

Tears were welling up in her eyes.

"…according to the Rule of Saint Augustine…"

Tears were rolling down her cheeks at this point.

"….and the Constitutions of the Dominican Sisters of this Congregation of Saint Cecilia."

Poor Sister offered an embarrassed smile to Mother Ann Marie and apologized for being overcome by emotion.

If everything else failed during my trip, I would have been satisfied just to have filmed that moment. It was incredibly touching. It was beautiful beyond words. It was genuine emotion that couldn't help but pierce your soul. It wasn't a Sister shedding tears of regret, but it was a Sister shedding tears of love.

Absolutely stunning. These women are truly a witness to the love we all hope to experience in Heaven--some just get called to live this love sooner than others.

The springtime of the Church is upon us, and women like the Nashville Dominicans are living symbols of that. Praised be Jesus Christ!

"Eternal God, receive the sacrifice of my life for Your Church. Accept my heart and impress upon it the face of Your Son."
~St. Catherine of Siena

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Thank you for sharing this article.This was obviously an emotional experience for the cameraman and it would be lovely to see the actual video.

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Ave Maria Totus Tuus

Update: One of my friends was at the Final Vows Ceremony...she said it was even more stunning than these words could describe. When the Sister was getting choked up, she described the whole environment as though everything just stood still, and the beauty of the wholeness of religious life was just totally revealed. She said so many people in the audience were crying too!


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[quote name='Jennirom' post='1416537' date='Nov 9 2007, 09:01 AM']Thank you for sharing this article.This was obviously an emotional experience for the cameraman and it would be lovely to see the actual video.[/quote]

Ditto. That would be lovely!

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  • 7 months later...

Mallory!? Hey, was the Sister Sr. Miriam?! Regardless, beautiful photograph and story..ah!

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That is such a nice story, I didn't reply when I first read it but randomly throughout my normal daily tasks it just keeps popping into my head, so I thought I should say how much I LOVE IT. :blowkiss:

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