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Interview With Dust


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I don't remember this interview at all.

​You were pretty frazzled at the time. You had been awake for three straight days. Long stretches of the interview consisted of you either falling asleep with your eyes open or trying to, as you said, "play the air with my fingers--you know, like a nitrogen trumpet". Exhaustion does strange things to a man. Especially one afflicted with gigantism.

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Do you really breed ferrets? I know some people who did that, it was like their life. They had a separate part of the house for the ferrets and everything. They told me ferrets from pet stores come from ferret mills where they overbreed the ferrets and keep them in tiny cages, so if you buy a ferret it should always be from a responsible breeder. And apparently when female ferrets go into heat, if they don't get pregnant they'll die. Their whole house stank like male ferrets but they were in love with them... 

Edited by veritasluxmea
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This interview dates from 2007, and during the time I have been a Phatmass member (since 2010), I don't remember dUSt ever mentioning ferrets.

I can only assume that ferrets are no longer part of dUSt's life, and have been replaced by beer.

That may or may not be a good thing. :smokey:

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