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What Are You Giving Up For Lent?

Lil Red

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Rebirth flame

i'm thinkin about fasting and giving up the TV...

i was also going to go to Daily Mass, and spend around 9 hours a week in front of the Eucharist (cuz tha Eucharist is amesome!!!)

...and then maybe do my homework right away instead of procrastinating... :D

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I was really inspired by the Muslim students at school who fasted during Ramadan, but I always feel like I'm gonna pass out if I skip a meal. I don't think that sacrificing health is what Lent is about, is it?

It's so hard to think of stuff to give up w/o some ulterior motive: I would give up junk food/dessert b/c it's good for my health, movies/TV b/c I need to study more, (can't give up caring about my appearance b/c I don't usually do that anyway), I could volunteer b/c it would look good on my med school application, money b/c...wait, I don't have a job, um... Sometimes I get so caught up in the whole giving up stuff part of Lent that I forget it's FOR God.

I think this year I'll try and give up some time for God b/c that's the thing I'm most selfish about.

Immaculata, I like that poem :)

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PRM, that's what Lent is about, giving up something or giving in to be closer to God. Personally, I'm trying to move away from the whole giving up different foods/chocolate because it's NOT getting me closer to God, plus it seems like a cop-out. But that's just me! If giving up chocolate will get you closer to God, go for it!

Anybody else?

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it depends on the attitude that you go into the sacrifice with. if i'm giving up chocolate b/c i need to give something up and it'll also conveniently help my figure by eating less, and then i complain about it all the tiem and lose focus on God then i think that's bad. but if fasting can bring a person in closer communion w/ God by denying oneself and focusing on God, then that's a good attitude. it's all about the sacrifice and my attitude is always my problem.

i was thinking today that i really should give up phatmass for Lent b/c i spend so much time on it, if i denied myself that and prayed instead...wow!

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i think Muschi is also giving phatmass up for Lent. Now that's a sacrifice! :P Course if we all did it, phatmass would probably die.

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Last year I gave up caffeinated sodas and then my husband and I gave in by saying The Chaplet of Divine Mercy each day for a different intention.

I don't think I will be giving anything up this year, we will repeat the Chaplet a day thing, must figure out something else. Maybe we need to commit to one hour of adoration on Fridays or something similar.

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Well... I don't know yet, I use to give up soda, but I haven't been drinking soda. And Lil Red Devil did make a point, giving it up didn't make me grow closer to God, actually I just did it because I had to give something up. Below is what i'm gonna try to do...

1. Overcome a temptation (I'm trying that 21 day thingy cause I read about it today I'm on day 1)

2. Fasting once a week

3. Praying the divine mercy chaplet as Mariel does it as well.

4. Get up each morning and pray (I've been trying, my alarm has been set and beeps, but I'm just to lazy to get up)

5. Be nicer to a kid at school everyone makes fun of, and I have to admit I do so to. Nothing to be proud of, he smells really bad, he goes to the bathroom in his pantaloons, so I make fun of him and sometimes to his face. so I'm gonna be nicer to him!

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Giving up - chocolate. This may sound easy but I love chocolate and it's going to be so hard!

Giving in - To pray the rosary at least 2 times a week. I am lazy and usually do it once a month or so.

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  marielapin said:
Last year I gave up caffeinated sodas and then my husband and I gave in by saying The Chaplet of Divine Mercy each day for a different intention.

I don't think I will be giving anything up this year, we will repeat the Chaplet a day thing, must figure out something else. Maybe we need to commit to one hour of adoration on Fridays or something similar.

that's amesome!

1. Overcome a temptation (I'm trying that 21 day thingy cause I read about it today I'm on day 1)

2. Fasting once a week

3. Praying the divine mercy chaplet as Mariel does it as well.

4. Get up each morning and pray (I've been trying, my alarm has been set and beeps, but I'm just to lazy to get up)

5. Be nicer to a kid at school everyone makes fun of, and I have to admit I do so to. Nothing to be proud of, he smells really bad, he goes to the bathroom in his pantaloons, so I make fun of him and sometimes to his face. so I'm gonna be nicer to him!

wonderful aspirations, the rev!

Giving up - chocolate. This may sound easy but I love chocolate and it's going to be so hard!

Giving in - To pray the rosary at least 2 times a week. I am lazy and usually do it once a month or so.

Hey, a sacrifice is a sacrifice, right? ;)

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I'm not really giving anything up, but I'm trying to give in a lot:

1. Fast one meal a day. Use the meal time in adoration and/or prayer.

2. Pray one Rosary a day, with weekly intentions. (pray for the same intention every day for a week.)

This is what I've come up with so far. :)

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Seatbelt Blue

I'm giving up certain activities that are a detriment to the relationship between myself and God. I'm also going to do my best to get into a regular prayer groove.

"Dude, where were you? You missed the We Are Childhood Equals show!"

"Sorry, man. I got into a serious thing."

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