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I've been thinking the vast majority of the liberal democratics Catholics were educated in parochial schools in the era prior the the Second Vatican Council. Yet they have broken with Holy Mother Church on nearly every issue. Why do you think this is?

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Tom Daschle, Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi, John Kerry, Edward Kennedy amoung others were educated in private Catholic schools in the 1950's or earlier, yet they have strayed from Church teachings.

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A massive sociological shift in Western culture. Basically, the media spread the idea most effectively.. the purpose, sociologically, was to give more power to the market. If you can vilify all the old values, you give people free licence to fulfil their appetites as much as they want.

It's really not that difficult: they convinced people to throw off their upbringing by appealing to their appetites. We've been exporting that all over the world with our media systems, we've even begun to strongly undermine traditional islamic culture in the middle east, which is why their extremists hate us so much.

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[quote name='S][N' post='1411970' date='Oct 31 2007, 12:06 PM']
I think your incredibly ignorant and narrow minded.[/quote]

What is being said here is accuracte, not sure how this makes them narrow minded or ignorant...

Do you know what the Church teachings are and how they are missing the point on these issues???

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[quote name='Hashbrowns' post='1411999' date='Oct 31 2007, 01:31 PM']why are you suggesting a connection between catholic education and liberal politicians rejecting the Catholic faith?[/quote]

*shrugs* my (current) "catholic" education has done nothing to ensure orthodox faith among the youth. my school is a good academic school, but the theology department is a joke. i can't wait to leave.

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[quote name='Hashbrowns' post='1411999' date='Oct 31 2007, 01:31 PM']why are you suggesting a connection between catholic education and liberal politicians rejecting the Catholic faith?[/quote]
As with the above response, my Catholic education was hardly orthodox. I think we were morally better than our public school counterparts, but as far as a solid Catholic education, there really wasn't one. I had a nun who claimed to be a 'hippy nun'...

I didn't really learn about my faith until College.

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[quote name='rkwright' post='1412011' date='Oct 31 2007, 01:55 PM']As with the above response, my Catholic education was hardly orthodox. I think we were morally better than our public school counterparts, but as far as a solid Catholic education, there really wasn't one. I had a nun who claimed to be a 'hippy nun'...

I didn't really learn about my faith until College.[/quote]

i would say that is somewhat like my school, but my school is probably not quite that bad. the theology department here is just plain ignorant.

i can't wait to go to college next year.

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[quote name='S][N' post='1411970' date='Oct 31 2007, 12:06 PM']
I think [b]your [/b]incredibly ignorant and narrow minded.[/quote]

"Your" is possesive.

You're = you are.

As is, your sentence is incomplete. Here's a few that would work better:

"[b]I think your incredibly ignorant and narrow minded [/b]dog barks too much."

"[b]I think your incredibly ignorant and narrow minded [/b]wife needs to stop calling me."

See? Better.

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[quote name='dUSt' post='1412026' date='Oct 31 2007, 02:11 PM']"Your" is possesive.

You're = you are.

As is, your sentence is incomplete. Here's a few that would work better:

"[b]I think your incredibly ignorant and narrow minded [/b]dog barks too much."

"[b]I think your incredibly ignorant and narrow minded [/b]wife needs to stop calling me."

See? Better.[/quote]


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[quote name='dUSt' post='1412026' date='Oct 31 2007, 02:11 PM']"Your" is possesive.

You're = you are.

As is, your sentence is incomplete. Here's a few that would work better:

"[b]I think your incredibly ignorant and narrow minded [/b]dog barks too much."

"[b]I think your incredibly ignorant and narrow minded [/b]wife needs to stop calling me."

See? Better.[/quote]
That's my job.

But well done.

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[quote name='S][N' post='1411970' date='Oct 31 2007, 12:06 PM']
I think your incredibly ignorant and narrow minded.[/quote]

Elsewhere from S({})}[][][()()(N:

[quote]please keep your judgementalism (sic) to yourself.[/quote]

Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1411775' date='Oct 30 2007, 11:32 PM']I've been thinking the vast majority of the liberal democratics Catholics were educated in parochial schools in the era prior the the Second Vatican Council. Yet they have broken with Holy Mother Church on nearly every issue. Why do you think this is?[/quote]

Seems to me, raising a kid in Catholic schools is the best way to ensure they [i]don't[/i] become Catholic. How many people who are passionate about the faith were raised Catholic? I'll bet more than half of Phatmass folks were not... guess that means I better create a poll. :)

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