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Explain To Me How Dems At A National Level Are Not Crooked


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[quote name='BG45' post='1413896' date='Nov 3 2007, 09:36 PM']Thanks for the ad hominem attack IronMonk. I've studied both parties platforms, and yes, I agree the Republican platform lines up more with Christian values. Just because a party's platform does, does not mean that the individual politicians within that party do. My point was that there are corrupt politicians in both parties, and good politicians in both parties.

For example, there are pro-life Democrats, just as there are pro-choice Republicans. By paraphrasing me to say "see only corrupt reps" is putting words in my mouth; my point was that each party has corrupt politicians.

Anyhow, my reasoning for not replying at first had a great deal to do with what you quoted and twisted, as well as the following quote:
God Bless.[/quote]

Just wanted to say that in my oh so humble opinion, this is a brilliant post.

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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1413862' date='Nov 3 2007, 08:38 PM']trying to educate those who are ignorant[/quote]

That statement sums up the whole point of what is wrong with your posts, Ironmonk. I think most people (myself included) agree with you on your basic premise, but you lose credibility when you start making arrogant and ad hominems like that and make yourself the self appointed "one-man scripture and cathechism machine" who has to educate the masses and the burden is on everyone else to prove you wrong and until then everyone else is "ignorant" or a "communist".

You may be right about something, but nobody likes unnecessary arrogance.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='ironmonk' post='1413849' date='Nov 3 2007, 06:24 PM']"original logic"... "word vomit"... this is all you can come with?

Time to go read the Catechism and Scriptures a few times if you think you actually have a logical reason why it would be ok to vote for any of the dems at a national level or that they are not crooked.[/quote]
It's your personal attacks and sweeping generalizations I have a problem with. I never said that the democrats didn't generally support crooked ideas. I said that people themselves aren't crooked. Being creations of God, they aren't. They fall into the trap of sin and supporting sinful things, but all humans are beautiful because God has made them.

There are plenty of good people who are democrats, but don't support the party line of pro-choice or any other pro-death stances. Because of this, your argument that all democrats are crooked can easily be disproven. If I were to mention on democrat who is pro-life and a good Christian, your argument fails.

The point is, your logic is unoriginal because all you do is throw out generalizations and call everyone else who may disagree stupid.

You can swim around in your "correctness" all you want but that doesnt make you a good person, not in the least. God wants those who try to follow him and be holy, not people who can "win" debates.

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