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Why Is There So Much Hate?


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I look at the Debate Table in disgust. There's so many people attacking others. It's not for that. It's for debate. I understand that people don't always agree with each other, but to completely shut out certain groups? That's a little silly, and quite close-minded. Everything cannot be black and white. It's gotten so bad that I cannot take many people seriously anymore. It makes me sad. :(

Edited by rachael
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I disagree, I believe you are feeling happy.

(It's a debate table, I have to disagree)


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[quote name='CatholicCid' post='1410469' date='Oct 28 2007, 02:07 AM']I disagree, I believe you are feeling happy.

(It's a debate table, I have to disagree)

Fair enough. :lol_roll:

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[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1410482' date='Oct 28 2007, 02:13 AM']you all are chumps and this will be moved, methinks.[/quote]
probably. :sadder:

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On the actual topic, I do agree at times we need to respond with charity. At times I have wanted to respond with "Brother, have charity." As we preach Christ's love, we must also live and respond with it. Lest someone shall use our seeming hypocracy to harden their hearts and hold stubbornly onto their ground.
If someone is truly seeking the truth, I can see little reason to respond rashly or with anger.

However, there are times we must just stop debate and do as Christ says, shake the dUSt off our feet and leave that discussion with that person. Some seed shall fall onto barren soil and take no root.

+show up post!+

Edited by CatholicCid
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[b]Why Is There So Much Hate?[/b]
If I was to take a worldview perspective of it, I would deduce because there is so much fear, ignorance and/or misunderstanding.

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[quote name='rachael' post='1410381' date='Oct 28 2007, 01:33 AM']I look at the Debate Table in disgust. There's so many people attacking others. It's not for that. It's for debate. I understand that people don't always agree with each other, but to completely shut out certain groups? That's a little silly, and quite close-minded. Everything cannot be black and white. It's gotten so bad that I cannot take many people seriously anymore. It makes me sad. :([/quote]

It all depends on how you define debate and how you define attack.
For example, if A calls B a racist pig, that is an attack. However, if A says the idea put forth by B is racist in nature, that is not.
No particular group is shut out of debate board, very few people are ever edited or banned.
Few things in life are black and white [moral law being the usual exception], the challenge is usually to find your way with a sense of balance thru the grey zones. The older you get the easier and harder it becomes.

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