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Alternative Vocations


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there are people out here who love/live the Church and maybe are older adults, or in circumstances which
make them unacceptable as candidates for religious orders. maybe we are re-verts who missed the first
call from the Lord. is there a place for us?

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here is one community for older women.

I think there is also a carmelite order that I'm sure somebody will post.

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Here in England many monasteries will consider applications from older women. If there are factors other than your age involved, you need to speak to the superior at the place where you are looking and discern together. Don't base your enquiries soley on your past or on your age, but pray for guidance and let the Lord lead you wherever He wills - even if you end up in an unexpected place where you thought you would never have been accepted. It is important to remember that if the Lord has a call for you He will also have a home for you. :) Take your time - lots of prayer, lots of Bible study, lots of spiritual reading, etc. - and eventually the plan (and the place!) will become clearer.

If you want a few suggestions about where to start looking, I believe this [url="http://www.franciscanpoorclares.org/moreabout.htm"]community of Poor Clares[/url] is particularly happy to consider older women. :)

Of course, it could be that God wants you take up some important ministry as a laywoman. There are plenty of lay communities that devote themselves to serving God enthusiastically in all ways and all walks of life, sometimes requiring you to live in a shared community house and sometimes permitting you to live in your current home. What do you feel your heart most burning for? Monasteries and convents are not the only places where we can live for God.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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Sister Rose Therese

If you're looking for something other than religious life, there are secular third orders (like the secular franciscans, dominicans or carmelites) My grandmother and a great aunt were both secular franciscans. We have just recently in our diocese had two women consecrated as consecrated virgins. They continue to live on their own but it is a vowed life long commitment. They prefer that women making such a commitment be a little older I think.

If it is just a matter of age, many religious orders will make exceptions.

Edited by Sister Rose Therese
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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1409665' date='Oct 26 2007, 12:42 PM']Here in England many monasteries will consider applications from older women. If there are factors other than your age involved, you need to speak to the superior at the place where you are looking and discern together. Don't base your enquiries soley on your past or on your age, but pray for guidance and let the Lord lead you wherever He wills - even if you end up in an unexpected place where you thought you would never have been accepted. It is important to remember that if the Lord has a call for you He will also have a home for you. :) Take your time - lots of prayer, lots of Bible study, lots of spiritual reading, etc. - and eventually the plan (and the place!) will become clearer.

If you want a few suggestions about where to start looking, I believe this [url="http://www.franciscanpoorclares.org/moreabout.htm"]community of Poor Clares[/url] is particularly happy to consider older women. :)

Of course, it could be that God wants you take up some important ministry as a laywoman. There are plenty of lay communities that devote themselves to serving God enthusiastically in all ways and all walks of life, sometimes requiring you to live in a shared community house and sometimes permitting you to live in your current home. What do you feel your heart most burning for? Monasteries and convents are not the only places where we can live for God.[/quote]

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Guest sistersister

Angie, today many communities will consider older vocations. There is a website that has information to help: Consecrated Life is the name of it and they have a list of communities that will accept over-40 year olds. Check it out: www.consecratedlife.org

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I always thought there should be senior vocations. When your kids and grandkids are grown and off or you have none, you could join an order and live in community to pray and do good for others.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1409863' date='Oct 26 2007, 07:30 PM']I always thought there should be senior vocations. When your kids and grandkids are grown and off or you have none, you could join an order and live in community to pray and do good for others.[/quote]

It seems to me that living as a Third Order religious while living in communal life might be ideal in this situation.

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It is getting very difficult if you are over age 45 to find a community that will accept you. There are some, but you have to do your homework. Certain Visitations will, as will several Benedictine orders consider anyone over 45. Third orders/secular institutes are a definite way to go. I would be happy to talk to you about it, if you are interested, just email me. I am 54, so know a little about this. I must say it is quite disheartening for people who want to serve the church, yet communities will not take a chance. I am at the height of my career, fairly healthy and yet communities will treat you like you have the plague.

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The Sisters of St Benedict at Mt Benedict Monastery ( www.mbmutah.org ) will consider older women. They are currently working with some discerners who are up to 60 years old.


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