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New Minimum Wage


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[quote]i'm not saying everyone on a low income is like that, but what's the level we are trying to support here with a minimum wage? Anyone else think materialism has created a falsified sense of poverty in this country?[/quote]

it's definitely a good point. they don't need it all. i'd only add that i'm not advocating a lot, just that it exists. also, when some people have it all, in a country like ours, i don't think we should expect people to live in boxes in the name of not being materialistic. it's gotta be at least somewhat proportionate. ]
but like you said, not everything.

i'd argue that this is all about solidarity. a thoroughly catholic principle. but, alas, solidarity, much like subsidiarty, and many catholic principles, are so vaquely defined that they are not very helpful on much social policy. either side can claim it as their own, on many issues. (not that they are worthlessly vague, there is much merit and wisdom to them)

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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i might be wrong that you could just tie it to inflation. what might happen then, is employers just wouldn't be as liberal with giving out hours. i guess it's too hard to say.
but i still stand by the notion they could get two jobs, if it was really that crucial.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' post='1408413' date='Oct 24 2007, 09:42 AM']Oh yeah! Get off yer lazy duffs and work hard, earn raises, gain skillz, and stop making minimum wage! Worked for me......[/quote]

Although thats the idea that takes along time to do. Raises can be only cents on the dollar a year and its the only option for people who have little education. It works for some, but for many especally with the rising cost of housing, its not enough. Minimum wage increses at a faster rate.

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[quote name='JP2Iloveyou' post='1408948' date='Oct 25 2007, 01:15 AM']I'm not an economist, but for the time being, I am an assistant manager for a store in a major chain of grocery stores. I know in our case, when the minimum wage increases, we are just going to cut the hours of the kids it effects. The bottom line is we aren't going to pay a 14 or 15 year old kid $7.50 an hour to bag groceries. So, the end result is that the law will wind up hurting those it is intending to help.[/quote]

Yeah, there's no doubt that the minimum wage law keeps some people out of a job. It's simply a matter of balancing that negative effect against the positive effect of those who are paid more and raising the overall standard of living. Some people get their hours cut, but generally they are still better off than they would be if the law didn't exist.

[quote name='JP2Iloveyou' post='1408948' date='Oct 25 2007, 01:15 AM']Well, like everything else, choices have consequences and we as a society often times have no interest in consequences. Someone decided to buy a car instead of saving for college. Someone else decided to have a child as a teenager. Someone else racked up thousands in credit card debt. Those of us who have been responsible in society should not have to pay for the mistakes of others.[/quote]

What about the Church's role in helping them?

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my main point in starting this new thread was my new point-anyone can get a job if they want one for minimum wage. at least eventually. and fairly consistently.

the best argument against minimum wage, that i've heard, is that it destroys jobs. well, it's been here forever, and there's plenty of bottom of the barrel jobs out there.
this is the main point i wanted addressed.

so without that argument, does it come down to those against the wage simply think it's stealing from the rich?

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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